Interview & Text: Yuka Shimayoshi
Photo: Reina Tokonami
Wooly interviewed with the girl skate crew “The Skate Kitchen” as the film is being released in cinemas.
ニューヨークのガールズスケーターたちの日常を描いた映画『スケート・キッチン』が現在公開中。Miu Miuのショートフィルムプロジェクト「Miu Miu Women’s Tales」の1本として、2016年に公開された「That One Day」という短編がもとになっている。実在するガールズスケートクルー「スケート・キッチン」のメンバーがメインキャストとして演じているほか、ジェイデン・スミスも出演。
Miu Miuのショートフィルムをきっかけにメンバーが集まったということですが、映画の制作に関わったほかに普段はクルーとしてどんなことをしているんですか?
(c)2017 Skate Girl Film LLC.
“Skate Kitchen”, a film capturing an all female skate crew in New York is now being shown in cinemas in Japan. It’s based on the short film “That One Day” in 2016, as one of Miu Miu’s short film projects called “Miu Miu Women’s Tales”. The real skate crew “The Skate Kitchen” is starring as main casts, as well as Jaden Smith.
The name ‘Skate kitchen’ comes from the comments on girl’s skating videos on YouTube that say “go back to the kitchen.” Their skating in the film seem enjoy their time and show that they’re supposed to be on streets or in skate parks.
Wooly interviewed with 4 of 7 members of the crew, Kabrina Adams, Jules Lorenzo, Brenn Lorenzo and Ajani Russel, as the film is being released in cinemas this month. (In the top photo, right to left, Kabrina, Jules, Brenn and Ajani)
-Along with the skating scene, I liked the conversation you have such as about whether you use tampons or the relationship. How did you decide the dialogue and other details in the film?
Jules: Before starting writing the film, we just talked to Crystal about the real experiences we had, like skating or just our general lives and she’s collected our stories and kind of put it together to make it into a movie. And also when she finally wrote the script, she would have us read it and made it sound authentic and real, you’d actually say this in person, like “oh hello fellow kids I’m a skater!”
Kabrina: And our friend Alex was working with her so that she would have the right slang and he was listening to what was happening.
-In the film Janay says “What if I can’t do skate anymore. That’s my whole life and that’s all what I can do” when she gets injured. Why do you like skating?
Ajani: I can get to places faster. It’s just integrated into your life.
Jules: I met a lot of friends that I have now while skating so it has really big impact to my life. I’ve met so many cool people that I have really close to me.
Ajani: It also makes us feel more safe because if you’re walking around at night in New York it’s easier for people to chase you and I’ve been chased a bunch of times, and on a board they can’t catch you and in the worst case, they could have a weapon.
-I heard that the crew started since the first Miu Miu’s flim but what do you do as the crew besides being in the film? Do you actually hang around like in the film?
Kabrina: We dance a lot.
Jules: We like to dance, we like to make art, we film a lot of stuff together, tons of videos. But we just do everything together, let’s say Ajani has an art shows and we all support her for them and Dede did DJ.
-You came to japan last autumn as well and met some Japanese skaters I guess. What do you think of Japanese/Tokyo skaters or the situation around skaters?
Jules: They’re so sweet.
Kabrina: They’re really polite and so cool.
Jules: They took us to the skate park when we first came here and everybody there was really nice and nobody’s mean and there’re huge girls skaters here and they’re all really good. And even we can’t communicate in English so well but we still somehow understood each other and had a good time and had fun.
-How is it like compared to New York?
Jules: I think for the girl community of skaters in general they have been in the same way in New York or in another country or just another state, it’s always just been like really easy to be just cool within the girl skater community because we all have one major common role and the girl skaters have similar experiences, being a girl in a male dominant space. However they’re usually very supportive and they try to encourage each other, motivate each other, and I don’t really have experiences that too many girls not nice to me when we’re all skating.
-How is your life changed after the film you think?
Bren: We’ve got to travel to so many places and meet so many people because, let’s say in London and Milan and here we meet so many different girl skaters. It’s nice to visit new places as well as to meet so many new people there.
■”Skate Kitchen”
(C)2017 Skate Girl Film LLC.
In Shibuya Cinequint and more since May 10th, Friday.
Distributed by PARCO