Bilingual Culture Magazine

Interview with Reylia Slaby

Text: Akino Kobori
Photo: Reylia Slaby

Reylia Slabyは奈良を拠点に活動するフォトグラファー。幻想的でまるで絵画のような美しい写真が特徴。Mr.Childrenの新シングル「足音~Be Strong」のCD写真、デザイン、アーティスト写真を手掛けるなど、活動の勢いがますます加速する彼女にインタビュー。

Nara based photographer, Reylia Slaby. Her pictures depict an almost fantastic beauty, like each shot is a movie. Her recent work includes the CD cover photo, design, and artist pictures for the new Mr.Children single「足音~Be Strong. Join us, as we interview this rising start in the Japanese photography scene.

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写真に興味を持ち始めたのは14歳の頃でした。でも特に理由はなく、写真を撮ることがすごく楽しかったのです。その頃は同時にグラファイトリアリズムを勉強していたのですが、18歳の頃には写真の方に関心が向いていました。写真を撮り始めた頃は人物の写真を撮っていて、自分がどのような写真を撮りたいか模索中でした。2013年の夏に撮った”Fine Art”の写真でこのスタイルで行こう!って決めました。












Mr.Childrenの新しいシングル”足音 ~Be Strong”の仕事が終わったばかりなので、今はこれから何ができるかを考えています!Mr.Childrenと働いたときに、とても色々なことを学びました。例えば、私はどういうタイプのアートを作りたいか、仕事のプロセスはどういう感じがいいか。


アートというのは自発的でワイルドなことです。How to_の本やカメラマニュアルの中で含めることができません。ちゃんと理解するには時間をかけて一緒に時を過ごさなきゃいけなくて、全ての愛を注ぐ必要があります。アートをやりたい理由が多すぎたら、物事を複雑にしてしまうと思います。あなたをより生きていると感じさせるのであればやるべきです。何といってもそれが一番の理由だと思います。



-How did you get started with photography?

My interest in photography started around when I was 14 years old, except I wasn’t necessarily interested in it for any artistic reason, I was simply having fun and taking pictures. At the same time I was training myself in graphite realism, but photography started to take over my interest at around 18 years old. When I started I was simply taking portraits, and trying to feel around for the type of photography I wanted to do. It wasn’t until the summer of 2013 that I took my first “Fine Art” image, and fell in love with that style.

-Please tell us about the progress of making magical and beautiful pictures.

First of, I sketch an idea. The idea can be based of a feeling, an experience, from songs or even books. I honestly don’t exactly know how it all forms together, to me it is even a bit mysterious, but I do know that this is a very crucial part of the process. If I don’t feel 100% about the idea, or if I can’t fully relate to it, I probably won’t use it. I then gather up the things that I need to make the image (E.g Props and models). Then I decide on a location. Since I don’t have a car and my equipment can get heavy, most of the locations I use are around home station. Then I have the shoot. The shoot itself can take 5 minutes to two hours, it always depends on the day. The images usually never comes out how I expect it will, so for me it is exciting to see how it will come together. I then put the images in Photoshop, and after 5-20 hours of work (The time spent on it depends on the image) I have the finished piece.

-Where do you get the inspirations for your photos?

I draw inspiration from all parts of life. Of course I am inspired from passages in books, movies, poetry, and other artists, but most of my inspiration
streams from the experiences I have. For some strange reason, I become the most inspired when I go through a difficult time. I am not afraid to show pain
or the times when I was hurting (I am a very sensitive person so it can be frequent), but I also believe that it is important to make the difficult experiences
into something beautiful.

-During which moments do you feel like you want to capture it in a photo?

Being honest with emotions and feelings is very rare thing, or even the opportunity to be truly honest or truly yourself, so it is very easy to recognize when
it is present. When a moment or experience arises that is ripe with pure emotion, that is when I want to photograph. Or when I go to a new place or a newcountry, there are so many new feelings and new things for me, so that also makes me want to shoot.

-Do you have anything particular that you feel is important to have in your photos?

There are so many things that are important, but one thing I like to have in my images is that it has to have a meaning. If the image doesn’t have a meaning, then it is lifeless. On the set itself, it is important to have a model who I can connect with, or at least someone who connects with the idea. It has happened several times where the model is actually going through the same emotions as the theme of the image, even though I don’t always know that beforehand

-Please tell me what message you want to convey through your photos.

I incorporate a lot of my life into my images. I do like explaining each image’s unique message, but I don’t always explain in full. I think that if I am honest enough visually, if I plan the image and the feeling I want to portray well enough (Or capture a perfect moment) then I believe that that honesty shows without words. That way people can relate to the image better by creating their own personal meaning. It gives the picture even more meaning when people

-What are your ambitions or dreams from here on?

I just finished working with Mr.Children on their new single “足音 ~Be Strong” , so now I am just thinking of the possibilities! That job has taught me so much, including what type of art I want to make, and how I want the process to be like. So one of my ambitions is to publish an art book, detailing my personal process, and how the experiences in my life led me to my present opportunities. I am still very young, although, and have millions of things to learn, so my main ambition is to continue making art, and as I grow older see how my artwork evolves. One thing I have been also experimenting with these days is film! I recently got a film camera, so I’ve been playing with that more and more. It is a bit difficult for me since I ironically have very bad eyesight, but it is very fun!

-What is art to you?

Art is something spontaneous and wild. It can’t be contained inside a How-to book or a camera manual. You need to walk with it a while to understand it, and something you need to give all your love to. If you have too many reasons for wanting to do art, I think that it complicates things. You do it because it makes you feel more alive. I think that is the best reason for doing anything.

-Finally , please give us a message to the WAVE readers.

I hope that you enjoyed learning a bit more about my process! Art is a wonderful thing and is a different experience for everyone, but I believe that if you believe in what you do, then you can achieve anything

Reylia Slaby リリア・スレイビー

1992年10月24日の大阪生まれのReylia Slabyさん。彼女は現在奈良県に拠点を置く写真家である。二歳からモデルをし、それからグラファイトペンシルアーティスト、後に写真家に転身。彼女の作品は主に写真とグラファイトペンシルの絵である。

Born in Osaka, Japan, on October 24 1992, Reylia Slaby is a photographer now based in Nara. From two years old she modeled. Initially a graphite pencil artist, she slowly made a transition to photography. Her work includes photography and graphite pencil art.



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