Bilingual Culture Magazine


Text/Translation:Natsuko Fukai

18歳という若さでRookie (Magazine)の写真を撮ると同時にZine Sonic Blumeの創設者/編集長を務めるサヴァナ オグバーン。 圧倒的なカリスマ性とセンスをかけ持つ彼女にインタビューを行った

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私は13歳ごろから音楽から影響を受ているわ。パラモア、フローレンス アンド ザ マシーン、セイント ヴィンセントやグライムスなどのバンドやミュージシャンを貪り聞き、彼らの歌詞から、また音楽を私自身の解釈から視覚化していたけれど、彼らの私の作品に与えた影響は計り知れないわ。Flickerの影響もあるわ。びっくりするような才能を秘めた若いアーティストにも刺激されてきたわ。デイビッド ウゾチュクゥ、オリビア ビー、 エレノー ハードウィック、リスィー ラリシアなどといった写真家や視覚アーティストなどは特に私の背中を様々なアートスタイルに挑戦するように押してくれたアーティストでもあるの。

ティム ウォーカーが私に最も影響を及ぼした写真家といっていいかもしれない。写真だけではなくて、写真に使われている精巧なセットにもいつも圧倒されてるわ。15歳ごろから読んでいるRookie(magazine)に掲載されているアーティストからも影響を受けているのは間違いないわね。

難しい質問ね。でもさっきも言ったように個人的にティム ウォーカーが一番好きで一番影響を受けたと感じるわ。1作品作るにあたって費やされたセットデザイン/コンセプトから衣装選択、そして写真を撮るまでの過程に費やされた莫大な仕事量はクレイジーよ。でも、私にただモデルにドレスを着させて写真を撮るということに留まらせないようにしてくれたのは彼なの。もう本当に彼の作品に虜にさせられたわ。

サヴァナ オグバーン
18歳の写真家であり、アトランタジョージア州を中心に活動している。様々な色を使いシュルリアリスムな物語を作品を通じて語る。現在はRookie (Magazine)で写真を撮ると同時に、オンライン/紙面音楽Zine Sonic Blumeの創設者でありながら編集長を務める。Huffington Post、Dazed Digital、Creative Loafing ATLやDecorated Youth Magazineなどに取り上げられた。

Savana Ogburn Instagram

What intrigued you to start working as an artist?
I’m very lucky that I’ve been encouraged to be creative from a young age– my parents have always given me opportunities to make art, whether that was through attending various art camps, or something as simple as just doodling and painting at home. I could never really imagine myself working in a field that wasn’t art– it just seems kind of absurd to me! I started taking pictures when I was 12 or 13, and immediately made a Flickr account to share my work and more importantly, to follow other artists that I admired. I realized early on that I really love shooting photos of people, and the more I did it, the more I fell in love with it. It didn’t take me long to realize that I could make it into a career, and I’ve never really had a plan b. 

What message or a theme do you seek to convey to the audience through your works of art and why is it that made you want to transmit this message or the theme?
To be honest, I don’t really have a set “mission statement” for my work– I tend to just make art that makes me happy! That being said, I use a wide variety of colors and mixed media in my work, and like for it to have a graphic feel. I guess a theme that carries through most of my work is youth? I mean that in the sense that there are lots of youthful elements to my images– the surrealism, the bright colors, et cetera; I feel like those elements portray a not-too-serious, youthful, aesthetic. 

What are the source of inspiration and in what way has it influenced, or affected you in the creation of your work? 
I’m very inspired by music. I’ve been an avid show-goer since I was about 13 (I’m 18 now), and listening to bands and musicians like Paramore, Florence + the Machine, St. Vincent, and Grimes have impacted my work immeasurably, whether it be through their lyrics or my visual interpretations of what their music sounds like. I’m also very inspired by other photographers and visual artists- I started posting my work on Flickr at age 13 and was exposed to a ton of phenomenal young artists like David Uzochukwu, Olivia Bee, Eleanor Hardwick, and Lissy Laricchia, all of which inspired me and pushed me to experiment with my art. 

Which artists have influenced you and in what way? 
Tim Walker is probably my biggest inspiration, photography-wise. I’m in love with not only his photography, but the incredibly elaborate set design that he uses in his images. Another big inspiration for me is Rookie- I started reading Rookie when I was around 15 and I was (and still am!) SO inspired by the young women who create art for the site. It was my first exposure, really, to young women making cool, experimental art, and was a lot of the reason behind my fascination with mixed media. I also recently discovered Alia Penner’s work and I’m super inspired by her- she makes these beautiful, technicolor, mixed media images, and also does cool set design work, too. I like to read lots of interviews with other artists, too, and research their inspirations as well. Through an interview with Alia Penner, I heard about Niki de Saint Phalle, who was a really incredible sculptor who worked a lot with color and surrealism. I’m obsessed with her Tarot Gardenin Tuscany and want to do a photoshoot inspired by it!

Who would you consider as the “greatest” artist in the area of all time and why?
Ah, this is so tough. Like I said before, I personally really love Tim Walker and have found more inspiration in his work than I have in any other photographer’s. The amount of work that goes into making his shoots have is crazy to me– from conception to set design to the wardrobe to actually taking the photo– and it has really inspired me to go further than just putting a model in a dress and snapping a photo. I’m a huge nerd for his work!

Savana Ogburn
Savana Ogburn is an 18 year old photographer, avid DIYer, and pop music enthusiast located just outside of Atlanta, Georgia. She is in love with technicolor hues and telling surrealist stories with her art. She currently shoots photos for Rookie Mag, and is the founder and editor-in-chief of Sonic Blume, a not-too-serious online and print music zine. Her work has been featured on Huffington Post, Dazed Digital, Creative Loafing ATL, and Decorated Youth Magazine.

Savana Ogburn Instagram


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