Bilingual Culture Magazine

The Geometric Horizon of Kobe and Awaji – Tian Titirat Skultantimayta

English text and photo:Tian Titirat Skultantimayta
Edit:Anna Yano

ファインアート、フォトグラフィー、インスタレーションと幅広い分野で活躍を遂げるタイ人アーティストTian Titirat Skultantimayta


The Artist from Thailand, Tian Titirat Skulatantimayta works across a variety of practices including photography, installation art and graphic.

Japanese landscape from her subtle visual and unique sensibility.



  • JP
  • EN




On the circumference of blue oval lie other geometrical forms. They are creations from one man’s vision, a man whose story is as interesting as his creations, Tadao Ando.

His buildings are mostly recognised by the look of homogenous concrete or béton brut, the material famous in brutalist architecture. But Mr.Ando’s buildings are not just stark boxes of concrete. There is sensitivity in all of them, something that can be loosely called as ‘Japan-ness’ that has put him among the top names of critical regionalists of the world.

This is the sensitivity of space found in Japanese architecture, the sequence of entrance that leads to scenic stops. The passage of stairs seemingly going underwater is the famous sight of the temple. On such day, the wind constantly made a light rustling in the bamboo grove, such a sound that went well with the wind-blown surface of the pond.