Explore your Source – KYOTOGRAPHIE 2024 Report-

Shiori Ota Photo Show “Giant Pink Star” Pre-show Interview

OVERGROUND “SCREW DRIVER ART SHOW” -Interview with Yurika Matsumura-
Edit: Anna Yano, Megumi Sato
Translation: Fuko Matsumoto
Photo: Reo Nagasawa
福岡・博多駅、天神からほど近い商店街、通称 元祖博多の台所、美野島商店街の近くに2022年9月にオープンした、約600㎡のコンクリート打ち放しのアートスペースOVERGROUND。
若手アーティストたちが自由に表現する場を提供し、人と人が自由に交流し思考できる福岡の新しいアートスポットとして注目されつつあるOVER GROUNDでは、art pod 99との共同キュレーションによる、20代の若手作家の作品が中心の展覧会 ”SCREW DRIVER ART SHOW” が2023年2月10月から2月20日まで開催中。
福岡や九州を拠点に活動するアーティストや学生の作品が展示されている中で、今回wooly 編集部が注目したのは、一つのキャンバスに映像の元となる連続写真を描き、再び映像にする試みを『Footage Paintings』と名付け、制作を行う長崎出身のアーティスト松村優里香。フィルム オン キャンバスという斬新な手法が印象残った、彼女に話を伺った。
今回は”WAVES”をテーマに、スマートフォンで撮影した波の動画をもとに描いた絵画作品、アニメーションをつくってます。昨今、さまざまな動画のフォーマットが興隆を極めていますが、中でもTikTokやYouTube Shortsなどの縦動画に着目し、縦構図の映像になるよう制作しております。波のように現れては一瞬で消えてゆく、ショート動画のアンチテーゼとなることを目的としています。一瞬たりとも同じ瞬間はない美しい波の様相を描き、変わらずとも変わりゆく、普遍的な波を捉え絵画の中に記録しています。
◆松村優里香 Yurika Matsumura
再び映像にする試みを『Footage Paintings』と名付け、制作。
「Layers of beauty」shimabara design art lab
「いつか誰かが見た景色」 NGS COFFEE®︎
「Footage Paintings 時のあしあと」art pod99
「Footage Paintings WAVES」HafH Fukuoka THE LIFE
「KWAVE 」博多阪急8階
「久留米まちなか美術館」 マツノデブリ
2月10日から2月20日まで、OVERGROUNDにて開催中の”SCREW DRIVER ART SHOW”。会場には「art pod cafe」も併設し、美味しいコーヒーを飲みながら作品を鑑賞をすることができる。ぜひこの機会に足を運んでみてはいかが。
また、”SCREW DRIVER ART SHOW” 毎年2月、OVERGROUNDでの定例イベントになる予定とのこと。OVER GROUNDでは、来月からロンドンのデザイン・アートユニットによるエキシビションを予定。今後も彼らが創造する、若手作家の自由な表現を体感できる企画に目が離せない。
会期:2023/02/10(金) – 2023/02/20(月)13:00-19:00
福岡市博多区美野島1-17-5 寿ビル2F
2f-1-17-5 Minoshima, Hakata-ku Fukuoka 812-0017 Japan
参加作家 @instagram:
真崎茜 @masaki_akane / Teppei @teppei9616 / Yon (Riku Yamagumi) @yon_cc1998
村上淳志 @atsushiiimakarum / ナナナ @nan_ana6
山中智郎 @yamanakatomoro / 井上舜太 @inoue_shunta
坂口隼人 @skgc_hyt / Mai Komiya @komiyummy
坂田桃歌 @taogebatian / Simon @s.simon000 / 松村優里香 @yurika_painting
Sharol Xiao @sharol_xiao / Hoho @hohoiiv
新村葉月 @haduki_shimmura / 谷垣華 @panchoriina / 南村杞憂 @kiyunamura
OVERGROUND is attracting attention as Fukuoka’s new art space that provides a space for young artists to exhibit their free expression and for people to freely interact and converse. The space is currently holding an exhibition “SCREW DRIVER ART SHOW,” curated in joint with art pod 99, centered around pieces created by young artists in their 20s, from February 10th to 20th 2023.
One of the highlights of this exhibition is to see how these artists (mainly from Kyushu) of “Generation Z” receive influence from animation and our surroundings in the era of digital technology, and how they make sense of this and incorporate it into their way of expressions.
With exhibited works by artists and students who are based and active in Fukuoka and Kyushu, the Wooly editor team focused on artist Yurika Matsumura from Nagasaki. She creates works under the name of “Footage Paintings,” which attempts to draw serial drawings that are the base of video footage on a single canvas and put it back to video once more. This new and original technique of film on canvas left an impression, and we asked her some questions.
Can you give us your thoughts on participating in this SCREW DRIVE ART SHOW?
I’m very honored and happy to be able to exhibit at such a place like OVERGROUND. I received quite a lot of inspiration as this show gathered artists who are in their twenties – I was able to see works by artists of the same generation as me, and had the opportunity to listen to stories by the participating artists.
Please tell us about your theme and concept of this exhibition.
This time with “WAVES” as the theme, I created drawings and animated works based on video footage of waves that I took on my phone. Currently, a variety of video formats are reaching the peak of prosperity. Among those I focused on vertical videos such as TikToks and YouTube Shorts and am creating videos which form a vertical composition. I aim to portray the antithesis of short videos, which appear and disappear in an instant like a wave. I draw and depict the aspects of beautiful waves that are never the same in any moment, and capture and record the universality of waves that never change but change.
Do any factors of being in Nagasaki, Kyushu influence your production process?
I was born in an environment surrounded by the rivers and mountains of Nagasaki, and nature was familiar to me, so I think it influences me greatly when choosing motifs. Although it was difficult to gather information about exhibitions and the art scene as my environment was isolated from the urban cities, I believe that there are parts where originality is nurtured from that.
Please let us know if there are any cities or countries that you would like to challenge in having an exhibition at.
Tokyo: By having an exhibition in Tokyo which is the center of Japan, I would like to have more people view my works.
London: The exhibition that I saw in Tate Modern when I visited as a student has left a strong impression on me. I dream to have the opportunity to revisit as a participant of an exhibition.
◆Yurika Matsumura
Instagram: @yurika_painting
Born in 1996, Nagasaki Prefecture
Exhibiting works from 2020 in solo and group shows.
Creating works under the name of “Footage Paintings,” which attempts to draw serial drawings that are the base of video footage on a single canvas and put it back to video once more.
Solo exhibitions:
“Layers of beauty” shimabara design art lab
“Itsuka darekaga mita keshiki (the scenery that someone once saw)” NGS COFFEE®︎
“Footage Paintings toki no ashiato (the footprints of time)” art pod 99
“Footage Paintings WAVES” HafH Fukuoka THE LIFE
Group exhibitions:
“KWAVE” Hakata Hankyu 8F
“Kurume Machinaka bijutsukan” Matsunodeburi
“SCREW DRIVER ART SHOW” is being held at OVERGROUND from February 10th to the 20th. Also at the venue is “art pod cafe,” where visitors can view the artworks while enjoying a cup of coffee. How about taking this opportunity to visit?
Also, it is being planned for the “SCREW DRIVER ART SHOW” to become a yearly event held every February at OVERGROUND. From next month, an exhibition by a design and art unit from London will be held. We are eager to follow and see the projects they produce, where we are able to experience the free expressions of young artists.
Date: 2023/02/10 (Friday) – 2023/02/20 (Monday), 13:00-19:00
Entrance free
812-0017 Fukuoka, Hakata-ku, Minoshima 1-17-5 Kotobuki Building 2F
Official site: https://overground.asia/
Instagram: @overgroundasia