Text:Shiori / Translate:Karolina / Photo:Shi Shou Fu
今回、記念すべき10回目となったKYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真展。
世界中の素晴らしい写真家の作品が集結する中、Woolyが注目したのはHOSOO GALLERYにて展示された『10/10現代日本女性写真家たちの祝祭』。
『10/10現代日本女性写真家たちの祝祭』では、ポリーヌ・ベルマール(インディペンデント・キュレーター、写真史家、元マグナム・フォト カルチュラルディレクター、元ニューヨーク国際写真センター キュレーター)と、KYOTOGRAPHIEの共同設立者/共同ディレクターであるルシール・レイボーズと仲西祐介が共同でキュレーションを行い、将来的に活躍が期待される10人の日本人女性写真家、地蔵ゆかり、林典子、細倉真弓、稲岡亜里子、岩根愛、岡部桃、清水はるみ、鈴木麻弓、殿村任香、吉田多麻希の作品を展示。
4月30日に開催されたトークショー『10/10 現代日本女性写真家たちの祝祭』鼎談|ルシール・レイボーズ (KYOTOGRAPHIE共同設立者/共同ディレクター) × 竹内万里子(写真批評家、京都芸術大学教授)× 司会:仲西祐介 (KYOTOGRAPHIE共同設立者/共同ディレクター) Supported by KERING’S WOMEN IN MOTION[日・英]』のディスカッションでは当プログラムについて対談。
KYOTOGRAPHIE 2022は京都を舞台に開催される国際的な写真祭。
The KYOTOGRAPHIE international photography festival held its celebratory 10th edition this year on April 9-May 8 with the theme ‘ONE’.
The event featured the works of great photographers from around the world. One exhibition which especially caught the eye of Wooly was the ‘10/10 Celebrating Contemporary Japanese Women Photographers’ exhibition at the Hosoo Gallery.
‘10/10 Celebrating Contemporary Japanese Women Photographers’ was co-curated by
Pauline Vermare-an independent curator, photography historian, former director of Magnum Photo Cultural and former curator at the International Center of Photography in New York-together with KYOTOGRAPHIE co-founders and co-directors Lucille Reyboz and Yusuke Nakanishi. The exhibition features works by the ten promising Japanese female photographers: Yukari Chikura, Noriko Hayashi, Mayumi Hosokura, Ariko Inaoka, Ai Iwane, Momo Okabe, Harumi Shimizu, Mayumi Suzuki, Hideka Tonomura and Tamaki Yoshida.
The title might give off the idea that it was a group exhibition, but from the inside it is clear that the exhibit focuses on the expression of each individual artist, all while creating a space where the works can co-exist in harmony.
Used to strikingly display each artist’s photos was a framework made from natural material and designed by Kyoto-based architect Hiromitsu Konishi. The exhibition itself was split across 2 areas, the black room on the second floor and white room on the fifth floor-with 5 artists featured on each floor.
One of the artists, Momo Okabe’s work portrayed close subjects such as her friends, along with her own experience being pregnant and giving birth as an asexual woman captured over a period of 6 years. The works featured in the exhibition were part of her photobook Ilmatar, published in 2020.
Visitors could through the works of these 10 women see their take on various issues in the society touching on faith, nature and environment, sexuality and gender.
The exhibition was also part of the discussion at the talk show held on April 30-“10/10 Celebrating Contemporary Japanese Women Photographers | Looking to the Future with Lucille Reyboz (KYOTOGRAPHIE co-founder, co-director), Mariko Takeuchi (professor of Kyoto University of the Arts) moderated by Yusuke Nakanishi (KYOTOGRAPHIE co-founder, co-director) Supported by KERING’S WOMEN IN MOTION [ENG ・ JP]”.
During the talks it was mentioned that some of the artists commented about initially feeling unsure about including the words ‘women photographers’ in the title. On the other hand, others were quick to realize the significance behind going out of the way to emphasize ‘women photographers’ in the title considering the current social climate in Japan. Despite Japan’s developed economy, the country ranks very low on international gender gap rankings.
This exhibition celebrated the talent and future success for female artists, painting an image of a hopeful future.
KYOTOGRAPHIE 2022 is an international photography festival held in Kyoto.
This year, the festival was held across 10 locations in Kyoto between April 9 – May 8.