Bilingual Culture Magazine


Text:Julia Oda
Translation: Yuka Shimayoshi

アーティストWATARU KOMACHIのエキシビションが六本木のギャラリーで開催!




  • JP
  • EN

小町渉とはどのような人物か?彼の創ったコラージュアートが、あの米監督兼俳優のDennis Hopper(映画「イージー・ライダー」でピンとくるだろう)氏のコレクション作品となったことをきっかけに活動を始める。アパレルブランドである「クリストフ ルメールChristophe Lemaire」とコラボした作品をパリにて展示し、欧米で評価を受けた。以降パリのセレクトショップである「colette」に展示、パリの老舗デパートの「Collections Particulieres」展に参加するなど精力的に活動する。ミュージシャンであるBECKのヨーロッパツアーオフィシャルT-shirtsのデザインなどをも手掛けた。現代社会と呼応して発信される作家独自の視点や、シニカルでありつつウィットに富んだメッセージ性のある表現、通俗に惑わされず一貫性のある作品を、アート・ファッション・写真・インテリア・デザインで巧みに魅せていく世界観をぜひ体験してみては。

4月6日~21日開催中Part01のテーマは「I Don`t Want To Grow UP」。初期衝動を具現化したfashionとpainting作品を中心にしたインスタレーションで構成している。
5月11日~21日開催中Part02のテーマは「Just Like Heaven」。現在の混迷世界において、小町渉自身の思い描くHeavenを具現化し、家具やシルクスクリーン作品を中心にした構成となっている。また展示と合わせて製作されたエキシビショングッズの販売も予定。

PUNK EXPRESSIONISM (パンクエクスプレッショニズム)
小学生の時, T.REX を兄の影響でわけもわからず好きになり父に頼みチケットを入手し家庭教師に連れられ武道館公演に行った。父*が音楽関係の仕事をしていたのでシートはまさかの最前列センターだった。

父* 亡父 ( 小町昭 ) はガメラ対ギャオス映画主題歌作曲で広く知られる作曲家

TO Peter Pan ,Marc Bolan & Giant Monster Gamera
( ピーターパン , マークボラン そして怪獣ガメラに )

– 小町 渉

OPEN:TUE,WED,THU /14:00〜19:00 FRI,SAT/11:00~19:00
Closed on SUN,MON,Holidays
東京都港区六本木7-18-8 2F

The event featuring Wataru Komachi, whose works consist musical art works and fashion, will be held from 6th to 21st April and 11th to 21st May, each with the different concepts.
Who is Wataru Komachi by the way? He started his career as an artist after his collage work became one of the collection of Dennis Hopper, an American director/actor who is known for Easy Rider. He revealed a collaboration with Christophe Lemaire in Paris, and received a high evaluation among Western society. Since then, he had an exhibition at ‘colette’ in Paris, or joined the exhibition called ‘Collections Particulieres’ at the old department store. Also he designed an official T-shirt for a well-known musician BECK’s European tour.

You can experience the original view point of him that is in response to the modern society, the cynical and witty expressions, and his consistent works without everyday affairs, or in other words, his world through art, fashion, photography, interior and designing.

During the part one of the exhibition from 6th to 21st April, the theme is ‘I Don’t Want To Grow Up’. It’s consisted with the installation art mainly of fashion and paintings, which embody an early intention.
The theme will be ‘Just Like Heaven’ during the part two from 11th to 21st May. In the modern maze-like world, he embodies a heaven with his image, and the works consist interior or silkscreen printings. Along with the exhibition, the original items will be on sale.

When I was in a primary school, I didn’t know why but I became to like T.REX thanks to my brother, and I asked my dad to get a ticket and went to their show at Budokan accompanied by my private tutor. Because my father was involved in the music industry, my seat was surprisingly in the front row.
While playing Get It On as an encore, one of members Mickey Finn found me in the front and made a gesture of throwing his tambourine to me again and again, and finally he did. I caught it, and in a moment, someone grabbed it from my hand. I looked for the one who took the tambourine, but couldn’t find it.
On the stage, glitters dripped off from Marc Bolan were shining without any sounds. I’m still looking for that tambourine flying away somewhere.
This is my story of unrequited journey.

My father Akira Komachi was widely known as a composer of the theme song of the film ‘Giant Monster Mid-Air Battle Gamera vs. Gaos’.

-Wataru Komachi

[Opening Reception]

Date:10 November 2017

Tarm: 10 November – 2 December 2017
Open: Tue-Sat: 11am-7pm
Location: CLEAR EDITION & GALLERY, Tokyo-to, Minato-ku, Roppongi 7-18-2 2F (A 2 minute walk from Hibiya Line, Roppongi station)