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Wooly Magazine Vol.30 Web Store Open!


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Wooly Magazine初となるオンラインストアが3月18日より遂にローンチ!
最新号Wooly Magazine Vol.30-17th anniversary-の魅力を徹底解剖!!

トップカバーには見た者を一瞬で虜にする独自の世界観を持つモデルのAshleyを起用。そしてWooly Magazineの卒業生を含めた、現役で活躍する若きクリエイターと若者から高い支持を得ている今注目のハンドメイドアクセサリーブランド『whim』がタッグを組み、次世代を彩る魅力溢れる表紙に仕上げた。

本号のテーマとなった”Take a look closer”。
その活動の軸となる根本に迫ったインタビューページでは”Your Neighborhood”と題し、現在の活動に影響を与えた身の回りの出来事や、自分自身を形成したもの、さらに今後の未来計画までクリエイターの背景が存分に垣間見える。

また17周年記念号でもある本号では、NYLON JAPAN編集長や現在様々なクリエイティブ業界で活躍しているWoolyの卒業生、さらには今注目のアーティストなどスペシャルなゲストクリエイター達もお迎えし、豪華な一冊となった。



-Wooly Vol.30-
Web Store URL:

Wooly Magazine launches web store on March 18th.
Here is the in-depth analysis of what Vol.30 -17th anniversary- has to offer!

We teamed up with a popular upcoming handmade accessory brand called “whim” for the cover of the magazine, and Ashley, the cover model brings certain look and feel. This joined project features young creators including ex-wooly members.

The theme of this issue is “Take a look closer”.
In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, we are inundated with information. Sometimes, only your knowledge keeps increasing and the amount of your experience stay the same, yet you have a moment when you feel like you could be anyone. You have to keep your eyes open so that you can find something that brings happiness to your life and moves your heart. There’s a lot of overwhelming choices in this world today, and It’ll take time to find out. If you look for it, you might be surprised to realize something so close.
We wonder what reflects in the eyes of the creators who specialized in a certain field and carved out various paths for themselves? How did they form their originality?
That was something we wanted to know. In the interview page “Your neighborhood”, you can find out the incidents that impacted the creators, what formed them and how they plan their future.

This 17th anniversary issue also features guest creators, such as the editor-in-chief of NYLON JAPAN, and Wooly graduates who are currently actively working in various creative industries, and upcoming artists.

The Covid-19 pandemic has given us more time to face myself and reflect on yourself, and we believe that many people have realized the importance of taking the time to look closely and observe. We would like to encourage you to slow down a bit and look back on the days that are constantly coming and going, it may be just a little while you have this book in your hands. You will notice something important that you may have missed.

We hope this magazine will be a small opportunity to help enrich your life.

-Wooly Vol.30-

Web Store URL: