Text:Tsukio Nakanishi
Translation:Natsuko Fukai
Photo:Tsukio Nakanishi & Akiko Hashiguchi
Live Photo:CIRCLE
2012年に復活して5回目となる今年は2DAYS(5.14~5.15)に拡大し、出演者も豪華なラインナップであった。常連の細野晴臣、EGO-WRAPPIN’などに加え、METAFIVE、UA 、cero、グッドラックヘイワ、ジム・オルーク、Suchmosなど、今注目のアーティストが勢ぞろい。昨年からできた、KOAGARIステージも(在日ファンク、向井秀徳、高田漣…)、隣のブースに人が溢れ出るほど熱狂的な盛り上がりを見せた。
初日、昨年のCIRCLEで、サンフジンズ、細野晴臣、レキシと三連続でドラムを務め、観客を沸かせた伊藤大地は今年も自身のバンド、グッドラックヘイワのドラムとして登場し、相変わらずキレが良く心踊る(自身も踊っているような)プレイを見せてくれた。また、2日目、細野晴臣でギターを務めた高田漣は、単独でのステージで、父親である高田渡の名曲を披露した。「みなさんどうぞ、座ってください。父の曲は立って聞くような曲ではないですから。」笑いながらそう彼は伝えると演奏はスタート。腰を下ろした観客たちの麦わら帽の群れがじっと耳をすませていた。最後にはハンバート ハンバートとキセル、うえやまとちが加わり、「生活の柄」を熱唱。高田渡の持ち味を高田漣が今につないだ最高のシチュエーションであった。そうやって一体感がステージに生まれるのは出演者間の垣根を越えさせる、CIRCLEならではのユルさが関係しているのかもしれない。
Music festival CIRCLE has informed Fukuoka of the early event.
Being the 5th anniversary festival since last taking place in 2012, this event expanded to 2 days, (5.14~5.15) and had gorgeous lineups of artists.
Adding to regular performing artists such as Hosono Haruomi and EGO-WRAPPIN’, artists currently in role as METAFIVE, UA, cero, Goodluckheiwa, Jim • Oruto and Suchmos also performed on the stage.
Since created last year, KOAGARI stage’s ( currently Funk, Mukai Shutoku, Takada Ren) atmosphere had also been heated up, that people were over flowing to the nearby booth.
What attracts CIRCLE so much is the loose atmosphere, in which the way watching space within the festival is organized represents this.
It was divided into 3 sections of standing, leisure-sheet, and tent, meeting the needs of all visitors. Colorful sheets and tents brought by the visitors filled up the entire festival place.
Everyone had either food or Alcohol in their hand, enjoying their time under the blue sky.
” I followed a friend of mine who loves music and was sleep until now! Haha”
If you decide to dance harder, you can just ran to the standing space just ahead of you.
Katou Daichi played drums 3 times in a role for Sanfujinzu, Hosono and Rekishi, last time in CIRCLE fes. This time he played drums in his own band Goodluckheiwa, as always presenting his astonishing drum skills making the listener dance to the beat.
On the second day, Takada Ren who presented guitar for Haruomi Hosono have played his farther Wataru Takada’s song in solo stage. The music started after himself laughing as he said, “Everyone, please sits down. My father’s song isn’t a song which audiences should stand and listen to.”Audiences wearing straw hats all sat down and start listening to the music. The show ended by Hanbard Hanbard and Kiseru joining and singing “Seikatsu no Gara”. This was the last chance for Takada Ren to bring back his father’s taste.
Perhaps the loose atmosphere is what creates the unity within the stage and letting the artists interact with each other.
The sun has already set, the artist METAFIVE’s stage took place under heavy rain. The CIRCLE ended with people who were under tents all dancing crazily in the rain.
“I don’t know why, but I come here every year, and I think I would come here the next time as well.” I am pretty sure that everyone had felt this way.
With its increasing size, and loose atmosphere, we cannot wait for next year’s CIRCLE.