Explore your Source – KYOTOGRAPHIE 2024 Report-

Shiori Ota Photo Show “Giant Pink Star” Pre-show Interview

Text:Kimiko Nakayama
Translation:Kimiko Nakayama
Photo:Kanako Terui
Green Room FestivalのRVCAブースにてフラワーをモチーフにしたライブペイントを盛り上げたであるフランキー スィーヒー。メディアが彼女をアーティストとして取り上げ始める中、今年もFrankie Cihi Solo ExhibitionがTurner Galleryで開催された。
自らを完璧主義者と謳うと同時に、人間の不完全さに美を見出しアート作品に反映させるのが彼女のスタイルでもある。そんな作風の持ち主であるフランキーの”Fragments” (破片)と題された Solo Exhibition ではアートに対する芯の強さを感じられるものとなっている。
“やってみたいことまだまだあって、画家としての自分もいるし、人間としての自分もいて。去年、結婚しましたが、今子供が欲しくて笑。子供ができたら作品に影響があるのかなーと興味もあります。家庭を持つことを考えると、今回一緒に日本で販売を始めたばかりのデザイン家具Paradiddle Lifestyleさんとクッションカバーを作ったんですが、やっぱりインテリアやライフスタイルとか家にあってもうるさすぎないアート。家具との相性がいいアートとか。もしかしたら家具を作りたいかもしれないです。”
“Fragments …何かの破片だけど、その一つ一つが何かを作り出して。つまり、I wanted all pieces to be one piece. We are all fragmented in our own way, いろんな人との組み合わせが大切だと、一人じゃ何もできないなと思いながら。”
Frankie Cihi Solo Exhibition“Fragments”は8月10日までTurner Galleryにて展示されるので是非足を運んでほしい。
Exhibition Date: July 30th ~ August 10th, 2016
(Closed on Sunday)
Gallery hours: 11am ~ 7pm
Turner Gallery
Event Link:
フランキー スィーヒー
1988年生まれ、東京育ちの日本人とアメリカ人のハーフ。インターナショナルスクールで学んだ後、ニューヨークのスクール・オブ・ビジュアル・アーツにてファインアーツを学ぶ。現在は東京を拠点にアーティストとして活動。 作品はキャンバスにとどまらず壁画やライブペイントを含め、ストリートアート x ファインアートと多岐に渡る。ニューヨークでの個展をはじめ、アジア各国のアートフェアに出展するなど、グローバルに活動を展開中。2014年にはリアリティー番組「テラスハウス」に出演。
Frankie Cihi performance of live painting at Green Room Festival last month turned out very successful. She is being paid attention as an artist through more and more media covering her story. Such artist, Frankie Cihi now holds Solo Exhibition “Fragments” at Turner Gallery in Tokyo.
Although she calls her self “absolute perfectionist,” she comprehends art as something imperfect human being. This solo exhibition is titled “Fragments,” which orientates with her attitude towards Art.
“I often receive questions regarding my source of inspirations, but even artists sometimes lack inspiration. In order to meet new inspirations, I started this project by painting 100 pieces of pictures, putting more attention on my unconscious feelings.”
Through paiting 100 pieces of pictures, she found her style and colors in her art.
“I think if we pursuit quality all the time, we cannot avoid hitting our limit. That is why I decided to focus on quantity as a base to find the quality.”
This could be done only by Frankie because she sees the connection in imperfection of art and human. In some of the 100 pieces, she found her next directions; making it to mural art or enlarging the size for the exhibition.
Her next plan is to put art into everyone’s daily lifestyle.
“ I still want to try so many other things as an artist and as a person. I married last year, and I would like to have baby. I also would like to see if my art would change when I become a parent. Having family also have me thinking about something home such as interior and lifestyle goods. This exhibition actually collaborated with ‘Paraddidle Lifestyle, ’ which just opened online store sells interior furniture in Japan.”
Frankie tells that art used to be more close to daily lifestyle especially in Japan. Fusuma and Byobu considered as Japanese art which affected the western culture through Japonism, is the style which used to be the Japanese art. That is, she now tries to get art and lifestyle together to generate ‘modern Japonism.
“Fragments is just a piece, but every little pieces creates something. Hence, I wanted all pieces to be one piece. We are all fragmented in our own way. We need to get together with different people as we cannot do everything alone.”
Frankie Cihi Solo Exhibition “Fragments” will be exhibited at Turner Gallery until August 10th. Please visit, I ensure you that it would not disappoint you.
Exhibition Date: July 30th ~ August 10th, 2016
(Closed on Sunday)
Gallery hours: 11am ~ 7pm
Turner Gallery
Event Link:
Frankie Cihi
Born in 1988, Frankie is an artist from Tokyo. She studied Fine Art from School of Visual Arts in New York. Her works range from painting on canvas to making murals on building exteriors, pushing boundaries that allow her to exhibit work in both gallery and street environments. Her works have received global recognition through her participation in art fairs and shows in New York and in Asia such as in Singapore, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. She is also known for her appearance in a Japanese reality TV show “Terrace House” as a regular cast member in 2014.