
Interview with Herbie Yamaguchi ―ハービー・山口が捉えたDJたちの素顔がライカそごう横浜店にて展示中

Interview with Rina Yamawaki ~carbon & blanc solo exhibition~

Text: Ayaka Yoshimura
Translation:Narumi Watanabe
Photo:Ryuta Seki & Narumi Watabnabe & Sae Ikeda
12月12日大盛況に終わりました FUKUOKA CALLING!
Wooly読者を始め、関係者の皆様、FUKUOKA CALLINGに興味を持って来てくださった方々本当にありがとうございました!
トップバッターはダンサーのaoとKurumi !
ALTER EAGOのエレクトリカルポップサウンドに酔いしれ、みなさん都会の騒がしさを忘れることが出来たのではないでしょうか?
2番手はSTEPHENSMITH。1度彼らのライブを聞けば、3人が繰り出すハーモニーの虜になるでしょう。FUKUOKA CALLINGでも多くのファンをゲットしていました!
会場一体の盛り上がりを見せたMADE IN HEPBURN。サラヴァ東京にいた100名ほどの観客と乾杯を交わし、会場のボルテージが最高潮に!
そして最後はLululu。イベントのフィナーレ、最高の夜にふさわしい彼女の声でみなさんFUKUOKA CALLINGの余韻を噛みしめることができたでしょう。
Wooly Exhibition in NYで活躍したイラストレーターeveさんや黒木仁史氏、mokaさんやNYのアートアワード大賞 スティーブ・グロバス賞を受賞した作家中瀬モエさんの作品も展示され、アートを楽しむお客さんも印象的でした。
FUKUOKA CALLING on 12/12 ended up with so many visitors that we had to set an entrance restriction! Thank you very much for the wooly readers and those who came out to the event!!
We would like to show you some memorable scenes of the night.
The first performers were the guest dancers Ao and KURUMI! Their overflowing energy warmed up the venue.
After them is the live music performer of three groups from Fukuoka.
ALTER EAGO’s electropop music took us away from the busy urban life.
The second group was STEPHENSMITH. Once you listen to their live performance you will definitely become addicted to their beautiful harmony. They seemed to get many fans at the night as well.
MADE IN HEPBURN brought us to the climax of the night. By making a toast with around 100 audiences at the venue they totally unified us.
The last performer was Lululu. Their soft relaxing music left us the best reverberation.
The next event is on March. Wooly members are all waiting for who couldn’t come last time and those who would like to feel the nice vibe of 12th again!
You will definitely enjoy meeting new music, community, and culture.