今年でNYLON JAPAN 15周年という事もあり、NYLONが昔と比べると変わったと感じる点を聞いてみた。
1967年生まれ。長崎県出身。明治学院大学卒。2001年12月、出版・デザイン・マルチメディアプロデュース・デジタルコンテンツ企画制作・イベント企画制作・海外ライセンス事業・コンサルティングなど、オリジナリティ溢れるクリエイティヴ活動を行う会社として、カエルム株式会社を設立。現在、カエルム代表取締役社長、『NYLON JAPAN』編集長、『SHEL’TTER』編集長を務める。
■会場:THE LIFE hostel & bar lounge( 〒812-0038 福岡県福岡市博多区祇園町8−13 第一プリンスビル 1F)
Since this is the 15th anniversary of NYLON JAPAN, we asked him what has been changed in NYLON compared to before.
“I can say nothing changed,” Togawa said.
Passing 15 years, one of the biggest change in the world is the development of SNS.
Regarding of art, we can see something we had to go to see before on screens now.
It becomes easy to access the art everyday on SNS, though, they seem to be different or give various impressions in person.
Rather we can say that the value and the importance to see the real things with our own eyes have increased.
“Thinking about the current situation that there are so many things, including art and fashion, I want to see them with my eyes as much as I can, and this is my job. It would be amazing if the art and the fashion presented as information on SNS make people want to see them in person,” told Togawa.
What is he thinking about fashion recently, then?
“I don’t know how much I can take part in, but I’d like to help out to tell fashion to the world in a good way.”
In fashion, the important thing to make a community is the creativity or the value of the community.
NYLON gains a peculiar group of readers, Togawa said NYLON is a magazine to communicate with people who love to belong the community.
There’s a possibility that someday, SNS loses the power and will be replaced by a new tool. Then “individuality” is necessary.
Togawa thinks the time goes on to the era when people feature the essential quality of clothes rather than when people have faith in brand such as Chanel or Louis Vuitton.
What you believe is the most significant, and people start to make much account of what they believe or not both in art and fashion in the near future. We shouldn’t see art and fashion only virtual, but feel them with our own skin.
■Takashi Togawa
Born in 1967, Nagasaki. Graduated from Meiji Gakuin University. He established CAELUM Co., working in an original and creative field of publishing, design, multi-media produce, digital-contents, events, global licence and consulting. He is now a CEO of CAELUM Co., a Chief Editor of NYLON JAPAN, and a Chief Editor of SHEL’TTER.
■Place: THE LIFE hostel & bar lounge( 〒812-0038 8-13, Gion, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka city, Fukuoka)