Interview with Rina Yamawaki ~carbon & blanc solo exhibition~

Interview with director of abC Art Book Fair

Text:Mariko Idehara
Translation:Karolina Höglind
Photo:Kazuki Iwabuchi
かつて付き合っていた彼女との毎日を記録するためにカメラを手に取った岩渕一輝は、凡庸が隅々まで染み渡った日本の街や、彼という部屋を素通りしていった女性たちから時折こぼれ出るメランコリーを、とても品良くすくい取っている。モチーフやテーマよりも、いつかに何かの映画で目にしたような美しい色合いだけが印象に残る。どこにも辿りつかない単体のイメージ、という感じ。これらの写真のどれでも、自分の狭い部屋の壁に飾っておきたいと思う (『STUDY』長畑宏明)。
1995 年、岩手県生まれ。「自身が写真とスタイリングを手がけたフォトストーリーが
『STUDY magazine #4』に掲載」
岩渕一輝 photo exhibition “Slices of the moment”
日時: 2018.3.16(金)〜3.21(水)
13:00~20:00(終日の3月21日は18時 CLOSE)
〒151-0064 東京都渋谷区上原2丁目29−13
協力: 文化学園大学チャレンジプロジェクト
お問い合わせ : 090-2849-8879
Since photographer Kazuki Iwabuchi came to Tokyo he has met many people, and it was these people that he liked, and him wanting to take their photo which became his motivation to pick up a camera. There is a strong appeal to his attitude with which he continuously takes his photographs – “I always want to stay transparent, and I don’t want to speak at all”.
For this exhibition the photos taken during these 4 years since he came to Tokyo will be at display.
The vague, beautiful outlines reflected through his lens gradually gives us the impression of its presence, as it brings us further into an increasingly impressive moment.
“While each subject has a blurriness, the sense of it’s core presence becomes strong. As just a mere photography, it becomes an image, of things and people, of something that I believe we are able to see as a figure which seems as it has been freed from time itself and turned into an invisible form.”
His works which can be described like this is something I would love for you to see with your own eyes.
Kazuki, who first picked up a camera to record the days he spent with a girl he once dated, now takes wonderful photographs of Japanese towns where nothing but mediocrity fills every street and corner, and the melancholy that sometimes overflows as women passes in and out of the room that is his life. Rather than a theme or a certain motif, the impression that remains in you is the lovely colors which feels as if it was something you once could have seen in a movie. The feeling of an image of something that will never reach anywhere. Anyone of these photos I would love to have and hang it up on one of the walls in my small apartment. (“STUDY” Hiroaki Nagatani)
Kazuki Iwabuchi
Born in 1995 in Iwate Prefecture. His Photostory, styled and photograåhed by Kazuki himself were featured in STUDY Magazine #4.
Kazuki Iwabuchi Photoexhibition “Sliches of the Moment”
Date and Time: 2018.3.16(Fri)〜3.21(Wed)
Place: NO.12 GALLERY
〒151-0064 Tokyo-to, Shibuya-ku, Uehara 2-29-13
Support: Bunka Gakuen University -Challenge Project.
Inquiries: 090-2849-8879