Bilingual Culture Magazine

Hana Yoshino photo exhibition

Text:Ayaka Yoshimura
Translation:Yuka Shimayoshi

Hana Yoshino, who gets attention from many media, will hold an individual exhibition from February 1st.



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以前Wooly Webにてインタビューに答えてくれた若手写真家ヨシノハナ、その後も勢いを止めない彼女の個展がOMOTESANDO ROCKETにて2/1から始まる。Woolyカバーガールの弓ライカなど彼女が撮る少女たちにも注目だ。雑踏とした街の中にひっそりと佇む空間、そこには美しく儚い少女たちと彼女がフィルムを通して映し出した柔らかな色が広がっているだろう。

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2/1オープニングパーティーにてパン屋Bonjour Bonのケータリング、富士フイルムの新商品チェキスクエア「SQ10」のお試しや、2/4 Bonjour Bonとのコラボ商品30個限定で販売。他にも限定ポストカードやステッカー、人気若手デザイナー・WO.AI.NIとのコラボバッグなども販売される。

ヨシノ ハナ 

ヨシノハナ photo exhibition “ハナビラ” わたしが追いかけた風のなか
日時: 2018.2.1(木)〜2.7(水)
opening party:Start 19:00
2/4:Close 20:00
2/7:Close 18:00
〒150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前4-12-10 表参道ヒルズ同潤館

The upcoming photographer who appeared on our website for the interview before has continued to gain momentum and hold a solo exhibition at OMOTESANDO ROCKET from this February. What is paid attention to is that she shot the girls such as Raika Yumi, one of the Wooly cover girls, or Serena Motola, who appeared on vol.28. The beautiful girls and the world of soft colours captured through the camera are expanded in the silence surrounded by the bustle of a city.

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At the Opening party on February 1st you can enjoy catering food served by a bakery called Bonjour Bon and try a new product of Fuji Film ‘SQ10’. On February 4th, a limited collaborative item of 30 with Bonjour Bon is on sale, along with some limited postcards and stickers, and a bag collaborated with a popular young designer WO.AI.NI.

Hana Yoshino
Born in Tokyo, 1996. Studying at Tokyo Zokei University, majoring photography. She started to take photos influenced by his father. In 2016, she held the first solo exhibition. She currently works in a wide range of fields of a lookbook for a spirited brand, advertisements, and so on. instagram:@appl__e____
Check the previous interview with Hana here→

Hana Yoshino photo exhibition
date: 2018.2.1(Thu)〜2.7(Wed)
opening party:Start 19:00
2/4:Close 20:00
2/7:Close 18:00
Location: Omotesando ROCKET, Tokyo-to, shibuya-ku,jingumae 4-12-10