Explore your Source – KYOTOGRAPHIE 2024 Report-

Shiori Ota Photo Show “Giant Pink Star” Pre-show Interview

Text/Interview: Mariko Idehara/Maria Takahashi
Translation: Narumi Watanabe
僕は、あれすごく嫌い。あの人だれ みたいなの、こっちの台詞ですよね。
人見知りかな なんて思いますけど、どう考えても個展会場って鑑賞者の方が隔たりが強い空間です。作家さんが繊細な方が多いのはわかっているんですけど、もちろん。
■Wooly Exhibition in Brooklyn vol.2 「a magic moment」
会期: 2018.11.18(土)-12.3(日)
OPEN: MON-SUN /11:00〜19:00 (水曜は定休日)
出展作家: Yushi Dangami、 Hitoshi Kuroki、eve、moka、Moene Kamiya、Mihira Yuta
会場:Brooklyn Beauty/ Fashion Labo 300 7th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215, USA
What kind of mind set do you have when you create an art work?
I always have in my mind a question of “how do we confront the reality?”. In order to be able to express, you need to affirm the context, which forces you to continue working with a bit of a guilt. It is all about affirming the reality, including the world and yourself. “Nevertheless, moving towards the beauty”, I have that kind of mind set. Even if you come up with a lofty idea, the work will end up being superficial. You must confirm that you are partially being vulgar.
Many of your works depict faces of people. Is there any meaning to it?
There is an extremely existential problem laying behind the faces in the work, and that’s where my focus is on.
Tell us about the thoughts behind the theme of the last solo exhibition “interval” and other unique captions of the art pieces. How do you come up with them?
The titles come from the daily life. Though I do not think it is very unique myself. For me captain is never the explication of the painting. You don’t mix the rinse and shampoo. Rinse is rinse, shampoo is shampoo. Though I don’t use rinse (haha).
If I give a title to myself, it would be “the wedge”. I think that’s because there is a realism in the base of my production.
I believe that art only comes from life, no matter what.
Art is something to sidle up from life.
A “part” only exists where there is the “whole”. The collection of parts would not become the whole. You are immediately out when you dissociate from the winding line of life.
You always talked with the visitor of your solo exhibition. What do you keep in mind in the conversations?
I keep in mind to never make the moment wasted. The topic does not necessarily have to be related to the painting. Sometimes that is even better.
When you go to exhibition, there are sometimes people who talk only within the peer group. I do not really like it. It is rather me who wants to ask “who are you”?
Maybe some people are shy but in any cases the audiences are the ones who set the distance in solo exhibition gallery space. Of course I understand that many of artists are sensitive but they should talk to even if it is hard. What we can do as exhibitors is to do everything we can do to the people who use their precious time to come. I do not talk to people whom I do not have to. If you made something you do not need any explication, you should rather go back home and work on the next project.
Is there any difference between exhibition in Japan and overseas?
I do not think there is really a difference.
Tell us the motivation of this exhibition in NY.
The base of the works is always the same. This time too.
What does NY mean to you?
Maybe it makes me feel a bit easier.
Compare to Japan where people tend to observe each other, I relatively do have to be so conscious of the eyes of others here.
Since there are many kinds of people, this place has the least labelling, I guess.
Have you found something interesting in the city recently? Like the gesture of people or society in general?
It is interesting to observe the relation between nature and people of the past, from the location of parks or names of the streets. For example, though this place has such a fancy name, there must have been landslides here in the past. What is there is the time, tradition and disconnection themselves. They teach me extremely important things.
In the next project or in private is there anything you want to challenge?
I would like to make sesame Tofu in my private life.
■Yushi Dangami
Born in 1995/ From Matsuyama, Ehime prefecture
Department of Oil Painting, Faculty of Oil Painting, Musashino Art University
He works on crossing range of representation to portrait painting, abstract oil painting and physical expression. He expands the scope of his activities for the exhibition in Los Angeles, New York and Denver.
■A Magic Moment
Tarm: 18 November – 3 December 2017
Open: 11-19 MON-SUN (Close on Wednesdays)
Location: Brooklyn Beauty/ Fashion Labo (300 7th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215, USA)