Interview: Miyu Hirai
Translation: Michika Kagayama
Edit: Yuka Shimayoshi
現役学生による音楽メディア「CRJA」がいま注目するアーティストをいち早く紹介。今回はFaded old cityをピックアップ。
Music media CRJA curated by students pick up Faded Old City as upcoming artists one step ahead than others and bringing them to you.
今回は奈良のインディーロックバンドFaded old cityに音楽とアートを切り口にインタビュー。彼らの表現する音楽とアートの融合とは……?
Faded old cityさんは英語詞のイメージが強いのですが、英語詞にする理由はありますか?
You: バンド結成当初からメンバーと共有していた音楽が英語で歌われているものがほとんどだったので、自然と英語を用いるようになりました。 最近では自分達が使っている言葉とワンクッション離れたものを使うことでインスピレーションを得ています。
MVやジャケットのアートワークの世界観がとても好きで、監督・編集は Gt.のYasuさんが手掛けていると耳にしたのですが、内容や方向性についてこだわっていることはありますか?
Yasu: ありがとうございます。 楽曲制作時に映像やアートワークのイメージも思い浮かべながら作るので、そこで浮かんだことを極力再現するようにしています。 同時にその時々の自分の中でのトレンドも落とし込んで制作できたらと考えています。
CRJA FUKUOKAのカレッジチャートにもランクインされてますが、カレッジチャートについてどう思われますか?
You: メジャーインディー問わず良いと思ったアーティスト/楽曲を発信できるフォーマットを同世代の人たちが作り上げている事がすごく素敵なことだと思いました。
You: Nick Murphy – Terms and conditions
Yasu: The Beatles – Blackbird (2018Mix)
Romeo: Miink – Who Are You?
Leo: Vök – Night&Day
Ryo: Coldplay – A Head Full of Dreams
■Faded old city
HP :
digital single “404 NOTFOUND”
2019.01.01 release
1.404 NOTFOUND 2.PIERCE-Kntr remix
This time, we interviewed Faded old city, an indie rock band based in Nara. How do they express the merging of music and art?
As a band, you are known for using English lyrics on your tracks. Are there any reasons behind this approach?
You: Ever since the band was formed, the music that I had in common with the other members were in English. So it was natural that I started using English too. Lately, we find inspiration in using words that are more abstract than the ones we usually use.
I really like the atmosphere of your music videos and artwork. I heard that the directing and editing is done by Yasu, the guitarist. Are there any things you pay special attention to regarding your approach to the content?
Yasu: Thank you. I imagine how the clips and artwork would be in the songwriting process. Then I try to recreate what I come up with as much as I can. At the same time, I’m hoping that I can apply the things I find interesting in the creative process.
Faded old city is in the college chart of CRJA FUKUOKA. What do you think about college charts?
You: I think it’s wonderful how people from my generation are creating a platform to introduce good music, whether it be indie or not.
Tell us your most played track of the moment.
You: Nick Murphy – Terms and conditions
Yasu: The Beatles – Blackbird (2018Mix)
Romeo: Miink – Who Are You?
Leo: Vök – Night&Day
Ryo: Coldplay – A Head Full of Dreams
Finally, please leave a message for your listeners!
We will continue making tracks so please support us!
■Faded old city
Inheriting the styles of electronic dance music and making experimental attempts, Faded old city is an indie rock band with melodies that reach a wide audience. As they express sounds minimally in recordings, their live performances involve a more physical and energetic approach to the music. The band is enthusiastic about exploring their own musical experience as the members come from different roots and cover different aspects. For this reason, their artwork and music videos are strictly self-produced.
HP :
digital single “404 NOTFOUND”
2019.01.01 release
1.404 NOTFOUND 2.PIERCE-Kntr remix