Bilingual Culture Magazine


text:Kenta Ogino
translation:Natsuko Fukai

5月4日、ジェイルス・ピーターソンと松浦俊夫によって開催された音楽イベント、WORLDWIDE SESSION 2016。今回は2本立てでWORLDWIDE SESSION 2016の魅力を前半編と後半編に分けて紹介していく。

  • 松2
  • 松
  • ミゲル
  • WWS3
  • サンラ
  • サンラ2
  • サンラ3
  • JP
  • EN


遥々ロサンゼルスから来たバイオリニスト率いるクルー、The Miguel Atwood-Ferguson Ensembleの演奏から始まり、会場は一気に熱気に包まれた。WORLDWIDE SESSION 2016の開幕だ。ピアノとサックスの優しく、流れるような音色を軸に始まり、それぞれの楽器を最大限に生かし、まとまりのある音色が鳴り響く。ミラーボールが回転し色とりどりのライトに照らされている観客は、程よくお酒が周り、リズムにのって体を動かしている。年齢層が割と高いせいもあり、まるで1990年代のクラブを見ているかのようだ。 サックスを中心にしたバラードのようなしっとりとした音楽かと思った瞬間、跳ね上がるようなサックスの音につられ、ピアノ、ドラム、ギター、ベースもそれぞれ跳ね上がりハイセンスでダイナミックな音楽に変わった。

“I think I wanna live here” 彼は日本に対してそう言ってくれた。ぜひもう一度彼の奏でる音楽を聞きたいと思う。

毎度ド派手な衣装と陽気な音楽で観客を魅了する伝説的ジャズバンド、THE SUN RA ARKESTRA。今回の音楽イベントでもアフリカの民族を思わせるような煌びやかな衣装に身を包んでいた。



2 influential DJs, Gilles Peterson and Toshio Matsuura held the music event WORLDWIDE SESSION on May 4th 2016.
We will be presenting their charm through first and second half.

When first entering the venue, we hear the splendid music from DJ Toshio Matsuura. His music is superb and perfect in a way that when you enter the door, you feel as if you are drawn into the gateway to a foreign country.

Coming all the way from Los Angels, the violinist Miguel Atwood and his crew gave a kick-start to the event, heating the atmosphere.
Starting with the fluent music lead by piano and saxophone, unifying each and every musician who are making the best music out of their instrument. The spinning mirror ball together with colorful light illuminated the audience. Due to high age group, it felt as if we were looking at the 1990s club. The moment we thought a balled music lead by Saxophone was being played, the sound made by Saxophone jumped up, luring the other instruments such as piano, drum, guitar and base to be “jumping up”, which totally changed the music.
“I think I wanna live here” We genuinely want to hear his music again if we had another chance.

Always wearing glamorous clothing in events, THE SUN RA ARKESTRA were wearing glorious cloths, some what reminding us of the African tribes. Marshal Allen, turning 91 this year played a dynamic sound with Saxophone, with other musicians of great individuality. They seem to be playing Bap jazz as a central music style; they are including elements of avant-garde and wild music beat and rhythm. Their use of mainstream jazz and free jazz is a peerless music that no one else can create. As a climax surprise, the musicians came down to the audience platform made the atmosphere even hotter, especially heating up the fans.
When listening to jazz music played by such band, we can learn the importance of doing what we truly enjoy at any age. They will make you in charmed just by once listening to their music.


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