今年8月に約5年ぶりのニューアルバム『High Planet Cruise』を自主レーベルからリリース、60年代後半から70年代を彷彿とさせるサイケでドープ、かつポップな楽曲でデビュー当時から異彩を放つ五人組バンド“HAPPY”、この秋に3rdアルバム『Infinity mirror』を発売し、リスナーの脳内に様々な景色を駆け巡らせるような独創的で浮遊感に富んだ詩とサウンド、そして圧倒的なライブパフォーマンスを武器に東京のロックシーンで活躍する”Gateballers”の2組に加え、今年3月にはアメリカ・オースティンにて行われたSXSWにも出演し、ポップな佇まいもありながら、ぐっと深いオルタナティブ性が光る楽曲の世界観が注目され、福岡が生んだ若き記載とも称される西村匠のソロユニット、”the parfect me”の出演が決定。
◼”Dolphin Club ~ Love Dolphin Love Forever ~”
OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00
場所:Kieth Flack
The parfect me
前売り券 ¥2500 / 当日券 ¥3000 (+1DRINK ¥500)
※150枚限定 発売中
Live Pocket https://t.livepocket.jp/e/dolphin_1011

京都府出身の5人組のサイケデリックバンド。全員が複数のパートを担当し自由な発想で創られた楽曲がライブハウスシーンとSNSによる口コミで広まり、デビュー前にして2013年SUMMER SONIC出演をきっかけに注目が集まる。
2014年8月6日、1stアルバム「HELLO」をリリース。収録曲がSPACE SHOWER TV [POWER PUSH!]やFM802[邦楽ヘビーローテーション]等に選出され、各誌・サイトの2014年ベストディスクにも多数選ばれる。数々の大型フェスや国内ツアーを経て、2014年末にはバンド初となるワンマンツアーを開催。
2015年5月13日、1stEP「To The Next」をリリース。全18本の全国ツアーを開催。
2016年1月Sound Cloudに新曲「CYM」をUP。同年3月自主企画「ELECTRIC FLOWER CARNIVAL」を新代田FEVERにて開催。同年4月初の台湾ツアーを開催。同年6月GAPミュージックプロジェクト「1969RECORDS」とのタイアップアーティストに選出。Photo ZINE「Mellow Fellow」発売。(同年10月自主企画「HAPPY HALLOWEEN」開催。Photo ZINE「HEY」発売。
2017年6月FLAKE SOUNDSより7inchシングル「Mellow Fellow / Hey」を発売。同年7月自主レーベルよりMini Album 「STONE FREE」を発売。
リリースワンマンツアー東京新代田FEVER・大阪梅田NOON・名古屋クラブロックンロールで開催。2019年8月に2nd full Album High Planet Cruiseをリリース。

2014年11月にVo.濱野夏椰が小山田壮平(AL,ex.andymori)らと共にレーベル”Sparking Records”を設立。
2016年3月にリリースした1stアルバム「Lemon songs」がタワーレコードのプッシュアイテム「タワレコメン」に選出。アルバムリリースを機に、「FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL’16」など各フェスに出演。
7月には濱野夏椰がポカリスウェットとFUJI ROCK FESTIVALのコラボCMにてギターを演奏するなど、活躍の幅を広げている。
2018年2ndアルバム『 「The all」=「Poem」 』をリリース。初のレコ発全国ツアーを開催し東京公演として渋谷O-nestにてワンマンライブを実施。12月にはバンド市場三度目となるワンマンを新代田FEVERにて開催し、同日4曲目の歌と3曲目のインストゥメンタルを収録したEP「Thank You Part-time Punks」
ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION後藤正文主催『APPLE VINEGAR –Music Award-2019』に『 「The all」=「Poem」 』がノミネート。

◼the perfect me
福岡が生んだ若き天才、西村匠のソロユニット。2013年2人組ユニットとして結成後、ライブを主体として活動。無名ながらも米インディ・バンドDEERHOOFの前座に抜擢されるなど、早くしてその才能を地元で轟かせる。ちなみにグループ名の「the perfect me」はDEERHOOFの曲名から名付けられた。2017年1stアルバム「INTO THE HOUSE」をリリース。ブラックミュージックからインディロック、ジャズなどあらゆるジャンルの音楽を巧みにミクスチャーした独特の世界観で、感度の高い音楽リスナーから支持を受ける。また西村は並行して地元のアーティストのレコーディングエンジニアとしても才能を発揮し始める。2018年7月ギターのmassiveeffectの脱退を機に、ソロユニットとして本格始動。同年9月に福岡で行われた音楽イベントASIAN PICKS内のライブオーディションにてグランプリを獲得。副賞としてアメリカ・オースティンにて2019年3月に行われるSXSWのJAPAN NITEへの出演も果たした。
The event features three artists/groups: In August of this year, the band “HAPPY” released their first new album ‘High Planet Cruise’ in about 5 years from an independent label, and since their debut, they have been outstandingly popular and dope with psyche reminiscent of the late 60s and 70s. “Gateballers ” released their 3rd album ‘Infinity mirror’ this fall, and they are active in the rock scene in Tokyo with creative and floating poems and sounds like running through the scenery in the listener’s brain and overwhelming live performance. In addition to these two groups, “the perfect me,” a solo unit of Takumi Nishimura, who is called a young genius born in Fukuoka, will perform. He also appeared at SXSW held in Austin, USA in March this year, and the world view of the music, which has a pop atmosphere but a deep alternative, attracted attention.
It’s sure to be an unbelievably hot night, packed with sensitive music listeners. The number of tickets is limited to 150, so don’t miss it!
◼”Dolphin Club ~ Love Dolphin Love Forever ~”
OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00
Location:Kieth Flack
1-8-28, Maiduru, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka city, Fukuoka
The parfect me
Adv ¥2500 / Door ¥3000 (+1DRINK ¥500)
※Limited to 150 tickets. now on sale
Live Pocket https://t.livepocket.jp/e/dolphin_1011

Happy is a psychedelic band with five members from Kyoto Prefecture. All the members are in charge of multiple parts, and the songs created by free thinking spread by word of mouth through the scene of live house and SNS, and attracted attention after appearing in SUMMER SONIC before debut in 2013.
On August 6, 2014, they released her 1st album “HELLO”. Recorded songs have been selected on SPACE SHOWER TV, FM 802, etc., and many of them have been selected as the best discs of 2014 by various magazines and websites. After going through a number of large festivals and domestic tours, the band held its first one-man tour at the end of 2014.
On May 13, 2015, 1steP “To The Next” was released. A total of 18 nationwide tours are held.
January 2016: They uploaded their new song “CYM” to Sound Cloud. In March of the same year, a self-organized “ELECTRIC FLOWER CARNIVAL” was held at Shin-Daita FEVER. The first Taiwan tour was held in April of the same year. In June of the same year, they were elected as a tie-up artist with GAP Music Project “1969 RECORDS”. Photo ZINE “Mellow Fellow” is launched. In October of the same year, a self-organized “HAPPY HALLOWEEN” was held. Photo ZINE “HEY” is launched.
In June 2017, FLAKE SOUNDS released the 7 inch single “Mellow Fellow/Hey”. In July of the same year, Mini Album “STONE FREE” was released by an independent label.

In November 2014, Vo. Kaya Hamano established a label together with Sohei OYAMADA(AL, ex. andymori).
In July 2015, Nara Kudomi became a member of the group.
The 1st album “Lemon songs” released in March 2016 was selected as Tower Records push item “Tawarekomen”. With the release of the album, they appeared in various festivals such as “FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL ’16”.
In February 2017, they held his first solo live at Shimokitazawa SHELTER. In May, they appeared in “COMIN’KOBE 17″.
In July, Kaya Hamano played the guitar in a collaboration CM between Pocari Sweat and Fuji Rock FESTIVAL, expanding her range of activities.
They invited Itaru Uchimura as a support member and started the activity as a group of four.
In 2018, they released their 2nd album ‘”The all” = “Poem”‘. The first nationwide tour was held and a one-man live was held at O-nest in Shibuya in Tokyo. In December, the band’s third one-man show was held at Shinshirota FEVER, and on the same day, the EP “Thank You Part-time Punks”, recorded the 4th song and 3rd instrumental, has been released for limited distribution.
‘”The all” = “Poem”‘ was nominated for ‘Apple VINEGAR – Music Award -2019’ sponsored by ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Masafumi GOTO.
Kaya HAMANO participated as a guitarist in “Sohei Oyamada Band Tour 2019” held from September, 2019 and Nara Kudomi with Ds. Ba. Takuma HONMURA is participating in Ayano Kaneko’s BAND.

◼the perfect me
The perfect me is a solo unit by Takumi Nishimura, a young genius born in Fukuoka. After it was formed as a 2 person unit in 2013, it mainly performed live performances. They were selected as an opening act to American independent band DEERHOOF even though they were unknown, and their talent quickly became well known in their hometown. The group name “the perfect me” was named after the DEERHOOF song. In 2017 they released 1st album “INTO THE HOUSE”. It has a unique world view that skillfully mixes music from all genres, from black music to indi-rock and jazz, and is supported by highly sensitive music listeners. At the same time, Nishimura began to show his talent as a recording engineer for local artists. In July 2018, when massiveeffect left the unit, he started as a solo unit. In September of the same year, he won the grand prize in a live audition held in the music event ASIAN PICKS in Fukuoka. As a side prize, he appeared on JAPAN NITE of SXSW held in Austin, USA in March 2019.
Nishimura’s unique music group, which takes care of everything from consenting, arrangement, tracking, vocals, and engineering including mixing, has a pop atmosphere and a unique world with deep alternatives. He is undoubtedly the most noteworthy artist in the indie scene of Kazaoka, which has been flourishing in recent years.