Bilingual Culture Magazine

Interview with Jesus Weekend

Interview & Text : Marino Murata
Translation : Karolina
Photo : Misuzu Tamori



  • JP
  • EN

モダン・ニューエイジなサウンドとクラシックな空気を漂わせ、聴く者を白昼夢の世界に誘うJesus Weekendを独占インタビュー。

デビューEP『Rudra no Namida』の裏側について迫る。


デビューEPの「Rudra no Namida」について、その背景のインスピレーションとはどこから来ているのですか?

「Rudra no Namida」ができるまでの数年、日々の生活の中から育まれた物語を音と縫い合わせて曲を書いていました。その中で涙が心の中で新しい種を育てる栄養のような役割を果たしているように感じたときがあって、そこから生まれたのが「Rudra no Namida」という曲です。


その神話の中の、目から涙が数滴地上に落ちて、そこから樹木が生えてくるというストーリーを知ったときに、曲と強く共鳴していると感じました。そして涙は普遍的でありながら、私的なテーマでもあったことからこのEP全体のテーマとなって「Rudra no Namida」EPが完成しました。




私の音楽制作の始まりは10代の終わり頃、友人の二人とバンドを始めたのが起源でした。今と同じJesus Weekendという名前で約2年間バンドで活動していました。その2年間で彼女たちと共にした経験は、私にとってとても重要な時間だったと今も感じます。



なぜJesus Weekendという名前がついたのですか?

私がこの名前を自身の音楽につけたのは、先ほど話した10代の頃にやっていたバンド名として使い始めたのが最初で、当時バンドメンバーだった友人とスタジオで寝転びながら音楽を聴いていました。そのときVelvet undergroundのJesusという曲を聴いていて、私たちは自分たちの居場所を見つけたような、とても穏やかな気持ちになって、その曲に包まれた時の感覚に強く惹かれました。私は無宗教なのですがJesusという曲名通り、神聖な気分で、何か信じられる安心した場所を見つけたような。そしてその日は週末だったので、Jesus Weekendと名付けました。


私にとってJesus Weekendは場所や空間のようなものです。

















◆Jesus Weekend

日本の女性音楽家Jesus WeekendことSeira Nishigami。2021年に発表したデビューEP『Rudra no Namida』は、カルト的な人気を誇り1st、2ndプレス共に即完売した。更に今年3月には三軒茶屋のレコードショップ「Kankyō Records」がレーベル第一弾として発表したインセンスオイルと音楽をセットにしたプロダクト“Sound Incense & Incense Sound”に参加したアルバム“Murmurs”がリリースされ話題を呼んでいる。





With her modern new age sound and classical notes, Jesus Weekend invites listeners into a world of daydreams. Read about the story behind her debut EP “Rudra no Namida” and more, in this exclusive interview.


To start, please share about the inspiration behind your debut single Rudra no Namida.

In the years leading up to releasing Rudra no Namida, I was mostly writing songs by combining sounds with stories from my daily life. This was also when I first started to feel like tears played an important role in nourishing new seeds to grow within a person’s heart – which is how the song Rudra no Namida was born. When I finished the song and was thinking of a title I first heard about the Hindu legend of Rudraksha – Rudra no Namida in Japanese. Learning about the story of how a tree grew from a few tears falling to the ground, I strongly felt that it resonated with my song. While tears are universal, it was a very personal theme for me, which also became the theme for the whole EP, and thus the Rudra no Namida EP was completed.



How did you first start making music, and how have you evolved from there?

I started to make music in my late teens when me and two friends created a band together. We were in the band for about two years, using the same name I do now – Jesus Weekend. To this day I believe that these two years, with everything we experienced together, was a very important time for me. After quitting the band, I couldn’t imagine myself immediately working on my own music. However, I did begin experimenting in ways of expressing myself for a couple of years and slowly found a way to express myself in what I make. 

As an artist, I am still very much evolving but I’m enjoying the journey. I continuously work on finding new ways to express myself and do music sessions with musician friends who I look up to.


Why did you choose the name Jesus Weekend?

Jesus Weekend was originally the name of the band I mentioned earlier, from when I was a teenager. One day me and another band member were chilling on the studio floor and listening to music. When the song Jesus by Velvet Underground played, we were overwhelmed with a peaceful feeling, like we had found our place in the world. The feeling of getting wrapped up in a song like that was very impactful and, while I am not religious, it felt like a sacred moment – like the song title Jesus might imply. At that moment I had found a safe place where I could believe in something. Also, since this day was on a weekend, we combined it into Jesus Weekend.

Even after becoming a solo artist and releasing an EP, sharing my music under that name felt meaningful. This is why I decided to continue using it. For me, Jesus Weekend represents a special place or space.



How has making music influenced you?
Making music is like creating a memento of time for me. In many ways it is a source of inspiration and plays an important role to understand myself better, and to connect with the world around me. When I’m making a song I often feel that it is easier to express the things which are hard to put into words.

Music is not something to fully understand, it is there for an unexplainable reason. This is why music can move people, elevate our spirits, emotions, and sensitivity, as well as create opportunities for us to notice new things.


What do you seek from your next song or album? Or is there anything in particular you are interested in?

Recently, I have been focusing on completing a piece which I have been working on for the past two years. The work is a bit complicated and will still take some more time before coming together, but I am enjoying the process.

Once finished, I would like to hold an exhibition. However, at this point I am not sure how things will turn out (laugh).

One of my other recent interests is to work on a small field which I’ve had for the past 1.5 years. I mainly grow things to eat at home or to share with friends, but I would like to upgrade it sometime. Right now I don’t have a lot of time, so while studying and putting in the physical work, I hope to gradually bring it closer to what I want it to be…! (laugh)


Finally, how do you feel right now, just ahead of your first time performing in Fukuoka?

I have always wanted to go to Fukuoka. So, being able to come here for this performance is really exciting, and I am looking forward to it.



Jesus Weekend

Seira Nishigami, aka Jesus Weekend, is a Japanese female musician who released her debut EP “Rudra no Namida” in 2021. The song became a cult hit and both the first and second pressings sold out immediately. In March of this year, Nishigami released her album “Murmurs” as part of “Sound Incense & Incense Sound” – a product which combines incense oil and music. As the first release by Kankyo Records, a record store in Tokyo’s Sangenjaya area, the album has already garnered a lot of attention.