Bilingual Culture Magazine

Kyushu wave Vol.2

Interview:Misato Yano
Translation:Natsuko Fukai
Photo:Tsukio Nakanishi

Kyushu wave、第二回目は
大分・日田にあるWeekend wear!

  • イメージ
  • 作業
  • Tシャツ
  • ミシン
  • たばこ
  • デニム
  • JP
  • EN


雑貨屋?いやイベントスペースか?ショーウインドウを見るとアメリカンな人形やマグカップが並んでいた。壁にはレコードやちょっとしたDJブース。中央に制作途中のデニム生地がのる作業台。しかし、やはりここは洋服店、Weekend Wearなのだ。

店内には外国の古着や日田のブランドの小物がたち並ぶ中、一段と目を引いたのは石松さんが作る洋服だ。地方での人の繋がりの強さを生かし、氏子の先輩方に和のしきたりや服装を教わりながら”洋に和を取り入れる”といった独特の新しいカルチャーをファッションに落とし込んだ。デニムで作ったハッピや火消しの江戸腹を参考にしたワークエプロンはWeekend Wearだからこそ作り上げることができるものである。



今後はお店をどうしていきたいですか?という質問に「Weekend Wearの完成はまだまだ!背伸びしないで自分の好きなことをやっていきたいな。こうして話しながらコーヒーをふるまったりね。」と明るい笑顔で答えてくれた。


Weekend Wear

〒877-0014 大分県日田市本町7-38

Why not be reminded of “playing the mind of a children” at least during the weekends.

A general store? An event space? If you look at the display, there are some American dolls and some mugs. They have some records on the wall and DJ booth. A worktable in the center where a denim clothes is still in progress. It s a cloths shop “Weekend Wear”.

Among the foreign used clothes and name-brand items from Hita presented in the store, clothes tailored by himself cached my eyes. He has used the strength of the rural area of people’s strong bond and connection; he learned “Uziko”; shrine parishioner the Japanese tradition and costume and used the traditional Japanese culture to form a new culture in fashion. “Happi” made of denim and work apron inspired by the firefighter’s costume back at the time of Edo is something that can only be made at the Weekend Wear.

According to Mr.Ishimatsu, most of the adults leave to the urban areas when they are in their 10’s, but come back to Hita city and revitalized their own town, when they are in their 30’s. “Their love towards Hita town is deeper than the other people’s love towards their hometown.” said Mr.Ishimatsu. As a matter of fact, the free papers of Hita city and events are high quality and is still in progress of getting better and better.

Mr.Ishimatsu said “The movement of fashion and music are consistent and their booms are small. So I plan to create new things by myself.” I felt his strong frontier spirit of him taking action to bring new movement with people of Hita.

Mr.Ishimatsu originally got inspired from US rock fashion. From a young age, his love and passion for fashion was tremensdous, that he even resisted from going to school if he didn’t wear his favorite Tom and Jerry shirt. Right now, he is wearing his favorite cloths and actively doing DJ events.

What are your plans with this store in the future?
“The completion of the Weekend Wear is still to come! I would like to be on my tiptoe to do what I want to do. Talking like this and giving coffee”

Why don’t you visit the place with cloths and music where such wonderful owner greets you; it sure will allows you to be who you truly are.

Weekend Wear

Adress:7-38 Honmachi,Hita-city,Oita 877-0014,Japan


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