Text/Translation/Photo:Risa Yokogi
最上階のG FLOORは窓から江ノ島や湘南の景色が堪能でき、広々とした空間でゆっくりと寛ぐことができる。各部屋に置かれたアメニティグッズは思わず手に取りたくなるような可愛らしいものばかりだ。
11階に降りると、廊下の壁は一面、青を基調としたアートペインティングが施されていた。日本とアメリカの両方の血を引き、自身もそのタレント性から注目を集めるフランキー・スィーヒ氏によって手がけられたこのフロアは、すべての部屋ごとに違ったアートが楽しめる。1日5組限定の人気客室だ。2010年にニューヨークの名門アートスクール、School of Visual Artsを卒業後、 現在東京を拠点にアート活動を続けるフランキー氏。彼女の温かみのある絵は、旅の疲れを癒してくれる。部屋に入った瞬間、歓喜の声が上がること間違いない。
8DAYS A WEEKというこのアートプロジェクトは今年の2月より始動し、RVCAサポートのもと、国内外問わず、様々なアーティストが参加してきた。
Address:藤沢市鵠沼花沢町1-5 (藤沢駅南口 徒歩2分)
HOTEL: 1F LOBBY、8.cafe 2F~12F 客室 別棟: 2F Fujisawa Table Trattoria
チェックイン 15:00~ / チェックアウト ~10:00
Renewal open:2016年7月1日(金)
“If there were 8 days in a week, what kind of inspiration would a person hold?”
8hotel celebrates its 5th anniversary this year and is waiting for reopen after its renovation. As it is a tourist attraction, there are a lot of guests from foreign countries. Together with its appearance of somewhat giving the tropical impression, it matches with the location Shonan which brings out the peaceful atmosphere to us.
From the G FLOOR of the top floor you can enjoy the scenery of Enoshima and Shonan, and you can relax at the open space.The guest rooms amenities are so pretty that will make you want to pick up.When you come down to the 11th floor, you will find on the hallway the art painting which made the basic color blue.
In this floor you will enjoy each room with different arts decorated by the artist Frankie Cihi who herself is a famous talented artist half Japanese and half American.Guess room are available only for 5 couples in a day.Frankie, after graduating from a famous art school in New York, School of Visual Arts in 2010, now continues her art activities based in Tokyo.Her warmth painting heals the fatigue of the traveler.The moment you enter in the room you’ll be delighted.
The construction for renewal open after on July 1st is also in progress. The cafe next to the lobby has a counter seat made of pine brought from Vancouver which will make you feel the nature. Opening Party will be held on July 23 in this café which has 2 faces of at noon being a café and at night being a bar. Food will bring the guest and the Shonan culture together, becoming the source for new cultural trend.
When you leave the hotel, youʼll find an Airstream (camping trailer) beauty salon by Mr. Kyousuke Karube outside. Not just this, but there is a big project developing in Fujisawa call Artist in Residence. The artist can stay at 8hotel while working on his/her project. The beach culture will change the form of art. A day when such movement arises in Japan is in the near future.
I promised to myself that I will come back to the ever evolving 8hotel.
Address:1-5, Kugenuma Hanazawacho, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa, 251-0023, Japan(Fujisawa station south exit at 2 minutes)
HOTEL: 1F LOBBY、8.cafe 2F~12F guest room Outbuilding: 2F Fujisawa Table Trattoria
Check-in 15:00~ / Check-out ~10:00
Renewal open:1st July,2016(FRI)