CRJ 最新チャート&PICK UP Vol.26

CRJ 最新チャート&PICK UP Vol.25

Interview, Text&Translation: Moene Kamiya
Edit: Mina Komatsu, Mao Tanaka
第一章 ホームパーティーでの出会い
第二章 二人とのインタビューセッション
Estrid Nyman
Ian Mosi Memgård
・音楽を聴き始めたのはいつ? 小さかった頃、大好きだった音楽は何だった?
ある日、9歳か10歳の頃、ロンドンで家族や親戚と空港に向かって車に乗っていた時、Daft Punkの “One More Time”が、ラジオで聴こえてきたんだ。
あと、その頃 iPodがとても人気な頃で、お兄ちゃんには「この曲をダウンロードしてくれる?」ってよくお願いしたよ。それが、自分が音楽の世界の虜になった頃の記憶だよ。
E&I:「Young Girl Out in Wisconsin」
そう、曲の名前はYoung Girl Out in Wisconsin、アメリカの……(笑)。
・今、ここで「Young Girl Out in Wisconsin」を聴いてみるね。
♪ E&I:(笑)。笑ってごめんね、これは、二人がすごく疲れている時、携帯のGarageBandで録音したんだ。
I:多くの初期の曲のことを言うと、多分、アイデアや文章、単語、もしくは感情やコンセプトを他の曲では思いついていたんだけど、「Young Girl Out in Wisconsin」ではそれが無かった。
E:それに、私はたまにCalamity Janeの役割になりきるから、それによって、曲は、よりショーのようになっていると思う。
・Calamity Janeはエストリッドで、Wild Billはイアンなんだね。
スウェーデンは固有の文化を持っているとも言えるし、 他の国の文化も多くあるから、そうでないとも言えると思う。
■Calamity Jane & Wild Bill
Estrid NymanとIan Mosi Memgårdによるシンセポップデュオ。
2017年に「The Absoulute Allegory」でデビュー。
2020年5月に、最新EP「Barabbas Tonight」をリリースした。
Spotify / BandCamp / Apple Music
SoundCloud / FaceBook / Instagram
Calamity Jane & Wild Billは、アメリカで警察により暴力を受けた方々や、人種差別と戦っている方々を支えるため、Black Lives Matterに、Calamity Jane & Wild Billの楽曲の収益すべてを寄付しています。
「Tout le monde déteste la police」という新曲を、BandCampにてリリースしました。BandCamp側に入るパーセンテージを除き、この曲のすべての収益がBlack Lives Matterの基金団体に寄付されます。また、これまでにリリースされた全ての曲のスリーミング配信による収益も、全て寄付されます。
■Moene Kamiya
Artist/ Student
Currently learning printing art in Tama Art University, Japan
Prologue: Meeting at a home party
The coronavirus was starting to spread. However, it was when the air transportation to the world had not been blocked yet.
I flew out of Japan on February 12th and headed to Berlin to see one of my friends, Val.
One day I went to Val’s friend, Fern’s birthday party.
Opening a large wooden door, there was a group of young people with bottles of liquor in the dark. The living room had been turned into a dance venue. There was a dining table with bottled beers and large silver plates of pasta, and a small balcony at the end of the floor.
Since I’m not very comfortable at places where there are large groups of people to begin with, I was little frightened.
Suddenly, someone spoke cheerfully to me.
A music-loving, kind, and funny person from Sweden called lan.
I was surprised at how close lan's face was at first, but I was glad that lan was looking me in the eyes and talking to me. I laughed so many times. He sang a Japanese Showa-era song that I didn't know, and a song by Jun Togawa in front of me.
I'll probably never forget these memories. For some reason, I was quite impressed.
After a few minutes of conversation between the two of us, I told lan that I wanted to go dancing alone.
In the middle of all the people I didn't know, my body didn't dance freely with me.
I went back to the kitchen and drank some beers.
Suddenly, I heard the song "Suki Suki Daisuki" by Jun Togawa playing, and I went to the floor to dance to it.
lan was there, and it was so much fun dancing together.
It was my dream to dance with my friends, and I think I was thrilled that it was coming true at that time.
Now, I never dreamed that I would be interviewing lan, and lan’s best friend Estrid.
Dialogue: Interview with CJ&WB
Estrid Nyman
Ian Mosi Memgård
[About music]
・When did you start listening to music? What was the music that you really liked when you were young?
Estrid (E):I have a lot of musicians in my family. My uncle, my dad, and my grandfather, we used to play music together.
I think I found my passion for music when I started listening to my dad’s records, mostly old rock music.
I think that’s when I realized that I wanted to be a rockstar.
That’s where my musical journey started. My grandfather taught me how to play the piano.
Ian (I):It’s funny because I was actually having a discussion today with a friend of mine about when we started listening to music and consumimg music.
I suppose I can’t say that I have been in a family of musicians but definitely music and dancing have always been with me. My mom always picked me up and danced with me.
So, from an early age I definitely have had an appreciation for dancing, takt, and even just for melodies.
However, if we are talking about when I started to consume music, or when I became interested in it, that would be when I watched a lot of music channels on TV back in Sweden. I remember sitting in front of the TV and watching all those music videos.
I had been to London when I was around 10 or 9, and we were driving with my family members and relatives to airport.
I heard the song “One More Time” by Daft Punk on the radio.
I asked one of my relatives “What song is this?” and was answered “This is One More Time”.
Of course I have heard of the song before. When I was even younger though, I remembered seeing the music video on TV.
I suppose my first time being a fan of the band and listening to all their music was Daft Punk.
I was dedicated in collecting and listening to their songs while driving. It was when iPods were very popular, so I always asked my big brother “Can you download this song for me?”.
That’s how I got into the music world.
When was your first time making music by yourself?
E:I think I started when I was around twelve because I got my first guitar then. It didn’t sound very good, but I learned how to write songs.
I found out that it was a very good way for me to express my feelings, so the writing part was as equally important to me as the musical part of it. And I just continued.
I:I think it was when I was in London. I moved there after high school when I was 19.
I had GarageBand on my phone. I recorded so many things on the app and played around with them. That's when I began creating music.
Also, when I was in elementary school, we had a choice of picking up extra subjects. I always had a music class back then.
Do you like playing live?
E:Yes, we love it.
We haven’t done that many lives because we live in different cities, but I think it’s great.
That’s where the magic happens.
I:I completely agree.
I think it’s always a thrill.
But, indeed, I feel I would like to play more shows together than we have done.
The times we played have been a lot of fun.
Why do you make synth pop music?
E:I think the reason we started to make synth pop music is because Ian had a synth, and we just started to play around with it. We improvised a lot of our early songs.
I:The synth was given as my birthday present when I was quite young. It’s called CASIO SA5.
It’s basically for children to play around with, but surprisingly it has a lot of different sounds, beats.
You can do many things.
So,the synth brought both of you together.
E:Yes, you can say that. That’s absolutely the first memory of two of us making music together.
I think the synth really shaped our sound. We’ve always been synth-based.
I:I think that the synth is such a fundamental part and a vital instrument in our sound.
How are the sounds recorded?
E:Few years ago we recorded our early songs with iPhone.
We recorded songs for the first album at a studio, and the EP was recorded at home.
I:Also, now we are back to DIY from home again.
What was the first song that you made together?
E&I:“Young Girl Out in Wisconsin”.
It’s on our SoundCloud.
E:We have a lot of songs on SoundCloud but they haven’t been released anywhere else.
The title is “Young Girl Out in Wisconsin”, in the United States… haha
I thought this title was an inside joke, like only you and your friends know.
Also it is a general reflection of what we are up to at that moment in our lives.
I feel a sense of humor by listening to your music.
I:Definitely. I think it began in a humorous way.
Generally when me and Estrid talk about certain songs, we just end up laughing so much.
I’m going to listen to “Young Girl Out in Wisconsin”.
♪ E&I:Haha… ( By listening to the song)
E:Sorry for laughing. It was recorded on GarageBand when we were very tired.
I think Ian & Estrid's voices match very well.
I:I don’t think the way of our singing is common.
E:We sing on different lines at the same time, which is quite weird but it works.
I:It certainly does.
This is also with a lot of those early songs. In the other songs, we might have had an idea or some sentences, words, general feelings, or concepts, but it wasn’t in “Young Girl Out in Wisconsin”.
E:Ian starts with a verse. Then in the second verse, I come in and sing about something completely different. We have our own parts in the same song. I think it is the common concept in our songs.
I:When I listen to our songs, my own things and Estrid’s own things are put together and it creates completely new meanings.
E:I also think that I sometimes adopt some kind of role play of Calamity Jane, and it becomes more like a show.
It is Calamity Jane who sings the lyrics.
So, Estrid is Calamity Jane, and Ian is Wild Bill, right?
E & I:Yes, you can say so.
[About the two of them]
How did you two meet ?
I:We met in high school, but I think the way we met was quite funny. We were in a social studies program. There was a square in the school, where students smoke inside, and I was there a lot.
I used to stand in the square and smoke.
E:Yes. He was always in the square. He was always in such a good mood, dancing, singing and talking.
Back in high school, I was kind of...you know...I hated life. I hated school and I hated everything.
And so, I was sitting there in my hoodie. I looked at Ian and the first thing I ever said to him was
“How can you be so happy all the time?” or “How can you have such an energy?”
I:Then we started to follow each other on social media.
I used to go to Copenhagen a lot for parties.
And I think I was alongside Estrid and asked her “Hey do you want to come along to Copenhagen?” and she was like “Yes, of course”.
Then we went to Copenhagen, and we went partying, basically. That's how it began.
Why did you start to make music together?
I:I think that it was by chance.
We came to my home one late night after we had been out, and we found this small synth that I had. Then we were like “Wow, let’s make some music”.
We started doing that, and I even think when we began doing it was like “Let’s make an EP”.
It was really direct, like “Let’s do this now.”
We posted the EP, and all our friends were like “Wow, you’re crazy!”
We continued this. It just happened.
E:That was four years ago.
I:I used to live in London, for about one and a half years.
When I came back from London, we started hanging out a lot in Lund again.
That is when we made the first EP.
How do you make music in the distance?
E:Usually if one of us gets the idea, we send it to the other person. Then the person can come with thoughts and ideas, perhaps requires something to themselves. We go back and forth until we are happy with the results.
I think it works pretty well, even though the singing and the recording of vocals have been a little tricky.
A lot of today’s music is just made on computer anyway. We don't have a lot of instruments.
I:That’s true. We make the best work we have. Of course, it would be nice to be in a studio together and record something again though.
Now I live in Berlin, Estrid in Malmo. We still want to make music, and this has been how we’ve been going about.
E:It’s not ideal and it’s not as fun as being together.
We have a lot of creative stuff that happens when we are together. After the corona crisis is over, we can get together again.
I:I have a plan to come to Sweden soon when I have some time to get off work. We can record again. At least, we will be able to sit together and start from there instead of working through the internet.
Can you tell me the process and the roll division upon making music?
E:I think they could say Ian is the poet, and I’m the producer. Ian is very good with words. He comes up with nice beats and melodies. Of course, Ian records as well.
I'm good at technical stuff, and I do some creative stuff. Generally speaking though, I would say that it also depends on songs.
I:She said she is like a producer, but it varies.
We don’t have fixed rolls.
Do you think your roots have effect on your music?
I:Of course I think it is natural that one’s roots affect that person particularly pertaining to their personality. For example, my mom is from Tanzania. I listen to a lot of Tanzanian music, especially the music style called Taarab. However, I don’t think it’s my Tanzanian roots or my general upbringing in Sweden. I don’t think that has been necessarily the cause for an appreciation for other cultures.
I think that’s also very much just my own personality even though I’m Swedish, my mom is Tanzanian, and dad’s English.
Listening to music, looking at art from all over the world...I just think that it’s something that I enjoy a lot.
Different cultures and music always fascinate me in that sense. I don’t think it’s been my roots that have given me an international appreciation or whatever.
I just think it’s very much who I am as a person.
E:I do not feel a strong sense of having roots.
Both of my parents are from Sweden, and so are my grandparents.
I guess Sweden has its typical culture, but also not. It has cultures that have been affected by a lot of other countries as well. And so, I don’t feel a very strong sense of Swedish identities or having roots anyway.
I:I don’t think they have played such a big role in shaping my interests or my outlook on music. It’s quite aside from who I am and what I enjoy.
■Calamity Jane & Wild Bill
The synth-pop duo of Estrid Nyman and Ian Mosi Memgård, who are based in Malmö, Sweden / Berlin, Germany.
The two members explore new sounds, styles and concepts with synth and their voices.
They debut in 2017 by releasing the album “ The Absolute Allegory”.
The newest EP “Barabbas Tonight” was released in May, 2020.
Spotify / BandCamp / Apple Music
SoundCloud / FaceBook / Instagram
To support those affected by and fighting against police brutality in the U.S, they decided to donate all of their profits to Black Lives Matter. They released a new song called “Tout le monde déteste la police” on BandCamp. All profits go to the organization, except for the percentage that is charged by BandCamp. Also, all of their profits from previously released music on streaming services will be donated.
■Moene Kamiya
Artist/ Student
Currently learning printmaking art in Tama Art University, Japan