Text: Ayaka Yoshimura
Translation:Karolina Höglind
12月に入り2017年も残りわずかとなってしまいました。そんな残りの貴重な一日をFUKUOKA CALLINGで過ごしてみませんか?音楽業界が注目する3組のミュージシャンとWoolyがプッシュするアート達、コンセルジュが厳選した地酒まで、福岡の魅力を東京にいながら一夜で堪能できます!当日会場限定で福岡最新スポットを掲載したミニペーパーも配布します!また、当日はWooly models候補生も参加予定、一足先に未来のスター達をお目にかかれます!
2013年結成。福岡を拠点に活動中のトリオ・バンド。ブルース、R&B、AORなどルーツ・ミュージックを現代へ昇華した楽曲、スリー・ピースならではのミニマルな構成に反して厚みのあるサウンドによって生バンドであることを強く意識したライヴでこれまで多くのバンドと対バン。過去にlucky tapes、踊ってばかりの国、おとぎ話、ROTH BART BARON、KONCOS、雨のパレード、LILILIMIT等との共演。2014、15年には長野県で開催の〈りんご音楽祭〉へオーディションを経て2度出演、2016年には福岡県開催〈CIRCLE〉へニューカマー枠初の出演。オリジナルTシャツ12月12日新発売!
グッドなバンドグルーヴとメロウなエレクトロサウンド。カルチャーアイコンとしてのグループを目指すべく発信中。2017/11.17より、同じく福岡を拠点とするCOLTECOによるRemix「Now and then(COLTECO REMIX)」配信開始。12/13には初のCD作品をタワレコ限定でリリース予定。また、当日演奏予定のMADE IN HEPBURN 新曲「YELLOW」と、福岡出身の映像作家 Miyu Miyano とのコラボレーション映像が『福岡美少女図鑑×福岡PARCO』のクリスマスムービーに起用される。
MryM (Syn.vo.samp)、Goe (Bass)、3代目 J”SHO-DAI (Drum)、アウトレイジ タクミ ビヨンド カルロス ジェフ(Gu.syn)、HSN Gorilla (Gu)、moneYNomura(空間デザイナー)
2014年結成。静謐なミニマリズムとセンスあふれる透明で硬質なメロディライン。音選び、アレンジ、音響設計全てが美しい一滴の結晶として産み落とされ、秘めた熱気がエッジの鋭い音として迫ってくる。福岡で注目のエレクトロバンド。昨年1st mini album全国流通後、10/5に初のカセット音源”Cloud/The Echo of Juvenile”をオンライン、ライブ会場限定で販売開始。
Spotify CRJA東京・福岡 毎週チャート配信中!
OPEN 19:00/START 19:30
〒150-0046 東京都渋谷区松濤1丁目29−1 クロスロードビルB1
With only a short time left of the year, why don’t you spend one of those precious days at FUKUOKA CALLING, an event bringing together three of the hottest upcoming bands in the music industry, Wooly’s featured illustrators and painters, and even sake from Fukuoka chosen by the strictest concierge. Creating a satisfying evening full of the charms of Fukuoka in the center of Tokyo. During the evening you can pick up an issue of a Wooly Produced free-paper, introducing the newest and hottest places in Fukuoka, limited to this event only! The current team of Wooly Models will also be joining the evening, so it will be your chance to catch a glimpse of the stars of tomorrow!
This will be an event filled with gratefulness for everyone who has supported Wooly throughout this year, and it will be a night to remember in the next year, and the years to follow! It is a night you do not want to miss!
You can buy your tickets in advance over at PEATIX
Formed in 2013, based in Fukuoka is the three-piece band STEPHENSMITH. Bringing roots music such as Blues, R&B, AOR into a new generation with their songs, and contrary to the usual minimalistic three-piece bands, they have a strong sound and put a lot of effort in staying true to their live-band vibe. They have a history of performing at events together with bands such as lucky tapes, Odottebakari no Kuni, Otogibanashi, ROTH BART BARON, KONCOS, Ame no Parade, LILILIMIT and others. In 2014 and 2015 they performed at the Ringo Music Festival in Nagano prefecture and in 2016 they performed as part of the newcomers’ section at CIRCLE held in Fukuoka prefecture. Original STEPHENSMITH T-shirts will go on sale on the 12th of December!!
A good-vibe band with a groovy and mellow electro sound. Sharing their sound in a way worthy a cultural icon. From 17th November 2017, the remix by COLTECO, also based in Fukuoka,「Now and then(COLTECO REMIX)」is available to stream. Their first album release is planned on the 13th of December and will be limited to Tower Records only. Furthermore, their new son YELLOW is featured in the collaboration movie between Fukuoka Bishoujo-zukan and Fukuoka PARCO, created by video artist Miyu Miyano. YELLOW is also on the set-list for the event on the 12th.
Members: MryM (Syn.vo.samp)、Goe (Bass)、3rd generation J”SHO-DAI (Drum)、アウトレイジ タクミ ビヨンド カルロス ジェフ(Gu.syn)、HSN Gorilla (Gu)、moneYNomura(Space designer)
Formed in 2014, with a serene minimalism and good sense, their melody seems both transparent, but rigid. The sound selection, arrangement, and acoustic design are all beautifully combined into one beautiful crystal. With their mysterious and heated enthusiasm, they create an edgy and sharp sound that has received a lot of attention from their hometown Fukuoka. After releasing their first mini album last year, the cassette of ”Cloud/The Echo of Juvenile” is sold online and at their live venues since October 5th.
Much more than just art and fashion, Wooly also has a strong focus on music, and we share our specially selected playlist every week. Why don’t you find your new music favorites at Spotify?