Bilingual Culture Magazine


Text:Kenta Ogino Translation: Natsuko Fukai

東京の新しいアーティストコレクティブ‘DREAMING OF SLEEPING’LIVE

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  • JP
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アーティストコレクティブ‘DREAMING OF SLEEPING’ が開催された。


‘bass music’を軸に様々なサウンドが入り混じった新しい音楽が聴こえてくる。流行りの音楽ではなく彼らが様々な場所からインスピレーションを受け、それを彼らなりに音楽に落とし込んで表現していた。




そんな今後の音楽コンテンツの鍵を握るdos・ingの代表、Calum Salmond (カルム・サモンド)に今回、インタビューを行った。




来月はフランスから来るPoint Pointを東京に、そしてポルトガルからDJ Marfoxを東京と大阪に連れてきます。このイベントや他のイベントの詳しい詳細は僕たちのウェブページかFacebookを見てね。



僕たちのイベントの中で一番存在する’音’はサブカテゴリー’bass music’に属すると思う。 フレッシュで新しいものに行きがちな僕らだけど単に個人的に夜遊ぶ時に聞きたいなって思うものを選んでる。


僕たちはすべてのミュージシャンとアーティストが日本で思ったことや経験したことを表現するのに丁度いい良いプラットフォームを作れると思って’futuristic’ と’cyberpunk’のテーマを選んだんだ。




僕たちにとってアーティストを選ぶにあたって一番重要だと思ってる要素は同じビジョンを持っているかどうか。 また、日本のユースカルチャーや音楽のシーンを最先端に推し進めるビジョンだけではなくクリエイトしたい、そして世界に広めていきたいっていう欲のある人。 そういう意欲のある人だったら僕らは歓迎するよ。






インターネットの時代では、才能を秘めた新しいアーティストは沢山いるんだけど僕たちが特に注目してるアーティストはBruno UesugiとDat Boiかな。


(dos・ing)は多国籍アーティストを中心に結成された。dos・ingの掲ける数多くの目標の一つは、才能ある若き日本のクリエイターたちをdos・ingがプロジェクトの一環を通して国際的に支持し、彼らが正当な認知と評価を得ることの手助けを行うこと、同時に彼らとのプロジェクトを通して、それぞれの才能が交わり合い、協力しあい、創造の場ともいえる確かな空間を築くこと、これ自体を『サブカルチャー』として確立し、 日本を初めにゆくゆくは世界中の若者に広める。今後の音楽コンテンツの鍵を握り、日本と海外を音楽で繋ぐ彼らに注目。


Art music event, Collective artist “DREAMING OF SLEEPING” took place on 4th of June, at the Sezon Gallery.

The event allowed us to experience both “Looking” and “Listening” at the same time with the art pieces of enrich personal color, and the cool music.

We were able to hear the “new type” of music which formed by the diverse music build on the electro sound.

While listening to the music, we were able to take a good look at the cover art, which was being exhibited.

The cover art by the visual artist responsible, and the music created by the truck makers from all over the world linked and matched together.

■What triggered you to start dos・ing?

We had already been throwing parties together for a little while before forming dos?ing. Most of us met for the first time at a share house in Kichijoji that we moved into. We started having regular BBQ / house parties where we would clear out all the furniture from one of our rooms and turn it into a dancing space. After receiving too many noise complaints we figured we should take ourselves elsewhere, though the main trigger was that we felt that the club / music scene could be so much more than just a club with a bar, some DJs and some speakers. Taking inspiration from the music festivals and events we had attended overseas, we thought we would try taking a more interactive approach to the club and music scene and see what happens.

What kind of events are you planning to do in the future?

Next month we are excited to bring artists like Point Point and Marlin from France to Tokyo and DJ Marfox from Portugal to work with us in Tokyo and Osaka. For more details on these events and other upcoming events check out our website or Facebook page.

dos・ing official website

■Electro-sound seemed to have stood out at this event. How do you select music for events?

I guess the ‘sound’ that is most present at our events sits somewhere under the subcategory, ‘bass music.’ We tend to go for the stuff that we think sounds fresh and new, but we’re basically just picking the stuff that we personally would want to hear if we were to go for a night out.

The event had an atmosphere as if in the near future with the fusion of Music and Art. Why did you plan to do it in Japan?

dos・ing is something that was born in Japan, all the musicians and artists that contributed to #DOS001 were people that we met in Japan. The reason we went for this ‘futuristic,’ ‘cyberpunk’ theme, was because we felt that it would make a good platform for all of the musicians and artists to express their feelings and experiences of being in Japan.

Free download page

■What is the most important factor you consider when picking out young creators and artists?

The most important factor for us when picking artists is if they share our same vision. A vision of not only pushing forward the japanese youth culture / music scene but also wanting to just keep creating and expanding all over the world. As long as they have the drive, we are happy to welcome them.

■What are your thoughts and opinions about how the future art and music scenes should be?

There definitely needs to be more interaction between different forms of art. There are a lot of talented groups of artists and musicians yet there seems to be a lack of interaction between the two groups. We believe that by bridging the gap between these communities it will enable everyone to create more powerful and unique work.

■Do you have any thoughts and feeling when comparing the youth culture in Japan and other cities?

We hope as Japan progresses the youth can come to see the value of networking and social community as we believe this will open up new avenues of self expression.

■Do you have any artists you believe would be the “new generation”?

There are a bunch of talented new artists coming up with this internet generation; ones that have particularly impressed us include dos?ing’s Bruno Uesugi and Dat Boi.


Artists from diverse culture form Dos・ing. They say, One of our many goals are to help the young talented Japanese creators to deserve the proper acknowledgement worldwide, through our programs and at the same time, being able to create an reliable environment where each of the creators can express their views and cooperate with one another; letting this alone considered as a “Sub-culture” and spreading it all around the world starting from Japan.
We had interviewed the representative of dos・ing who holds the key to such future of music context.

dos・ing official website


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