

Mr. Childrenや、ゆずの2人がまだ売れる前の若い頃にも撮影していたという。

中山美穂、福山雅治、THE BOOM、THE MODS、桑田佳祐、稲垣潤一、BOØWY、ASKA、エレファントカシマシなどのCDジャケットを手がける。また、布袋寅泰のアルバム、『GUITARHYTHM』で8曲の英語詞での作詞を行った。写真集、エッセイ集発表の他、ラジオDJや俳優として映画出演などの活動も行う。
会期:2019 年 2 月 26 日(火)~3 月 25 日(月)
会場:六本松蔦屋書店(〒810-0044 福岡県福岡市中央区 4丁目2−1 六本松421 2F)
The brand new art event “the finders 2019” was held to introduce up-coming artists mainly based in Kyushu and Asia. On February 26th, the solo exhibition of Herbie Yamaguchi has started at TSUTAYA BOOKS Ropponmatsu and he held a talk session to celebrate it.
He talked about the works he exhibits this time and photography.
This exhibition includes the scenery of punk-rock 40 years ago, or some portraits of Masaharu Fukuyama and Yutaka Ozaki he took 20 years ago.

Herbie takes monochrome portrait snaps, and his affectionate, neat works attract his fans.
It’s important for him to keep them simple and clean, he said, and the same can be said for fashion as well as photography.
He wears simple and one-tone clothes with one accent colour.
He made an advise that it’s effective to use one key-word in remarks, sentences or any expressions.

He took portraits of a Japanese famous band Mr. Children and a duo called Yuzu before they became popular.
Along with them, he worked with so many big names, and there’s even a rumour that people can be famous if Herbie Yamaguchi takes pictures of them.
This is because, “I can work as a photographer thanks to the people who allow me to take photos of. I have to appreciate them a lot,” he told us.
He prays for their happiness in his mind when he takes photos.
It doesn’t matter how famous they are. If the subjects are sensitive, they recognise that, and make more calm expression.
Of course thinking about the composition or training the lens on are necessary, but praying for happiness is the most important thing for him.
He doesn’t get engrossed only in taking a photo, but always keeps his mind to wish their happiness.
This exhibition is held at TSUTAYA BOOKS Ropponmatsu until March 25th.
Why not go and find your favourite among his monochrome and simple works?

■Herbie Yamaguchi Exhibition “journey, music, finder”
Born in 1950, Tokyo. After graduating from the university, in 1973, he went to London and spent 10 years there.
He once belonged to a theatrical company and performed on stage, at the same time, he experienced the most exciting era of London and shared a flat with Boy George, who was still unknown, as the movement of Punk Rock or New Wave we’re going on. His pictures capturing those London’s lively scenes got highly evaluated.
After coming back to Japan, he has been taking photos of ordinal people in a town, along with collaborating with many famous artists such as Masaharu Fukuyama. Many of his works are monochrome snap portraits. Along with the photography works, he writes essays, and speaks on a radio and a TV.
Dates: 2019.2.26 (Tue)-3.25(Mon)
Place: TSUTAYA BOOKS ROPPONMATSU (〒810-0044 Ropponmatsu 421, 4-2-1, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka city, Fukuoka)