Bilingual Culture Magazine

Interview with Rina Yamawaki ~carbon & blanc solo exhibition~

Text/Interview: Kanon Yagi

自分探しの旅先で出会ったチョークアートに感銘を受けたことから、それ以降自分自身を表現する場として活動を続け、今年、初の関東圏での個展を終えたばかりのRina Yamawakiにインタビュー。

We interviewed with Rina Yamawaki, who was inspired by the chalk art she encountered on her journey of self-discovery and has since continued to use it as a place to express herself, and just completed her first solo exhibition in Kanto area this year.

  • JP
  • EN



Rina Yamawakiの動物や食べ物、木材を掛け合わせた作品からは何処となく”生命力”を感じる。この魅力を生み出す秘訣を探った。








◆ Rina Yamawaki

-How did you feel after your first solo exhibition in Shonan?-

This way my first exhibition except for my hometown in Kyushu so I was thankful for this opportunity and I was glad that a lot more people were able to see my artwork. And also there was sort of similarities with the seaside view of Shonan and Gold Coast in Australia, which is my starting point of chalk art, so I felt a connection and it reminded me of when I used to live there at that time.

Rina Yamawaki’s works that combines animals, food, and wood give us a sense of “life force”. We asked her about the secret of creating this charm.
-Is there anything that you do it consciously when creating the unique worldview of your work?-

Yes. Actually, I’ve started to draw the animals because of TV documentary program. I felt a great deal of power from the way animals live in nature, and I began to reflect that in my own paintings. I usually try to consciously observe the eyes of animals, so that I can feel their life force the most.

-I heard that you usually use scrap woods. What’s the story behind the scrap woods?-

At first, I used a blackboard or ready-made woods I don’t know why but it didn’t feel right at the time. But then,
I visited an event where construction company reuses waste materials from their remodeling projects as art and room interiors. I thought that’s exactly what I had been looking for.

-It’s so wonderful to see things that should have been discarded being reborn as an art.
Each of your works capture a different expression, where does the inspiration come from?-

I often draw images and landscape I dreamed of. An image that flows in when I close my eyes. It’s like what’s stored in my head is being outputted as a dream. Moreover, I can pretty much remember my dreams even after I wake up. When I go to sleep again, I can continue to see the rest of the dream. I really don’t know why. In a way, it could be one of my
I also value my intuition very much.I feel that my inner self is more expressed in my works recently.

-Last question, What does art mean to you in your life?-

My day job is the opposite of painting, so I feel a sense of happiness and purpose in my life that I can’t get in my job. It’s like a parallel universe, with different selves in different world. Since I started chalk art, I met many people, including people in art industry. I feel like this is my purpose in life Art is also a way to connect with people.

◆ Rina Yamawaki
From Nagasaki, during the day she works as an essential worker, but also has a face of being a chalk artist. She has encountered chalk art during a trip to study in Australia, she has been creating various works with her unique sensibility and technique since returning to Japan. Recently, she has expanded her activities to include her first solo exhibition in the Kanto area. She is also planning to hold exhibitions at newly opened galleries in Shibuya and Chofu this fall.