Interview: Mariko Idehara
Edit & Translation: Yuka Shimayoshi
Photo: Reina Tokonami
小学生のときは毎日服を選んで着て行くことがすっごく楽しくて、卒業アルバムに「服を毎日選ぶことでどれだけテンションが変わるか……」みたいなことを書いていました(笑) 自由研究も、本を見て既成の型から好きな生地で服を作ったり、自分が持っているものをカスタムして新しく作って、それの作り方をレポートにまとめて提出したりすることが好きでしたね。
そういった共通感覚のサイクルが巡ってきて、トレンドという枠ができると思うんですけど、私にとっては「今」が大事です。まずは今現代の人達に共感してもらいたい。いいと思うものがあればそれを早く出そう! っていうのは強くありますね。
そうです! 前回のコレクションでは、ほとんどのものは前日に組んでいたんですけど、当日の朝まで決まっていなかったルックが一つあって。本当に面白いのが、そういうルックがトップに来たりするんですよね。全部ではなく、いろいろと準備した中に一個そういったものがあるからいいと思うんですけど、結果的に全体のバランスがとれたので良かったです。
Kotoha Yokozawa is a fashion designer who attracts the youths with her coexisting sensitivity and boldness.
Wooly has approached her world of capturing the daily changes and curiosity.
Would you tell me why you started to join the fashion industry?
I love fashion since when I was very little, so it was a natural sequence. My grandmother who live with us used to be a dressmaker and there was always a sewing machine in her room. I was often told about the dresses she made and that we had a similar taste, so it was early enough to get interested in fashion for me. I was a kid who always wished the clothes for my birthday presents.
You are a born fashion lover then.
It was such a fun thing for me to choose what to wear when I was in an elementary school, that I wrote about “how fashion can excite me every day” for my graduation essay. For the research projects during summer vacation, I read a book and made a piece with a pattern or customized my clothes and reported how I did it.
I guess it’s not common only to choose clothes but actually create something.
I love both choosing what to wear and putting them on by myself. It was a big boom of the brand called “Narumiya International” at that time so I loved to buy them, or I read teen magazines such as “Pichile” or “Nicola” and went to the bookstore three days before their release to get them earlier than anyone else. I don’t know why, indeed, I started to make clothes as well though. However I didn’t have enough knowledge and there was a limit to do all by myself, I decided to go to the high school witch has the classes of fashion and clothes making.
Since the start of the brand you’ve presented the collections every seasons. Through the making process of collections, how do you work on from the first inspiration?
I was wondering that before I started my brand and often asked, but I keep all possibilities until the last minute. But it’s difficult to know what to start with, so after the show and exhibition, for example, I just check social media or walk around the town, and collect anything I get interested in. Each of them is just a piece, but when I put all of my ideas together, they suggest me keywords or images. Starting with this process, I consider about items, materials and the way to present and create them.
I’m updated every day living my life, so if there’s an image board first it would change in at least half a year of creation of one collection. I receive this change as much as possible. If putting an importance on taking a concrete process, I would have to tell a lie when it’s actually changed, or would be trapped in what I’ve decided first. In a flexible environment or on a relatively small scale at the moment, I present what I created as a result of continual changes. In the last season, I finished to create something very different from what I said at first. This is a good thing, I guess, because making changes won’t be happened without the very first ideas.
A lot of things can be changed in half a year.
Exactly. Some of them change and other do not. There’re something I have since I was born, things that change in a day, or a boom that change in a year. Therefore, I have to understand objectively that how much I love these things. If I get it wrong, I’m confused what I like just for a while as an eternal favorite.
As your daily life changes, the society changes. The designers’ collections have been put in the sense of trend by media according to the society. What is your attitude that hasn’t changed in that sense?
I make up my mind about it. There’re two pillars to differ human beings from each other, I think, one is a huge pillar of inheritance, family and environment which is hard to change, and the other is a pillar of time. As long as I live in the society today, there must be someone who sympathize with me, regardless of how much I struggle to find them.
For instance, if a designer presented the collection from 20 years ago and the latest collection at the same time now, there must have been some people who couldn’t understand the fashion of two decades ago. But you might have felt something in common, and there might have been a shared identity.
There’s a cycle of such shared norms and it makes a trend, but for me “the present” is the most important.
How can you keep your stance when you’re being open to the world?
The environment I’m in is good for me, I assume. People around me never denied what I love since I was a kid. They just take it as it is. So by keeping telling what I like and extending the permissible range, I’ll be freer to do what I want. The situation I have now is all thank to the people around me, including the customers, those who accept me.
It’s your uniqueness that there’re various elements in your collections.
Yeah, it’s not so common. Not only a piece of clothes, but the different components, such as who wears it or what item they use together, complete the fashion. In the case of collections, maybe I prefer creating the setting or accessories to making clothes itself. Thinking about how I arrange the clothes, it seems I’m rather good at combining these elements of models and music etc. Of course I love clothing, so it’s not only about putting some items together, but choosing cloths and tags. From the small details to the entire composition, I’m grasps in the same way.
Then, do you decide all the stylings by yourself?
I do! At the last collection, I finished most of them but left one styling until the morning on the presentation. This is very interesting, though, that the look came first of all collection. It works because there’s only one in the others I prepared enough, but it was well-balanced at last anyway.
How was it when you visited Shanghai for the presentation in March 2018?
People there are so energetic. The whole society is vibrant and everyone realizes that and has hope that they can carve out their future as much as they work for it. If the environment changes, I have to change as well. When I visited there, and I don’t understand their language, it felt better for me because I could be more aggressive and didn’t have to be concerned about unnecessary things.
Do you think about overseas expansion in the future?
I have interests in. The things I’m attracted to are mainly artists, shops and music in Berlin. I’d like to visit there, but it’s a bit different from that I want to sell my clothes more. There can be the approach that I’d love to have relationship with the locals and collaborate with them somehow.
I’d try various things to make a comfortable environment for me by showing the possibilities. I’ll make an effort to realize these possibilities that I’m interested in, and make it happened from an unexpected opportunity.
Finally, what is fashion for you?
My daily life, all the time.
◆kotohayokozawa/Kotoha Yokozawa
Born in Nagoya, 1991. She started a self-titled brand “kotohayokozawa” based in Tokyo, March 2015.
With a concept “dress in ordinary days”, she explores the relationship between emotion and clothes.