Bilingual Culture Magazine

Interview with Calamity Jane & Wild Bill ~Part 2~

Interview, Text&Translation: Moene Kamiya
Edit: Mina Komatsu, Mao Tanaka

マルモとベルリンを拠点に活動するシンセポップデュオ Calamity Jane & Wild Bill にリモートでロングインタビューを敢行。前後半に分けて公開する。
Wooly interviewed with Calamity Jane & Wild Bill, who is synth pop duo based in Malmö/Berlin.




  • JP
  • EN




《新しいEP Barabbas Tonight について》




エストリッド(以下:E):「We Pass in The Hallway」

イアン(以下:I):「Holiday」「Princess Diana」
どれか一つは選べないなぁ。「We Pass in the Hallway」も大好きだけど、「Holiday」と「Princess Diana」が特に好きかな。
「Princess Diana」は、楽しく聴ける曲。


・Desolation landは入らなかったね。

「Desolation Land」もまたふざけた歌詞なんだ。でも、この曲は、嘘偽りがないからこそ、悲しい曲になっているんだ。








・Barabbas Tonight に入っているそれぞれの曲について紹介してくれる?


―――Princess Diana



“Charmed, I’m sure! Do you have anything to drink? It feels like my heart’s gonna stop! Just pour me up some vodka Служанка Прозрела baby”
そして、この曲のポイントは、この曲のEPの名前である「Barabbas Tonight」と結びつくということ。
曲の中の “So put her on a cross I am Barabbas Tonight” という歌詞は、聴く人に謎かけをする側面があるんだ。
バラッバスはキリストが亡くなった時に釈放された人物。僕は、スウェーデン人の著者Pär Lagerkvistによる「Barabbas」という本を読んで、バラッバスが好きになった。
“So put her on a cross I am Barabbas Tonight”という歌詞の本当の意味は、実は僕もわからない。どう解釈したいかは人それぞれで、謎でもあるんだ。
僕らの楽曲では、ある文章やフレーズが、様々な曲の中で繰り返されている。“Secrets of the grave, secrets of the absolute grave” とかね。
“So put her on a cross I am Barabbas tonight” もそうなんだ。このフレーズは、謎を秘めている。いろんな曲に散りばめられている、なぞなぞみたいなものかな。







―――We pass in the Hallway

「We Pass in the Hallway」は、私の作ったドラムのベースと、イアンが作ったシンセサイザーのメロディーを組み合わせた。

I:僕は、Lamb of God(神の子羊)について考えていたから、それについて書いたよ。答えを探し求めること、もしくは、場所や人に何かをを期待することに関する話なんだ。現実では、何かに期待しているだけでは答えを見つけられないよね。
あと、”Shake the ass”(お尻を振ろう)って、一般的には恥ずかしいことだよね。でも、お尻を振って踊ることは楽しいと思うんだよ。特に男の人がそうなんだけど、本当に自分のしたいようにしていないんじゃないかな。もちろん、全ての人のことを言っている訳じゃ無いんだ。当然ながら、ダンスが好きで、すぐにダンスフロアを立ち去らない人もいる。でもやっぱり、ダンスフロアで男の人がお尻を振って踊っているのをあまり見ないのは、残念だよ。楽しいのにね。



―――Desolation land




Interviewed on 24th May, 2020




■Calamity Jane & Wild Bill
Estrid NymanとIan Mosi Memgårdによるシンセポップデュオ。
2017年に「The Absoulute Allegory」でデビュー。
2020年5月に、最新EP「Barabbas Tonight」をリリースした。

Calamity Jane & Wild Bill

Estrid Nyman

Ian Mosi Memgård

Spotify / BandCamp / Apple Music
SoundCloud / FaceBook / Instagram


Calamity Jane & Wild Billは、アメリカで警察により暴力を受けた方々や、人種差別と戦っている方々を支えるため、Black Lives Matterに、Calamity Jane & Wild Billの楽曲の収益すべてを寄付しています。
「Tout le monde déteste la police」という新曲を、BandCampにてリリースしました。BandCamp側に入るパーセンテージを除き、この曲のすべての収益がBlack Lives Matterの基金団体に寄付されます。また、これまでにリリースされた全ての曲のスリーミング配信による収益も、全て寄付されます。


Moene Kamiya
Artist/ Student
Currently learning printing art in Tama Art University, Japan

Mail / Instagram






[ About the latest EP Barabbas Tonight ]



Which one is your favorite song in the EP?

Estrid (E)::“We Pass in The Hallway”
It really speaks to me. I love the 80’s vibe to it, and it is also pretty experimental.The song consists of a lot of parts and it just comes as a surprise.
I love my part and Ian’s singing part on that song.

Ian (I):“Holiday” “Princess Diana”
I can’t make up my mind. I really like ”We pass in The Hallway”, but I like ”Holiday” and ”Princess Diana”.
“Princess Diana” is more of a fun song to listen to.
I guess “Holiday” reminds me of my younger days.
It makes me feel like I want to go on an adventure with someone, like “Pack your bags, and we are going to Marseille, babe. Take a walk alongside with me.”
It reminds me of these sorts of sentiments which I had when I was a teenager.


Desolation Land was not mentioned.

I:It’s not that I don’t like the song at all.
For me the lyrics of “Desolation Land” was also quite joky in a sense. However, It’s a song which becomes a sad song in a sincere way.
I remember when Estrid said “Why is this song so sad?”

E:It opens up emotions. I thought it was a sad song even though the lyrics are every joky.

I:It’s a bit like Mokushiroku(Apocalypse) in Japanese. 
It’s sad in that way for me.


Can you tell me about fun memories from when you were making this EP?

E:We did not actually see each other while recording this EP. We both stayed inside because of Corona. Do you have a fun memory, Ian?

I:If I have a memory from when we were making this EP, It’s been, I would say the conversations that we had while making all the songs.
You know, just like talking on the phone, not only about music but also about memories, corona, and about lives. We had really nice conversations, and constant contacts, I would say.
But like a fun memory…let me think.
I suppose one of the fun memories is making some songs that we worked on but did not make it in the EP. Going through different songs and being like “OMG, shall we have this song…”
I don’t know what exactly I can say, but it’s been really really fun making this EP.


Can you tell me about each song in the EP?


―――Princess Diana 

I:I recorded this song here in Berlin, and I used a completely different beat from the one that we ended up using.
I remember that I came up with the lyrics very fast. It was a very funny song to write.
I don't know exactly what I was aiming for, the message of the song or anything like that.
I am not saying making this song was a play on words either. However, with words and sentences, I was definitely trying to describe the character of Princess Diana, which I found very charming and compelling.

E:I was just pitching that song, but I needed to explain the meaning of this song for a streaming service.
When you upload a song on Spotify, you have the option to apply your song to get featured on their playlists.
You fill in questions about the song. When I came to the question regarding the meaning of the song, I had to stop and think for a while.
I didn’t exactly know what was right, but my final words were
“I think about having a good time as if I am princess Diana.”

I:But when I listen to the song now, I also imagine being treated like Princess Diana. The song begins with something like “Charmed, I’m sure! Do you have anything to drink? It feels like my heart’s gonna stop! Just pour me up some vodka Служанка Прозрела baby”.
I imagined everyone talking to you when you are being like super funny, nice, or whatever, and you feel like Princess Diana.
Also, one last point of this song is sort of tied into the EP’s name, “Barabbas Tonight”.
This part of the song “So put her on a cross I am Barabbas Tonight” also has an aspect that makes you wonder like “Hmm, but like, what does this mean?”
Obviously, barabbas was the person who got freed when Jesus died in his place. There’s a book I like, it’s called “Barabbas” by a Swedish author Pär Lagerkvist. That’s why I like the name Barabbas.
However, I really don’t know what “So put her on a cross I am Barabbas Tonight” means. I have no idea.
It is up to people, to interpret how they want. It's definitely a little bit of mystery.
In some of our songs, there are often certain sentences, or phrases that have been repeated in our previous songs such as “Secrets of the grave, secrets of the absolute grave”.
It’s the same thing as “So put her on a cross I am Barabbas tonight”. It has an enigma. It’s like a riddle which pops up in different songs.



E:I think the organ is an important part of this song.
In my opinion it’s a bit melancholic. It has sad elements to it like a sad melody. However, with the French words and everything, it’s also quite joky.
I wasn’t serious when I wrote the lyrics. I wanted it to be an easy and fun song to listen to.
Ian did an organ part, which is very dramatic, and the singing part is laid-back.

I:But I would say it makes a good contrast.
I had this melody which I had made, and I thought the melody was going along with the organ. Then I sent it to Estrid and said “Don’t you think we can make something with this melody?”.
Few days later she sent it back to me. She had already used the melody and made the song “Holiday”.
Basically the lyrics are by Estrid, and the melody is by me.

E:I was just listening to the organ part that Ian made. I added the drums to it and it had a pretty relaxing vibe to it. I thought of “going on the holiday” for some reason.
It is basically a story about somebody who is taking someone else along on a journey.
It doesn’t have a deep meaning in it. I was looking for a destination that would fit the lyrics well, and it became “We’re going to Marseille, baby”.

I:For me, I really love the sound of the organ. I used to go to quite a few concerts of organ in Berlin, actually.
And my ex was an organist, so I feel like I have a relation to it.
I definitely think an element of being lighthearted and this dramatic organ creates certain melancholiness in the song. It also specifically opens up the song.


―――We pass in the Hallway

E:That one was actually recorded in a studio last summer. Back then we recorded the song called “Twins”.
We started out with the drum base. Ian had the synth part, and I just combined those two.
About the lyrics, my part was about a small talk about when people mean to say something but just talk around it. They never get to the point.
Then your part comes in, Ian?

I:For my part, I was trying to figure out The Rime of the God. When I came up with that part, it sounded nice to me. The song pertains to looking for answers or expecting something from a place and a person. In reality, however, expecting something does not get you answers.
And you know, what’s the ideal scenario?
For example there might be two tragedies in the world, as I would like to quote Oscar Wilde’s saying now.
One, is getting what you want. And the other is not getting it. And the first one is much worse.
I think it’s not about getting what you want.
Not getting answers and what you want could be a good thing too.
Also “Shake the ass”, I am not too sure, but it is a shame in a way. I personally think there’s a certain aesthetic and pleasure in it. Especially with men though, they don’t really let go of themselves.
Of course I am not talking about all men. There are obviously a lot of guys who love to dance and don't leave the dance floor early. In general, I think it is a shame to not see guys shaking their asses and like “Going on” on the dance floor.
You know, they should.
There’s a character in this song. The character always wants answers. It is trying to figure out the mystery of life. It wonders “Why doesn't everyone feel the same way as me?”. However, there might be no answer, and not having an answer might be actually more ideal.
Everything that happens in this song takes place in the hallway. As Estrid said, there are people who make small talks and those who want to get answers. By "shake the ass", I talk about all the men at the party. There’s music playing but they are all sitting down and drinking beer on the sofa, while they could be standing up dancing, shaking their asses, and letting themselves get out of control.


―――Desolation land

E:That’s Ian’s song.
For me, it is about someone or something that happened in the past. They lost their chance, but we could have saved the world if they would have just taken my hand.
It’s all about comets. Like Ian said earlier, it’s pretty apocalyptic. However, it’s really a love song for somebody near you that you have lost or somebody you used to love.

I:I think what’s good at the end of the day is a love song, but this is also what I like so much about this song. Just generally using apocalypse, like if I may say a sentence in Japanese,
I think it’s very much 絶対運命黙示録 ( absolutely destined apocalypse ).
For me at least, it’s like saying that you have lost your love or that a relationship has ended. It often feels like the end of the world.
The comet has blown up and floodwaters have swept away. There would be only memories and intimacy left in your mind. It is the intimacy or connection you have shared with your beloved ones. You feel like "We could have saved our relationship if you would only have taken my hand, if you would have reached out to me more."
Generally about the song, I came up with the song on my synthesizer here at home. I came up with the melody and the lyric came to me quite easily. The lyrics also tickle my fancy. Obviously, what we’ve been trying to do is to give an explanation about the meaning, and the message. However, I think what’s nice about this song is that it’s something that one can be entertained by taking it lyrically. Imagine the comet hitting the Earth and the ocean, the water taking over and a big tsunami coming.That’s the whole idea.


Interviewed on 24th May, 2020




■Calamity Jane & Wild Bill
The synth-pop duo of Estrid Nyman and Ian Mosi Memgård, who are based in Malmö, Sweden / Berlin, Germany.
The two members explore new sounds, styles and concepts with synth and their voices.
They debut in 2017 by releasing the album “ The Absolute Allegory”.
The newest EP “Barabbas Tonight” was released in May, 2020.

Calamity Jane & Wild Bill

Estrid Nyman

Ian Mosi Memgård

Spotify / BandCamp / Apple Music
SoundCloud / FaceBook / Instagram


To support those affected by and fighting against police brutality in the U.S, they decided to donate all of their profits to Black Lives Matter. They released a new song called “Tout le monde déteste la police” on BandCamp. All profits go to the organization, except for the percentage that is charged by BandCamp. Also, all of their profits from previously released music on streaming services will be donated.


Moene Kamiya
Artist/ Student
Currently learning printmaking art in Tama Art University, Japan

Mail / Instagram