Summer’s Gone

women, like her

Text/InterviewCut : Nao Kitamura
Translation:Nonno Hasegawa
Photo(peau,):Hiromu Kameyama
モデル・デザイナー・ミュージシャンの三足のわらじを履いて活動する安藤百花。彼女がこの秋立ち上げたバッグブランド ”peau,” を中心に、アートワークについて語ったインタビューをお届けする。
ブランド名・peau, に思いはありますか?
Instagram : http://instagram.com/momoka_031
Twitter : https://mobile.twitter.com/momoka_0131_
Instagram : http://instagram.com/peau_000
A model, designer, and a musician. The very talented Momoka Ando and her start up brand, “peau,”. We bring you our interview with her artistic inspiration surrounding her new brand.
Tell us how you got around to starting up your own brand.
It all started from a little thought of wanting to make things that will be a part of our own bodies. In this time and age, everyone wants unique identities not only in fashion but in our daily lives; things come and go out of style too. I thought to myself, hey, it’d be surreal if I can make things that will create our own “self” within the highly consumptive industry that is fashion. As per our daily lives go, something analogous would be our favourite stuffed animals from childhood. It’s more of a thing to not just carry it around as another accessory to glam up, but something to grow with you as time goes on.
Are there special thoughts put in to the leather used?
Our bags reinforce what I wanted the leather to speak to people. Somewhat fiction-like, special leather in which you would look and can feel it was alive. I’m going to quote a ballerina, “The most beautiful moment, as a performer, is when we are closest to death. We dance our hearts out to achieve that moment.”. As she said, I believe there are things only expressed when we aim towards death itself.
We have 2 leather options for now – I have the tannin tanned leather. The black one you see is the chrome tanned leather. The difference lies in the chemicals we use in the process of turning ‘hides’ into ‘leather’.
Tannoid itself gives the tan colour; there’s no extra process. Just the naturally occurring chemical, no other dyes. It has what’s equivalent to moles or freckles. They tan throughout the years of use as well they will take in the oils in our palms. This is why every bag will have different taste depending on the person’s way of holding the bag. A perfect material that changes as they grow with you, they become a part of you. The stiches are done in red to emphasize on it being alive- represents blood.
Chrome on the contrary, use artificial chemicals and they do pollute the environment, but can be mass produced. Chrome tanned leather is dyed black so they feel very flat, no skin like texture. I chose polar opposites as a juxtaposition with regards to the natural environment. I’d like people to put some thoughts in to it.
The three products from this line are all round in some areas—why is that?
It started because my favourite shape is a circle.
I like circular things, from nails to moon, eyes and the Earth. Mother nature likes circular things and I thought it might reflect us humans and the Earth too. The bag shapes are to express that—the bags and purses are on basis of round and circular.
Simultaneously I did notice man made things consist a lot more of angular shapes; from sky scrapers to computers. But if round (the Earth and us) things made angular things, they might be a part of nature. I put some thoughts in to that too. I am in fact, thinking of designing something bigger for people with heavier loads, on the basis a vague idea of angular things and accepting them as a part of nature.
Is there a special meaning behind the brand name—peau,?
Peau means skin or animal hides, in French. The Japanese word for it- 皮膚 (hifu) is too gruesome. Skin also is something all of us are already used to hearing. I wanted something out of the blue, an expression not so often used. French was perfect.
Is there a theme in the lookbook?
I tried to make the bags look not like bags. I went for the livelier look, something real and alive, which is the bigger picture we have as a brand. All of our staff members helped create something I can only explain in words come true in a form of a thing, with mass and of which exists.
There’s a video on peau’s Instagram of which you use the sewing machine. Are there personal significances in the products be hand made?
Making our products by hand lets all of us staffs to put in individual emotions to each and every single one of our bags. This is exactly why I wanted people to come by and see, touch, and feel them at the exhibit. We wanted a place for people to come and hear our thoughts.
The video on Instagram allows people to open their minds to leather products. Unlike pieces of clothing, I felt as though processes of making leather products weren’t promoted at all. It’d be amazing if people can look at the process and think hey leather products aren’t so bad!
Are you thinking about future lines from the brand?
We’re still in the process of discussing. The three of us who got together to make this brand, we’re always in the same classroom so it allows us to talk through every bit of our thoughts and inspirations. We work well in a sense that I can opinion myself and there are others who can make them real existing things, or who listens and accepts all for what it is.
Why did you choose the three components as an artist—as a model, a designer, and a musician all at once?
I just happened to be all three with regards to how I express my creative thoughts in a rapidly changing industry. Perhaps this opinion itself might change within the next month. I do believe that our ideas are that easily changed. They’re vulnerable. That’s why I would like to put them in a real existing form while it lasts. I never chose to be those three, it happened naturally as it was supposed to.
How did you start modelling?
I first modelled for my close friend in first year in high school.
Initially I was thinking of going in to culinary arts but there was something off and was just stuck in the back of my head for a while. That’s when my friend came up to me and asked me to model for her photos. Our high school was carefree and it was to the point where somewhere on campus there was some exhibition going on all the time. So then she got us a series of photos of just myself and there I realized that I liked to express myself within the frames.
What are your thoughts on modelling?
I realize my face isn’t an appealing one like those you see on beauty pageants. Neither am I slim like a Paris collection models. However, I knew that if I had some sort of a pride, I can be a self acclaimed model. To the general public, I think models = stylish!! Or clothes!! For me though, it isn’t just appearance, it comes all the way down to your personality.
Indeed, it is a requirement for models to delve in to the world the photographer is trying to capture. Within the limitation, I do try to accomplish how much of myself I can express. In photoshoots I believe it is important as a part of the creative process to opinion myself, to suggest ideas to the entire crew. Although in bigger projects, I know we’re all in it for the bigger picture so I try to keep myself quiet there.
Did you start your musical career recently?
I only started singing in front of people just two years ago. I didn’t think I could be a part of the music industry. We’re all surrounded by it to an extent and being one of them isn’t an easy task. But one day this opportunity came up and someone asked if I wanted to perform in front of an audience. Did so and to my surprise, people actually enjoyed my music.
That’s how it all begun. And more recently one photographer wanted to have me prepare some music for their art gallery. I join in as a lyricist sometimes and go by the alias ‘neguse’. I’m not very familiar with instruments but I do enjoy tweaking with stuff; I sometimes make a short 15 second melody.
Where do your inspirations come from?
People. More ideas flow within and out of me as I meet people and their ideas flow in to me.
People who come by to my events give me inspirations. Even people I don’t like.
Do you separate periods of ‘input’ and ‘output’?
I try not to, but I do both all the time. I think that I don’t really have to retain the input information. Maybe I’m immediately putting them as outputs; constantly feeling things and regurgitating them.
Do you have any further plans you’d like to tell us?
I think it’s best if people can physically see my ideas and can critique on them. If that can be done on a daily basis, that’s definitely the ideal situation. Although I’m currently caught up with academics, I would like to start acting again. We’ll see where it .
You could see the ocean in her eyes. The abyss, the endless ocean. No buoys. Her who knows to swim three ways; her who can swim in the direction of the slightest wave. She finds treasures and surfaces; in which people gather just to have the slightest of a view. Again she goes, sinking and swimming; hunting for more.
What is she going to sensor next, what kind of a treasure? Another way to swim.
We can’t keep our eyes away from her.
Momoka Ando
With the agency, IPSILON. Model, designer, and a musician. She brings us a new brand, “peau,” this fall. Completing her degree at Bunka Fashion College.
Instagram : http://instagram.com/momoka_031
Twitter : https://mobile.twitter.com/momoka_0131_
A brand founded by three students attending Bunka Fashion College. They hold “making of things that become a part of your skin” as a big concept. Currently in the making of a New Years exclusives using horse hides.
Instagram : http://instagram.com/peau_000