Bilingual Culture Magazine

Wooly Vol.23 Release Party Photos

photo:Sayuri Murooka

  • 2shot
  • model
  • dancer
  • 2shotstanding
  • legend
  • haruna
  • James
  • wasedagirl
  • aya
  • crowd
  • AKI
  • ユカ
  • dancer2
  • ユカ2
  • 半目
  • 3ショット
  • 集合
  • insta excghange
  • singing aya
  • ダンシング
  • JP
  • EN

text:Makoto Kikuchi
4月9日、渋谷トランプルームにて行われたWooly Magazine Vol.23リリースパーティ&アフターパーティは大盛況に終わった。若干18歳ながら卓越したセンスで見るものを魅了するフォトグラファー、室岡小百合によるパーティースナップとともにその様子をリポート。

渋谷、原宿におけるムーブメントの中心にいるファッションキッズ達にとってTRUMP ROOMは特別な場所である。原宿キッズの5人に一人はきっとこう言う。

午後9時、渋谷の夜にしてはやや早い。シンガーソングライターのA.Y.Aによるエレクトリックな演奏とファンシーな歌声がフロアに流れ始める。Wooly Magazine最新号リリースパーティのスタートだ。


最新号のテーマは”Make It Your First Cause”だった。First Cause、すなわちきっかけはどこにだって転がっている。その夜、トランプルームでインスタグラムを交換しただけのほとんど他人なあの人と数年後には一緒に何かを作り上げようと切磋琢磨しているかもしれないわけで、あのどうでもいいようなおしゃべりは意外と侮れない。

4月、桜の花はもうだいぶ散ってしまっていて、曇りがちだった土曜日の夜にまた会いたいと思える人に出会えた。そんなFirst Causeを提供できていたら、それはWoolyスタッフ一同にとって、この上ない喜びである。

Sayuri Murooka
2016年6/15-7/2の期間WAREHOUSE STUDIOにて開催されるグループ展に参加予定。詳細は本ウェブサイトにて順次公開予定。

Wooly Magazine Vol.23 Release Party was held at TRUMP ROOM in Shibuya on 9th April. Following articles are reporting the party with some photos by Sayuri Murooka, who is 18-year-old but an upcoming photographer.

TRUMP ROOM is kind of like a special place for fashion-holic boys and girls in Harajuku.
“Looking back my life, it is clear that every thing started from TUMP ROOM. For me, it’s not the place to go but to back to. Whenever I’m at TRUMP, I feel like hey, I’m home. ”
One in five kids in Harajuku might tell in that way.

9pm is a little bit early for those who are in Shibuya to start their fancy night. The electronic melody and the sweet voice by A.Y.A, a singer-songwriter had come to flow the floor. That was enough to tell us the beginning of the party.

“Hey, what do you do?” Only those 5 words and IDs of their Instagrams are important to talk with even if it was the first contact for them.
People in that place know that iPhone could work more efficiently rather than business cards. Perhaps they are photographers, editors, artists or models. There are no boundaries between males and females, elder or younger, Asian and Africans, or sexual minorities and the majyorities.

At 11pm, the guests have already increased. That was the time to start the after party.
Some are dancing and beating the rhythms in front of the DJs. And some are talking with someone who they don’t know well seating on the chairs. Liberal and casual communication. There’s no worry about troublesome stuffs.
“Hey, is this party for what?” “I don’t know.” This short conversation tells us what this TRUMP ROOM stands for. It can be guessed that they just dropped by our party after the supper and drinking.

The theme of the latest issue is “Make It Your First Cause”. First causes could be seen here and there in our lives. The stranger who you met at TRUMP ROOM on the Saturday night could be your partner to create something in the near future. The casual chatting at the bar counter is maybe not the trivial stuff.

It was the cloudy Saturday of April. And the guests got to know by chance someone who they want to meet again on such a boring day. If you get such a “First Cause” at the party, it gonna be our supreme pleasure.

Sayuri Murooka
Born in 1998, Japan. Freshman at AOYAMA-Gakuin University.
When at 17, she studied fashion photography at Central Saint Martins in London. She works for websites or magazine.
She will be participated in the group exhibition which will be held from 15th June to 2nd July, at WAREHOUSE Studio in Tokyo.


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