Bilingual Culture Magazine

Interview with Jerome Peel from Peels

Text/Translation: Yuka Shimayoshi
Photo: Sayuri Murooka

先日、Peelsを手掛けるデザイナーのJerome Peelが来日し、Woolyはインタビューを行った。Peels is one of the most popular New York brand among the street kids.
It is popular for customizing shirts with the patch your own name on it.
Wooly interview with Jerome Peel, a designer and a founder of Peels, who visited Japan last week.


  • JP
  • EN


父親からシャツを借りたんだ。彼は塗装業者で、機械工として車をいじっていた。古いワークシャツを持っていて、彼の名前と、車会社の名前が書いてあった。まさにこのPeelsのシャツみたいなもの。それで彼のことを2,3年手伝っていたら、父も僕もそのシャツをとても気に入っていたから、その塗装会社のためにシャツを作りたいと思いはじめた。こちら側には“Peels Painting”、こっちには父の名前を付けた。それはなんというか、仕事が大きくなっていくとプロフェッショナルになれるということを示してくれて、制服としての役割を果たすようになったんだ。



Striped 1/2 zip shirt by peels ¥15,000

  • なるほど。では、仕事着と日常の服は異なる物だと思いますか?








    • Navy full zip shirt by peels ¥15,000

    • あなたにとってファッションとはどのようなものですか?ファッションとはオリジナルでいることかな。オープニングセレモニーなんかに行って、すごく高価なものを買って身に付けるような人になることもできるよね。それもファッションのひとつの在り方だ。でもスーパーハイデザイナーの服でなくても、いいものを集めて着るような人になることもできる。私がより意識していることは、人々が本当にいいものを手に入れるためにお金を使うということ。それから、自分がどう見えてどう生きたいかに注意を払うこと。そうやってファッションを自分だけのオリジナルなものにすることが一番大切かな。



  • Please tell us the story about how you made the shape of a shirt.

    I had borrowed a shirt from my dad. He was working as a painter and he was a mechanic working on cars. He had an old work shirt with his name on it and it also said its car company he had worked for. It was just like this Peels’ shirt. After I had helped him for two or three years, I just wanted to make him one for his painting company he is doing now, because we both loved his work shirt. I put “Peels Painting” on this side and this side has his name. It showed it was a job of their profession, and it worked as an uniform.

    So that’s why you sewn customer’s name on a shirt?

    Yes. It’s like an imitation from the first working shirt. Sending him the first one, my dad was wearing it to work, and I wanted to make it for myself because I really like it. There were my couple of friends and people giving me DM through Instagram asking for shirts and I decided to start a fashion line. I didn’t want it to be a company, but for friends. However, it just slowly started to grow and I got too much DMs, so I started my website.

    • Striped 1/2 zip shirt by peels ¥15,000

    • I see. Then, do you think working clothes and everyday clothes are different?With my company I want to make that border not so clear. Because there’s a work wear like Carharrt and I don’t even think that’s like work wear. That’s just like nice clothes. Work wear was used to be a male men wearing. Like he got a pencil on stripe this side and he got a shirt patch on it. Those guys are really cool to me and inspiring.

      Now many girls choose your clothes as well. What do you think of that?

      I started with the stripe or navy which I just like a lot. Then, a lot of girls started to order a shirt, so I wanted to make some for girls and that was a pink one. There are also people feeling more comfortable with this and there was people who asking a lot.
      My clothes are open for any race, sex, or any style person who is not fitted in something like skateboarders or street workers. Those who have everything between and nobody feels. So I wanted to make it for everyone.

      That’s the combination of the work clothes and daily clothes. Please tell us someone impressive you met through the work for Peels?

      Oh, it’s like unless. I met so many people. If I must to say I’ve met Mark Gonzales. He is a skater. Chloe Sevigny got a shirt, I didn’t get meet her though. But to see her wearing is very awesome. And I met Naka Riisa in Japan. That was really cool. They are really cool people who make me feel I’m in the new seen now since I started my brand.

      So, how about Japan? Have you experienced anything interesting here?

      Yeah, since the moment I got off from the plane. It was like showing a tense for first 48 hours, but I started to see people here and understand more.
      Also, I just noticed the attention in detail for people on clothes here. I’ve never seen people untidily dressed. Everything is clean and everyone is stylish. There are many people dressing up in the same way in New York, but they all are unique in Japan.

    • Navy full zip shirt by peels ¥15,000

    • What is fashion for you?For me fashion is to be original. You can go to Opening Ceremony or like that and buy very expensive things to wear on. That is one type of fashion. You can also be somebody who find stuff that’s not of super high designer but the good things together. What I more mean to is spending money on more creative and nicest things. And you just pay attention to what you look like, what you read, and how you sing. Being original is the most important thing.

      This is the last question. By what kind of people do you get inspired?

      Definitely hard workers who is on hardworking jobs like mailmen or mechanics or building construction workers. I think those are the coolest people. It is really like they are working. In fact, the workers must change to the daily clothes after they finish working. But a jacket with the name of company on its back and the worker’s name in front, that is a work clothes I’m looking for.