Interview&Text: Risa Ikeda
AsahiNaが参加するグループ展「揺れる目、浅い眠り」がBnA Alter Museumにて、8月22日まで開催中。
机に向かうだけの勉強ではなくアート、エンタメ、音楽など身体で感じて心が震えるような学びを与えたいと願う彼女の目は彼女の作品のように清く透き通っていた。技術とアートが混ざり合う彼女の作品は見る者に現代を生きている感覚、常に進み続けている時代を特異な感覚として与えるだろう。展覧会は8月22日まで。展示作品はOIL by 美術手帖にて販売されている。そちらもぜひお見逃しなく。
また、8月7日のレセプションではAsaniNaによるライブペインティングも開催予定。夢幻的だが現代的なこの空間で彼女の言葉、姿勢、作品から溢れる情熱をぜひ肌で感じて体感してほしい。新型コロナウイルス対策により人数制限があるため、BnA Alter Museum公式ページにてご確認ください。
2000年、山梨県生まれ。3DCGアート、グラフィックデザインを独学で習得後、2019年より制作を開始。主な展覧会は「home」(2020年/オンライン)、「asahina 2020」(2020/大阪)。
会場:BnA Alter Museum 1/2F
The exhibition “Yurerume, Asainemuri” features works by six artists born between 1990 and 2000. In this space created by their digital native generation, we can feel a fanciful and alien feeling.
AsahiNa is an artist who creates watery and glossy designs using digital technology, and her designs are so realistic that you can feel the texture on your skin. However, the touch of the design, which is different from that of a photograph or a painting, overflows with a unique view of the world. As a leader of a generation of digital natives, she values such sense of discomfort in her work. The digital and fanciful works of art in the old streets of Kyoto gives us such a strange feeling. She says that she enjoys the fact that it is easy to share her senses in society today and create things digitally. She has a dream to not only transmit art as an expression but also to educate people to give them options. Here is a part of an interview of her, with such passion.
How did you first become interested in art?
I didn’t have any particular reason for it. I’ve been doing graphics ever since I first became interested in art, but I always wanted to be a designer rather than an artist. I just wasn’t cut out to be a designer. I was often scolded for not being able to express myself very well.
What is the source of inspiration for your work?
I’ve always liked shiny things. My friends call me “a texture geek”. When I lived in my parents’ house surrounded by nature, I saw a lot of water shining in. That’s what I’m trying to express digitally.
What are your thoughts on this exhibition?
I believe that myself and the other five artists participating in this exhibition are the digital native generation. It has become commonplace to be able to send out information on social networking service and to create things digitally. I think that’s fun because it makes it easier to share our senses.
What are your future plans and dreams?
I believe that the culture of mixture is important for the generation after the year 2000. It is very difficult to create something new because most of the things in the world are already made. What I think is not progressing is that technology and art are at two extremes. People with skills don’t want to do art, and people who do art are less inclined to acquire skills. I’m in this style because I want to be in between. I want to mix people and cultures, and I want to be the first to do so.
Her eyes were as clear and pure as her works of art, as she wished to give the people the opportunity to learn not only by sitting at a desk, but also through art, entertainment, and music that they could feel with their bodies and tremble in their hearts. Her works, which is a mixture of technology and art, will give viewers a unique sense of living in the modern age, an age that is constantly advancing. The works at the exhibition are available for purchase at OIL by Bijutsu Techo. Don’t miss it.
There will also be live painting by AsahiNa at the reception on August 7. In this dreamlike yet contemporary space, I hope you will experience her words, her attitude, and the passion overflowing from her works. The exhibition is limiting the number of customers due to the coronavirus.
Born in Yamanashi,2000. After learning 3DCG art and graphic design on her own, she started creating in 2019. Her major exhibitions are “home” (2020/Online) and “asahina” (2020/Osaka).
■ “Yurerume, Asainemuri”
Opening Hours: 11:00∼18:00
Participating Artists: AsahiNa, ikik,Yuriko Iyanaga, Koharu Uchino,Sae Fujita,Maya Yajima
Place: BnA Alter Museum 1/2F
Address:267-1, Tenma-cho,Shimogyo-ku,Kyoto-shi,Kyoto