Sayuri Murooka Exhibition “Junction”

Sophie Calle ―フランスから東京へ―

Interview: Ren Ashikaga
Text, Edit & Translation: Yuka Shimayoshi
Photo: Bun Yokoyama
Wooly Interviewed with Moe Nakase, exhibiting at Art Fair Tokyo this year after making a success of holding solo exhibitions in Japan/overseas.
自分の感情の一部でもあるけれど、生命が生まれることに対しての明暗みたいなものがあります。昨年から、社会的なことでいうと虐待の事件だったり、SNSだったり、日本の中での生きづらさみたいなものがすごくピックアップされていて、国外から日本ってどうなってるの? 大丈夫? みたいな心配もされていると思うんです。それに対して、社会に対する芸術へのアクションの一つ前に、生きている中で自分が持っている生命がどういう風に動いているんだろう、まずは自分が人としてどう生きているんだろう、ということを考えました。
1993 年、神奈川県生まれ。2015 年からモデル活動を始め、その傍らで彫刻家である父に影響を受け、モデル以外での自己表現は何だろうかと思い始め、アーティストとしても活動を始める。極小の「点」から織り成す、独特の点描画を、透明感のあるトレーシングペーパーに描き出す作品から、ブルックリンの展示を経て、蜜蝋を使った、鮮やかで色彩の流れを描いたようなエンカウスティックの作品を展開している。
2018年、ニューヨーク・ブルックリンにて個展「Water」、六本木CLEAR GALLERY TOKYOにて個展「Beyond」を開催。
Moe Nakase, holding solo exhibitions in Brooklyn and Roppongi last year, exhibits at Art Fair Tokyo 2019.
Wooly asked her how she felt to join the art fair for the first time.
Would you tell me your message in this exhibition “signal (fetal movement)”?
The title indicates internal movement, like movement of a foetus in mum’s tummy.
This is a part of my feelings, but there’s a fate of being born into this world. Since last year, I think the difficulties to live in Japan, such as child abuse or an argument of SNS, are highly picked up, and these situations have been worried by people in abroad. Thinking about that, before taking an art action against society, I considered how my existence is moving around in my life or how I live as a human.
What was your attitude when creating the works?
The creation process as a contextas has been a continuous from the former works, but I had to scrape off extra things rather than add something.
When I added something it led me into delusions, for example, when I added one colour I started to have idle thoughts, so I had to figure out how I could take them away. As the works got more and more minimum, I realised I could feel in a certain way.
Is there any change from the start of creation to the finish?
I think I could reach the deeper point than before. There is an obvious difference in dark and bright colours, but especially in the brighter works, there is something like blood coming out from the fresh body under the skin. Reaching to the body, my works are questioning how the body and the soul are connected, or how you feel pain when you are surely alive. There are layers depending on various time lines, though, and different feelings I had. This is not what I meant to, but what it happened to be, and this is the action that the works took.
Because I mainly use wax to draw, I can heat them again to change if I want to. But when I stop and finish the works, I have a feeling that my works make me finish them. For me, the works understand me well.
The smoky touch created by beeswax is very unique, but why did you start to use it?
It’s been 4 years since I started to try wax. I’ve had a longing for something to melt and vanish, and that’s what wax is, it’s originally a solid but turned into liquid and gas by heating it. These three stages in a process is similar to a process of human life. Beeswax is very natural and harmless, and I think it’s the best material that I can think of.
How do you feel to exhibit at the art fair for the first time?
It’s such an honour, but I feel a bit confused to be honest.
I have an impression about an art fair that is “consuming”. Of course the art stands on purchase and sale of works and I can live on and buy new materials for the next if someone buy my art. But if I have an intention to “sell” stronger, my works would be just products and this is difficult. I guess people are easily attracted to something beautiful visually, so I had to struggle to stop my decorative aspect. It won’t be art if the management side comes forward, I decided to be very determined about it.
Finally, what is art for you.
That help me alive.
I now feel more comfortable and honest to me than ever before. I input something from the works, not output to the works. I receive a message from them before I put my feeling or thoughts into words. Thinking with my brain can consist fabrications because I calculate the loss and gain without knowing. But in the works I draw with my body, there’s my genuine emotion. I find my own emotion or intention in the works.
I can’t describe the art in one word, but it helps me to reconfirm the importance of my existence.
◆Moe Nakase
Born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1993.
While starting modeling in 2015, she began to work on as an artist influenced by her father known for a sculptor, thinking about what is her own expression besides the model. Going through from the works by unique pointillism, making many tiny dots on translucent tracing paper, to the exhibition in Brooklyn, she started the encaustic paintings, drawing the flow of vivid colors with beeswax.
In 2017, she exhibited at NY BROOKLYN BEAUTY/FAHSION LABO, and in December, received the grand prize of J-COLLABO ANNUAL EXHIBITION.
In 2018, she held a solo exhibition “Water” in Brooklyn and “Beyond” at Clear Gallery Tokyo, Roppongi.
Instagram: @moe0814n