奥田さん(以下略) 僕が元々写真の仕事をしていたので、アートと美容を繋げられるといいなと思ってmanhoodを作るときにぴったりなスペースがあったので、ここがまさにその空間だと感じ、ギャラリーにしました。

〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山3-10-12 B1F
TEL : 03.6432.9775
Fax : 03.6432.9776
OPEN : 12:00-21:00 / 11:00-20:00 (Sat, Sun & Holiday)
Close : Mon
What made you want to create the fusion between salon and gallery?
I originally was working as a photographer, and I thought connecting the two, art and beauty, would be great. When starting manhood I found I had the the perfect space that could allow me to do that.
What made you create a free gallery space aimed at supporting students?
manhood has many customers that go to art universities and I wanted a place to be able to represent these kind of young people. Students exhibit their art and then in a kind of cycle its students in turn that are coming to see it.
On what kind of basis do you do you choose the artists that exhibit?
I try to choose people that do things differently from everyone else, and have something fresh about them. I also try not to be inclined to go for things that share resemblance.
What kind of work attracts you?
For me, the word ‘kakkoii’ (cool) is how to evaluate art, I feel good work evokes this sense of ‘cool’. Also I like delicate feeling things too. The artists we exhibit now too have a strong sense of power but with delicacy coming from the fine lines of their work.

When you look at work what points catch your attention?
I don’t try and find meaning simply within the piece itself. Instead I look at whats around the work. I try and gauge how the artist wants you to perceive their work according to the layout they choose.
Tell us about past&forward
In a sense it’s a place that’s difficult to use. There are many galleries that are a ‘white box’, a place enclosed in white walls- but here we have shelves and grey walls so artists can’t exhibit here in the same way they have previously. The artists face a new challenge themselves so I think that in that sense it’s interesting.
Also put simply, it’s inside a beauty parlor. Cutting hair is a part of life isn’t it? However people that pay to go to art museums and galleries are only a certain type of person. So as I’m aiming to put art in place as a part of life, people come to manhood to have their hair cut are at the same time incidentally exposed to art, and if then consequentially they are inspired to go and see other galleries- it makes me happy.
What would you like to do in the future?
I’ve always wanted to design tote bags and cards with artists- so that kind of project, and creating original products, is the direction in which I’d like to go in.

manhood, where art and fashion and people are intertwined.
One might not easily be able to imagine art inside a hairdressers, but when you actually visit, you can realize the great harmony achieved within the space.
Whilst only being a small space, it’s impressive, and when you’ve finished viewing the work you’ll leave with a satisfied feeling for sure.
From now on I want to keep an eye on the ‘cool’ proposed by manhood.
1F 3-10-12.Minamiaoyama.Minato-ku.Tokyo.107-0061.Japan
TEL : 03.6432.9775
Fax : 03.6432.9776
OPEN : 12:00-21:00 / 11:00-20:00 (Sat, Sun & Holiday)
Close : Mon