1限目は、鶴田正人による『 アートがある台所』をテーマに、福岡アジアアートウィークで好評だった画家のアート作品を紹介。



“Waiting” by Hajime Kuwazono & Yushi Dangami
今回は「味噌丸・醤油丸 茅乃舎生七味を添えて」、「テリーヌショコラの金柑添え」の2品。


2019年5月12日、茅乃舎 博多リバレイン店にて開催された。
住所: 〒812ー0027 福岡県福岡市博多区下川端町3ー1 博多リバレインモール1F 茅乃舎の台所
Knowing high-qualified beauties and traditional technique, “Kayanoya college” has started this spring to acquire special cuisine and an elegant life style.
For the first event on May 12th, themed “the kitchen with art”, some art pieces and collaborated sweets were introduced.
At the first period, Masato Tsuruta introduced the art works by the painter who gained good reviews during Fukuoka Asia Art Week last February.

The two chalk art displayed in the center of table are created by Rina Yamawaki, using scrap wood.
She studied English in Australia and enjoyed surfing there, but she happened to get interested in a chalk art board in a café. That’s how she started to dive into the world of art.
The chalk art can be displayed anywhere as well as in a kitchen, of course.
She mainly pints animals and plant, so they’re definitely suitable to cafes and restaurants.
In Nagasaki, her home town, there’s a café where you can see her work.
The next artist is Hajime Kuwazono, painting with his own created pastels. He makes pastels by mixing pigment and soil.

He told us the story behind making a piece on the wall. This is one of the series three or four years ago. Before that he was mainly working on portraits.
When he became inconsistent and couldn’t decide what to do, a friend of him mentioned about drawing on paper, and he started pastels as he spent the time.There was no theme or aims, but he just put colours on paper, as resetting himself.
During the creation, he finally found his intentional feelings and moves, and talked deeply to himself.
He uses paper called MBM from France, and he’s fascinated by the fluency of pastels, not like paints which will be solid after a while.

Three pieces in the frame are especially painted for this event. From the pastels, for the work featuring pink, he used the solid of Kyoto.
He used to work for an Israeli restaurant when he was a student in Kyoto. He’s inspired by the earth colours of spices he grinded during his part-time job.
“Waiting” by Hajime Kuwazono & Yushi Dangami
It’s still a problem to find how to support new artists in Fukuoka after they graduate. Art is more valuable than stocks and you can enjoy it to invest in, as Tsuruta said.
For the second period, Shoko Miyazaki demonstrated sweets collaborated with seasonings of Kayanoya.
There were two dishes, “Miso-maru, Shoyu-maru with the spice of Kayanoya” and “chocolate terrine with a small orange”.

She used Kayanoya Jyukkoku-miso for miso-maru, and Kayanoya Tamagokake-Shoyu for shoyu-maru, and they enjoyed them with red pepper. A well-baked financier was a new type sweet tasting and smelling of miso and soy sauce.

This private school ended with the tasty sweet and Japanese sake, surrounded by art works.
The unexpected collaboration of art and sweet encouraged new interchange and imagination.