text/interview:Makoto Kikuchi
translation:Karolina Höglind/Hiroki Kohama
Photo:Anne Yano
北海道出身の若手5ピースジャズバンド、North Pandemic Groove。中国出身、トリリンガルシンガーのQi Fang。カナダツアー、台湾ライブを控えた音楽家達へスペシャルインタビューを敢行。
With an upcoming Canada tour and live show in Taiwan, we interviewed North Pandemic Groove, a Jazz band of 5 young musicians from Hokkaido, and the Chinese threelingual singer Qi Fang.
Takezo(Trumpet and Flugelhorn/NPG):Fanさんの歌って、独特の癖っていうか、音楽的なまりがある気がします。どうともジャンル分けできないと言いますか、、、。
Fang : 中国語で歌う時と日本語で歌う時で全然違う感覚なんです。合う声質も変わってきますし。
メンバー全員が北海道出身のジャズバンド、North Pandemic Grooveさんですが、結成のきっかけは?
Taihei(Drums/NPG) : 5人中4人はもとから知り合いだったんです。僕はもともとジャズではなくロックをやっていて。当時札幌で行われたジャズのコンペに出すのがきっかけで、結成しました。
Fang : 私はずっと一人でやってきたから、どこかバンドにあこがれてるところがあって。羨ましいですね。一人っ子だったのでカンパニーが欲しいって思ってました。
Taihei : じゃあFanさんが6人目でどうですか?(笑)
Takezo : 僕は小学生の時から近所の音楽教室でジャズを学んでいたんです。でもメンバーでもともとやっていたのは僕と工藤くらいで。
Taihei : ロックをやっていた音楽家と一緒に、同世代でなんかやろうぜってなったんです。セッションみたいな感じですね。
Fang : 「ジャズやってます」って言うのって勇気要りません?
Taihei : 確かにそういう面はあるけれど、僕自身ロックっていう違う畑の出身だからか、そこまで気負ってはいないですね。
Takezo : やっている人が少ないからこそ、同世代で抜きんでるのって難しいんです。
Taihei : 僕たちがやってるのってスタンダードジャズとは少し違っていて。アドリブソロとかはジャズだけどフュージョンとかパンクとかが入り交じってる。
Fang : だからすごく聴きやすいですよね。ドライブなんかで聴くのも良さそう。
Takezo : そもそもどうして三ヶ国語も話せるんですか?
Fang : 中学校の時に日本にきて、大学は渡米留学しました。住んだ年数で言えば今は日本が中国での生活を追い上げてきてるかな。すごく日本的な面と、いわゆる”ガイジン”的な面と両方あるね、って他人から言われることは多いです。 アメリカにいた時期は特にそうですが、Jpopが好きだった時期もあるし、日本にいるときは逆に洋楽を聴いてました。日本のポップミュージックってすごく曖昧で表現が繊細ですよね。Jpopの歌詞を聴いて主語はなんなの?とか考えてる時点でやぼかなって思います。
Takezo : ラジオ番組もレギュラーで二本もされてらして、すごいですね。何かを伝える力があるから何でしょうね。
Fang : 中学1年生っていう多感な時期に日本に来て、友達の前で間違えたくないっていう意識からなのか、すごく考えながら話す癖がついた気がします。
Takezo : 思考する時の言語は?
Fang : その日一番多く話した言語ですね。中国にいる間は全然日本語が出てこなくなってしまいます。
North Pandemic Grooveのクラウドファンディングの試みは面白いですね。
Taihei : 音楽のクラウドファンディングに特化している会社にお願いしてやってもらうんです。ほとんどレーベルの代わりですね。
Takezo : サポーターは最初は20代が中心だったけど、いまは30-40代のひとも多い。半々くらいですね。SNSで盛り上がって、自分も参加したっていう意識があるのが一番の魅力なんじゃないかな
Taihei : 最初は半信半疑で、冗談で自分たちで買おうかっていうくらいでした。でも結局その必要もなくって、目標の190%を達成できました。ありがたいですね。
Fang : 楽しみですね。台湾って中国と日本のカルチャーのどちらとも違うと言うか、その間の子のようなところがあるから面白いです。言語は中国語だけどやっぱり違う文化圏だなっていう感じはします。
Taihei : アジアでも活動を広げてみたいですね。タイとか台湾でジャズフェスってすごく盛り上がってるみたいですし。
North Pandemic Grooveさんはカナダツアーも目前ですね。去年のトロントジャズフェスに続いて2年連続と伺いました。
Taihei : 本番終わりすごい盛り上がったステージをみたディレクターに、来年も来いよって言ってもらったんです。世界中の若手バンドが集うんですが、僕たちのステージでオーディエンスからスタンディングオベーションをもらって。すごく気持ちよかったですね。
Takezo : 今年はカナダでジャズフェス以外にもライブを行う予定なのでそれも楽しみです。またスタンディングオベーションをもらいたいですね。
North Pandemic Groove
oficial HP
Qi Fang
中国・北京出身のアーティスト。中国語・英語・日本語の三ヶ国語を操る。その類い稀なる言語感覚で綴られる印象的な歌詞は、自身の楽曲制作に留まらない。現在2つのラジオ番組、LOVE FMペルソナリージ~お気に召すまま~ (日曜14:40-15:00 )と、FM横浜 SUNDAY POCKET(日曜23:30-24:00)にポパイ発行人石渡健文氏と出演中。
oficial HP
大注目のNorth Pandemic Grooveをゲストに迎えたQi Fangスペシャルサマーライブが6月22日に開催される。
OPEN & DJ START 19:00-
東京都渋谷区松濤1丁目29-1 クロスロードビル B1
Door 3500円(1ドリンク付き)
Adv 2500円(1ドリンク付き)
North pandemic groove
What was your impression of each other’s music?
—Fang:Pure Jazz music is something pretty rare in Japan today, and I felt like it sounded a bit like Incognito.
—Takezo:I feel like Fang’s music has its unique vibe, it has its own musical accent. Like, I dont really know which genre it falls into…
—Fang : It feels totally different when I’m singing in Chinese compared to Japanese. One thing is that the voice type changes in order to match the language.
You guys, North Pandemic Groove, are a Jazz band with all the members from Hokkaido, how come you ended up forming your band?
—Taihei :Four of us already knew each other before we formed the band. Though I was initially committed to the Rock genre, we had a Jazz band competition held in Sapporo and it was the start of our journey as North Pandemic Groove.
—Fang : Since I have always been a solo musician, deep down my heart I kinda also wanted to be a part of a band. I’m jealous! It might be because that I wanted some company, since I grew up as an only child,
—Taihei : Then why not join our band as a sixth member, haha?
I feel like Jazz is considered as a niche genre for young generations, what do you think about it?
—Takezo : I’d actually been learning Jazz at a nearby music school, since when I was in primary school. But yeah, you are right, in our band, Kudo and I are pretty much the only ones who had played Jazz from the very beginning.
—Taihei : We wanted to do something with rock musicians of the same generation, like something similar to a session.
—Fang : Do you ever get a little nervous telling people that you do Jazz?
—Taihei : Yeah I guess that can happen, but I don’t usually get getting carried away, perhaps because I originally belonged to a Rock genere, a different field than Jazz.
—Takezo : It is difficult to stand out from the Jazz musicians of the same generation, especially when there are less musicians in number.
—Taihei : What we play is a little different from a standard Jazz music, like the taste of Punk Jazz and Jazz fusion are woven into our solo improv parts.
—Fang : That’s why it is easy to listen to, and seems like a great song to listen to while driving too!
Qi Fang, from China, presents her unique identity as a singer who speaks three langugages and expresses fine lyrics in a delicate manner.
ーTakezo : Why are you able to speak three languages in the first place?
ーFang : I came to Japan for junior high, and went to study abroad at college in the States. By now, I have lived in Japan for almost the same years as I’d lived in China. So people often tell me that I have both traits of Japanese and of “gaijin (foreigners)”. There was a certain time in my life when I was obsessed with certain music, like when I was in the States, I was into Jpop music, but I preferred listening to Western music when I was in Japan. Jpop songs have fairly ambiguous but fine lyrics, right? I notice how dull I am whenever I listen to them and question “who is the subject in the lyrics?”.
—Takezo : You are also a regular member in two radio programs, though. You must be really good at expressing and converying your thoughts.
—Fang : I was 7th grade when I came to Japan, and I did not want to make mistakes in front of friends, and thats probably the reason why I started paying attention to how to express myself when I talk.
—Takezo : In which language do you usually use to think?
—Fang : Whichever the language I used the most on that day. So while I’m in China, I almost become unable to think in Japanese.
The Crowdfunding project that you, North Pandemic Groove, are doing seems very interesting, please tell us about it!
—Taihei : We ask an enterprise that specialises in crowdfunding in music industry, it’s almost like a record label.
—Takezo : Initially supporters were mainly twenties, but now we have a great deal of people aged 30s to 40s. They get excited over talking about it on SNSs, and it makes them feel like they are a part of it.
—Taihei : At first, we did not know if we could succeed or not, so we were even joking if we should buy it ourselves. But after all, thanks to all the supporters, we achieved 190% of our initial goal.
Fang, you have a upcoming live concert in September in Taiwan, right?
—Fang : Yeah I’m looking forward to it! Taiwan is a little different from both Japan and China, it is rather like a ‘child’ between the two. Although the language used is Chinese, it is still in a different cultural sphere.
—Taihei : We would like to expand our musical career in Asia too. I heard that there are some really popular Jazz festivals in Thailand and Taiwan.
North pandemic Groove, Jazz festival in Canada is just around the corner. With last year’s Tronto Jazz festival, I heard this is your second time performing there.
—Taihei : As our performance livened up the whole venue, the director gave us an invitation to this years event as well. With all the band groups of young generations from all around the world gathering at the event, it was inexpressibly good to see audience on their feet.
—Takezo : This year we are going to perform at other live concert than the Jazz festival, so we would like to get the standing ovation again.
North Pandemic Groove
A band group consists of five members from Hokkaido; released first album in 2015; performed at Tronto Jazz festival as a one and only Japanese band in the same year; performing at a upcoming live tour in Canada with a brand-new album “BUNKA”.
oficial HP
Qi Fang
A singer from Beijin, China; Speaks three languages: Chinese, English and Japanese; Fine, impressive lyrics created through her exceptional language senses expands his musical career even further than a mere music production; Currently a member of a two radio programs: LOVE FM ペルソナリージ~お気に召すまま~ (Perusonari-ji ~Okini Mesu Mama~) Sun 14:40~15:00., FM Yokohama SUNDAY POCKET, with Takefumi Ishiwatari, a publisher of Popeye. Sun 23:30~24:00.
oficial HP
One of the hottest Jazz bands right now, North Pandemic Groove, will join Qi Fang as guests for the special summer live on the 22nd of July,
“Believe in Summer”
《Date & Time》
22nd July 2016 (Wed)
OPEN & DJ START 19:00-
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Shoto 1-chome, 29-1 Shibuya Crossroads building B1
Door ¥3500(1drink incl)
Advance ¥2500(1 drink incl)
《Performing artist》
North pandemic groove