Dreaming Girl


Interview:Abby Phillips
Translation:Chihiro Watanabe
Photo:Dana Boulos
ー何がきっかけで写真を撮るようになったのですか? 他のアーティストに触発されてですか?
ラリー クラーク、デイビッド ハミルトン、モネ、ヘディ スリメイン、ユルゲン テラー、そして フランセスカ
Dazed & Confusedでどうして女性ディレクターがこんなにも少ないのかという記事を読んだで”確かに、女性ディレクターの数は少ないな…”と考え始めました。だから、シネマトグラフィーの授業を取るために学校に行こうと決めたんです。若い女性たちに、彼女達がなんでもやりたいことが出来るってことを分かってもらうために何か変化をもたらしたかったの。確かに反対する人はたくさんいるし、私が写真家になりたいと言うと、私もそういった人々に押し潰されそうになった。よく、”幸運を祈るよ、写真家で有名になるのは簡単なことじゃないし、お金を稼げる可能性もない。”とか、私が8歳の時、先生にモネのような芸術家になりたいと言ったら、”芸術家は死んでから有名になるの。女優とか他の夢を持つべきよ” って言われて来た。そういう会話を忘れずに、自分自身をずっと信じてきた。私の目的にしがみついて、みんなが間違ってるって証明したかったから。だから、今は全ての若い女性達に一生懸命頑張って、好きなことをやり続ければ必ず夢は叶うって知ってもらいたいです。
Dana Boulos may work in the most glamorized business, but her art captures the grit of human nature. Her nostalgic, dream like style, would feel too much like a fantasy for us to grasp, but it’s the raw, in your face aura she captures in her subjects that bring back to earth with a bang. These glamorized subjects featured in her work dawn an emotion, not just a pout. It seems her lenses make her subjects’ eyes speak to the viewer, locking you in their enticing stare. Read more to what this artist has to say about her art, cinema and what drives to continue creating.
Interview Q and A
ーWhat prompted you to start taking photos? Did any particular piece of work or artist motivate you to do so?
I started taking photographs at the age of 7. I documented everything my room, my friends & family and especially objects I would see on the street. I always knew I wanted to be an artist at such a young age.
ーFor you, is photography more of a technical art or something instinctive?
For me its an Art.
ーWhat popped out for me was that you’ve filmed a music video before. It’s always interesting to see how a photographers work alters from one media to the next, especially multi media. To you, how does cinematography differ from taking photos?
Thank you! Yes my first music video I filmed was for Egyptian Electro artist Bosaina and the WetRobots. I was excited when Vice & MTV selected the music video as their favorite new video. I’ve been studying Cinematography the past summer so I can perfect my skills. To me Photography & Cinematography are pretty much very similar except one doesn’t move and you need to create movement with the viewer’s eyes. I can get a bit dark when it comes to cinematography rather than in my photographs which some people find dreamy.
ーHow would you describe your photography style to someone’s who has never seen your work before?
Ambiguous, Dreamy, and Timeless.
ーHas cinema and music influenced your work at all? If so, how?
Yes growing up that’s all Idid was read books and watch movies. I would dissect every scene from costumes to set design to even how the extras are acting in the background. My mother always found it strange as to why I would critique a film. I just have a passion about it that sometime people don’t really understand. Films helped me create character with the way a model poses or acts in front of the camera. I always direct my models by telling them what type of role they are playing even when it comes to shooting a fashion editorial. Modeling is like acting its a real art, thats why I respect Crystal Renn and Ali Michael.
ーAny favorite musicians/bands?
Eartha Kitt, Serge Gainsbourg, Amy Winehouse, James Brown, Tamme Impala, Mark Ronson, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Bettie Davis, and Hall & Oats.
How about favorite artists?
Larry Clark, David Hamilton, Monet, Hedi Slimane, Jurgen Teller, and Francesca Woodman.
ーWhat drives you to shoot today?
I read an article that Dazed & Confused came out with on how there aren’t enough female directors out there..and I thought to myself
“Yes they’re right; there isn’t as many.. .”So, I decided to enroll in school to study Cinematography. I want to make a difference out there to let all young girls know that they can do what they want to. I definitely had a lot of people put me down when I told them I wanted to be a photographer. I got the usual comments of
“Oh….ya good luck…It’s a really hard industry and its not like you’ll get noticed nor make any money”
or when I was 8 and I told my teacher I want to be an artist like Monet my teacher responded with
“Artists get famous when they die honey, you need to think of another idea like maybe becoming an actress”
…those comments never left my mind and I never doubted myself. I stuck to my goals and proved everyone wrong. So at the end of the day I want all young girls to know they can make it happen by working hard and keep doing what you love!
Dona Boulos
A Fashion Photographer and Creative Director working in Los Angeles. She is noted for her distinctive style of work, which has been featured in Oyster, Vogue Girl, i-D, Vice and Elle Girl Japan, among many other quality titles.
Instagram: @danaboulos