Bilingual Culture Magazine

Melissa la o’ Exhibition Opening reception

Text:Maria Takahashi
Translation:Zara Alice Hinton

ついに開催されたMelissa la o’の個展”EDEN”。今回はレセプションパーティーへ。六本木Clear Editionに、足を運んでみた。
The opening of Melissa la O’s ‘EDEN’ exhibition. I took myself down to Roppongi Clear Editon for the reception party.


  • JP
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Her work; expressing the image of nature and warmth in an enjoyable and abstract way. The way the work is exhibited in the single white space enhances this pleasant feeling of warmth. The audience is drawn in by the colourful and bright colours, with extremely delicate and subtle tints and brushwork.

When you entered the space, the first thing that caught your eye was a painting containing many flowers. The paintings, each containing flowers represented in different forms, were lined up together and it was lovely and bright. The gorgeous works were without fail stopping the girls who were gazing at each in turn. ‘Which one is your favourite flower?’ could be heard in the conversations amongst the enjoyment.

Works were lined up in sets of 3, and there were two large pieces of the same size that varied in tones and shades. The difference within and between each group was impressive and I had real interest in the message the works contained.
The human- sized canvas contained the impactful image of heat and flames, situated next to works of a softer and gentler impressions of greenery and water, kept you from losing interest.

Altogther, within the unity of the light and bright atmosphere, the message contained within each work came through strongly. The good space and good balance between the works, created a comfortable space.
Lastly what really left an impression was the works in the glass case near the entrance, and the works that were leaned up against it.

As well as wooly staff; architects, artists, creators, designers, writers and actresses were in attendence at the reception. Like the calmness of the paintings, the people of these various industries were brought together in conversation over the works in the space.

Melissa herself was a bright and friendly, open character and the space where the work was presented was beautiful. I want everyone to come here at least once and get this feeling.