Bilingual Culture Magazine


Text:Sayuri Sekine&Misato Yano
Translation:Kimiko Nakayama
Photo:Tsukio Nakanishi

現在、福岡で開催中の田代敏朗巡回展”NEW LANGUAGE, NEW COMMUNICATION” 数年にわたり変化を遂げる画家・田代敏朗にロングインタビューを敢行!インタビューから見えてくる彼の姿とは。前編、後編に分けてお送り致します。

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1980年佐賀生まれ。佐賀県展洋画の部において史上最年少16歳で主席(県知事賞、山口亮一賞)受賞を皮切りに、数々のアワードにおいて受賞。2014年秋ひよ子新ブランドでのコラボレーションに抜擢、注目を浴びる。WOOLY ARTS所属。7月4日より福岡TAG STÅにて巡回展を開催中。

TOSHIAKI TASHIRO’s “NEW LANGUAGE, NEW COMMUNICATION” is now exhibited in Fukuoka. We had a long interview with the painter Tashiro. This interview shows on two times.

-Your artworks give different impressions to me when it is titled and untitled. How do you want audience to see your artwork?

I have no requests to the audience. I just don’t want to make it them feel unpleasant. There are a lot of people in the world and opinions. I take responsibility to my work, but I want audience to watch, feel and think, as they want to.

-Although there are a lot of light colorful tones on your work overall, this new series “ NEW LANGUAGE, NEW COMMUNICATION” is monotonous. Is this an expression of your feeling opposite to the colorful aspect?

The thing I want to make for this past a year is directed to the minimalism. The number of colors steadily decreases because I experimentally wanted to remove colors once. Even though the exclusion has white and black there, I wanted to express the image in my brain with monochrome. Though I do not know whether it is an emotional outcome, I do not want many colors now.

-It is very simple work using black marker and a white paper. Your past work often used various materials in a piece. Why did you express it in such simple style?

I moved to an atelier in the heart of a mountain last summer. There, I did rid off the clutters in my life. I examined all the paints one by one whether its color was necessary or not. Then there was only a pen left on a desk. It was not inconvenient because the pen completely synchronized to which I wanted to paint. I also could find very nice pens at a stationery shop near my new atelier. I still paint with only pens, but I sometimes want to use paints…

-There were many abstract art in your work before, but why did you feature the theme of “the letter” that anyone can clearly recognize in this series?

It is because of working experience with “du d’amour” package design, which was made for commemoration of ”Hiyoko’s” 100th anniversary. I used to think that my feeling had to reach one-sidedly to the audience through art, but Hiyoko work made me to realize their clear partners, which also had me think about the concrete concepts. Therefore, I started to create something conceptual, which starts from “1” rather than “0” (blank paper) such as a letter that anyone would understand.

-You often open your solo exhibition, how do you feel about it?

I very appreciate all the opportunities to exhibit my artwork in various places. It always becomes an emotional place where art meets with a person of “nice to meet you.” The space also get harmonize with art and brings next opportunity. Painting is get done by just myself, but a lot of people put their efforts for the exhibitions. I thank to everyone who gets involved. That is all I can and the most important to do.

-This series of exhibition went around Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka, where did you get impressesd most?

What I can say through the whole exhibitions is that all the audience see my work itself without being afraid of art because they can recognize the theme. Tokyo and Fukuoka have similar atmosphere. In fact, I do not decide galleries randomly. I got to exhibit where I wanted to in Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka. It is very important that the vibes of the audience fit to the atmosphere, my artwork and the gallery cant get harmonized.

-The gestalt collapse(The psychological phenomenon when people continue writing and looking at the same letter all the time.)is behind the theme. What does it mean to you?

Originally I am easily feel the gestalt collapse since I was a child. I sometimes feel that a letter comes toward me while I am writing. I think everything would be a correct answer even if it is regarded as a picture or a word. I had painted pieces, which did not look like a letter before this series, and I wonder when I recognized a letter as a letter. I did not mind such thing very much in my youth, but I became gradually sensitive to words. Thus, I wanted to work on paintings by words. By communication, how can I wrestle as a painter? I think that everybody is able to wrestle easily more by making words into vague art with a good meaning.

-You are not seized with your past works and you seem to keep challenging to yourself. Would you like to challenge to creat something new with other media such as music and moving images?

Thank you. It is always challenging for me to paint. Of course, the expression in other media is interesting. I respect those who express from their soul. I think all about the timing, but I work hard and want to challenge to everything.

-Please tell me your future vision.

I work hard to embody the inspiration in myself more and would like to feel the place and people. Through my work, I want to spend with someone who will travel together in rest of my life. I believe in the art world that helped me, and I would like to keep painting without betraying myself.

Toshiaki Tashiro
Born in 1980, in Saga Prefecture. When he was 16, at Saga prefecture exhibition film, he won the first prize in the Governors Aword. Recently he collaborated with Hiyoko Sweets for the design of their new fall products. Now he is managed by WOOLY ARTS. He is having the traveling exhibition at TAG STÅ in Fukuoka in July 4th.


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