Bilingual Culture Magazine

Interview with Hitoshi Kuroki


Interview:Misato Yano
Translation:Yuji Koyanagi
Photo:Tsukio Nakanishi

本誌では紹介しきれなかった黒木氏の”First Cause”を公開!

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ー仕事においてのFirst Cause(原動力)とは?




今や多くの人を魅了するイラストレーター・黒木仁史氏。“女性が描いているのかな?”と一瞬疑ってしまうほど柔らかなタッチと綺麗な色で描かれていますが、思わず目を奪われてしまうのは黒木氏のFirst Causeが関係しているのだと思います。雑誌、雑貨、カフェなど多方面からオファーが止まらない彼のイラストを、あなたもきっとどこかで目にすることでしょう。

5/7には、代官山ALにて女子のためのアート系情報サイト「Girls Artalk」とWooly Artsのスペシャルコラボイベントを開催。黒木氏の作品も展示されますので要チェックです!詳細はイベントページ、またはFacebookにて公開中。

黒木 仁史 Hitoshi Kuroki

1978年生まれ、鹿児島県出身。大阪芸術大学 デザイン科卒業後、デハラユキノリ氏のアシスタントを経てフリーのイラストレーターに。FM802アートオーディション通過。GEISAI-1 GPにてスカウト賞(CAP、ソフトマシーン)受賞。ファッションイラストレーションを中心に、広告、装丁、CDジャケット、オリジナルTシャツの制作、ライブペインティングなど、多方面にて活躍中。

ーWhat/Where do you often get as an inspiration on your works?
Most of them are movies and music that I have listened and watched. When I was in my 20’s I worked in a rental shop so I always watched movies from shop. Those movies had moved and inspired me with my art today. I could still remember some really captivating and moving scenes from those movies and sometimes I would make them my inspiration for my artworks. I like movies that contains diverse emotions such as “The Virgin Suicides” that was directed by Sofia Coppola. Feeling happy and sad at the same time which is not so common for men.

ーWhat is your first cause on your work?
I feel it is not enough, I think I could be much better.
I feel that I need to be more productive as the time goes by.

ーWhat made you want to be an illustrator?
When I was a child I really liked drawing. Knowing this, my mother suggested me to go to a university for fine arts. And so did I go. That decision paved the way for this job that I have right now. On my college times, I became a fan of the “Relax magazine”. I got interested to it because they introduce artists through graphics and arts which I found fascinating. This magazine was one of the major things that inspired me to artworks.

ーDo you have any inspiration when creating an illustration?
Creative illustrations that are similar to nobody’s work. Sometimes, I make love as theme of my illustrations.

ーYou are creating illustrations everyday, so how do you make fresh ideas for your specific illustrations?
I surf the internet to get something that I can base my illustrations on. I do not consider the genre. As long as it interests me I would make an illustration out of it. Sometimes I listen to the 90’s music which I used to listen to when I was a student. In addition,I take a walk when I have no idea. A new idea appears during a walk.

Hitoshi Kuroki captivated a lot of people as an illustrator as he is today. His works are created with soft touch and beautiful combination of colors as if they were created by a woman. The reason why his works attract attention, I think, First Cause, is that he covers a lot of genre. One of this days, you will be able to see his works somewhere.
A special collaboration event of information site “Girls Artalk” and Wooly Arts in 5/7 in Daikanyama AL. Because the work of Kuroki is displayed, please check it out. You can see the details of this exhibition here .

Hitoshi Kuroki
Born in 1978, Kagoshima. After graduating from Osaka University of Arts, he worked at art gallery, worked as an assistant for figure illustrator and then became a freelance illustrator. He passed the art audition called FM802, and he received a Scout Award(CAP, Soft Machine) at GENSAI-1 GP. Currently, he is doing not only fashion illustration, but also advertising, editorial, CD cover, making his original T-shirt, live painting show, and so on.


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