Bilingual Culture Magazine

Interview with SEIMEI

Text:Risa Yokogi
Translation:Yuzuka Kawaguchi
Photo:Makoto Kikuchi

世界中から熱い支持を受けているインターネットレーベル”TREKKIE TRAX”。そのオーナーであり、トラックメーカーとしても活動しているSEIMEI に独占インタビューを行った。

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  • JP
  • EN


自分たちでインターネットレーベル”TREKKIE TRAX”をオーガナイズして活動しようと思ったのはなぜですか?
”TREKKIE TRAX”を立ち上げる前進になったことは、よく仲間同士で秋葉原の小さいクラブでパーティーをやっていて、その集まった仲間の中に曲は作っているんだけど発表する機会がない人が結構いたんです。だから自分たちでインターネットを活用してレーベルを作ろう、自分たちでやるしかないと思って立ち上げました。




自分で曲を出すつもりはなかったけど、曲出してって言われてたまに出すことはありますね。こないだはフランスのパリにあるMovel Traxxというレーベルから一曲頼まれて作りました。

まだ正確には決まってないんですけど11月に”TREKKIE TRAX”のクルーでアメリカツアーをしようという話を進めています。

大学の卒業が1月なので、卒業後は日本に帰ってきて東京で”TREKKIE TRAX”を続けようと思っています。


この夏、7月16日に15時間にも渡る”TREKKIE TRAX” 4周年アニバーサリーパーティーが渋谷Gladにて開催された。
「ジャスティン・ビーバーとのコラボ曲”Where Are Ü Now”をプロデュースしたJack Uとも活動するDjemba Djembaから『君たちと一緒に DJがしたい』というアプローチを受けて、昼の部のメインゲストとしてイベントに参加してくれました。」とはにかみながら語ってくれたSEIMEI。その他多くのメジャーな海外アーティストと共演し、今や日本と海外クラブシーンのパイプ役となっている”TREKKIE TRAX”。今後の日本のクラブシーンに新たな風を吹き込むこと間違い無い。


若手アーティストのリリースを目的としたインターネットレーベル『TREKKIE TRAX』主宰の一人。主に、Techno, House, Discoなどの四つ打ちや、Hiphop, Trap, Future Bass, Jukeなどを中心にプレイする。
Seimei & TaimeiやTREKKIE TRAX CREW、そしてソロとして、都内だけでなく大阪, 名古屋, 札幌など全国各地のクラブ、大箱小箱問わず様々な現場をこなす一方、TREKKIE TRAXによるレーベルナイトのオーガナイズや、TOYOTA ROCK FESTIVAL, OUTLOOK FESTIVAL等のフェスへの出演など多岐に渡って活躍中。2014年1月からはアメリカ、サンフランシスコに移住し、サンフランシスコのみならずシアトルやロサンゼルスなどでもDJとしてプレイ。

TREKKIE TRAXは2012年に日本の若手DJが中心となり発足したインディーレーベルである。

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I’ve heard that your brother is a DJ as well. What motivated you to start working as a DJ?
When I was 14, I was obsessed with electronic music. That’s how I became DJ. At the same time, Carpainter, my little brother, also started producing music.
There was a time when I was really into watching techno music and house music videos on the Internet, and I wanted to do the same thing. Soon after I was born, my family moved to Netherland and I had lived there until I was 14, and that maybe another reason, because in Europe, techno music and house music are more popular than here in Japan. So, there was an idea in my mind that I would like to be a DJ when I would come back to Japan.

What made you start organizing “TREKKIE TRAX”?
Before opening the rebel, I used to have a party with my friends in a small club in Akihabara. Among those people that gathered, some people were frustrated because they had no place to show the music they had produced. That’s when I came up with the idea of starting my own rebel using the Internet.

Despite having been quite successful in all over Japan, why did you moved to San Francisco?
To be honest, I wanted to get into a university in America, so that’s why I moved to San Francisco. Also, as the rebel was getting bigger, we came to notice that we had listeners in foreign countries. Since we’ve got a chance to move to the states, we wanted to spread our music to the world.

Was there any change in your way of making music after moving to San Francisco?
I guess the type of music the rebel is producing have significantly changed. We tend to be into British music, but in America, hip hop music is more popular…
After we moved to San Francisco, we had many opportunities to play with some of the best DJs. Since we wanted to make an impression on those artists, we began producing rather American music, such as hip hop or R&B.

What is the most impressive artists that you have ever played with?
I would say Lido was the coolest artist. He was Norwegian. I played as an opening act of his concert, and I found him best suited to live performance, because he can sing, play a drum and the piano. He has never been to Japan, but I guess it won’t take a long time before he will come to the country.

You are making the original music and remix by yourself. When do you come up with the new rhythms or the sounds?
Since I am the owner of the rebel, I always listen to the unlimited number of demo tapes coming from all over the world. So, I am always with music, but making music is something I do during a work break. I had no intension of producing my own music, but some people asked me to do that, so I sometimes put out my own music. The other they, I made a song because I was asked to make a song by one of the French rebels Movel Traxx.

What do you want to when you back to the states? What is your plans for the future?
We haven’t decided yet, but we are planning to do a tour with the member of “TREKKIE TRAX” in November.
I will graduate from university in this January, so I think I will come back to Japan and keep organizing “TREKKIE TRAX”.


In this summer, on July 16, “TRAKKIE TRAX” held a 15-hour-long party in commemoration of the 4th anniversary of the rebel at Glad in Shibuya.
“We were asked to play together by Djemba Djemba. He has played together with Jack U, who has collaborated with Justin Bieber and produced a song “Where Are Ü Now”. So we had invited him as a guest artist.”, said SEIMEI. They were on stage with many other popular artists from all over the world. Now, they are serving as liaison bridge between the club scene in Japan and the world. You can bet that they are going to take the club industry by storm.


The owner of the Internet rebel “TREKKIE TRAX”. The rebel aims to release songs by young artists. The main types of music he is dealing with include four-on-the-floor such as Techno, House, Disco, and other types of music like Hip hop, Trap, Future Bass and Juke. As being Seimei&Taimei, TREKKIE TRAX CREW and solo artist, he had dealt with his jobs in many clubs in all over Japan. Apart from that, he organized a concert by “TRAKKIE TRAX” and played as a DJ at TOYOTA ROCK FESTIVAL, OUTLOOK FESTIVAl and many other festivals. From January 2014, he has moved to San Francisco and had played as a DJ in not only San Francisco but also in other cities like Seattle and Los Angeles.

TRAKKIE TRAX is an indie rebel that inaugurated in 2012 by Japanese young DJs. With the aim of delivering unconventional music to the world, they have been releasing songs with many popular track makers around Japan. Since its foundation, the rebel has released more than 50 songs. Now, their high quality sounds have received great acclaim from not only Japan but also from all over the world.

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