


interview:Misa Inui
illustrations:Yoko Honda
非現実と80年代をテーマとした絵が大人気のYoko Hondaにインタビュー。
Illustrator Yoko Honda and her 80’s inspired artwork.
Robert AbleさんやKen Doneさん、最近ではElena EperさんやHattie Stewartさんです。
どれも思い入れがあるので選ぶのが難しいですが…昨年描いたmid nightです。この時はまだ趣味で描いていたのですが、はじめて大好きなマイケルジャクソンを絵にしたので、いつも以上に細部に拘って描いたのを覚えています。
幅広く何でも挑戦していきたいです。2015年の春夏はsandroparisやafends, lazy oaf、他にも洋服のコラボレーションさせていただいたので、今からリリースがとても楽しみです。
—From when did you decide to become an illustrator?
I liked illustrating ever since I was little and was told by others to become an illustrator, but drawing was always just a hobby to me. I still can’t believe that I’m drawing for a living!
—Your drawings remind us of the 80s. What message do you want to convey through your drawings?
I was a huge fan of Michael Jackson when I was in 4th grade and from then I started liking music and music videos, culture and art from the 80s. I still remember the impulse I had at that time and it influences my illustrations very much. When I draw, I feel like I have transported myself to the 80s so I feel very lucky.
In my illustrations, there is a combination of a nostalgic feeling and a sweet and sour taste of first love. To me, the 80s is a period of time that I can never go back to so I try to express my love for it through my illustrations as much as possible.
I hope that the people who see my illustrations will remember the 80s in their countries and enjoy them.
—Where is your most favorite place in the world?
Apart from Japan, I love California. I’ve also been to Los Angeles five times and it has been the place that has influenced me the most.
—Express your illustrations in one word.
Unreality and a trip to the 80s.
—Where does the inspiration from your illustrations come from?
When I listen to music (or even when I don’t), colors emerge and then I think of what I want to draw and I combine them together and it all becomes one.
—What do you think is important when drawing?
My style of drawing is to use a lot of color, so I try not to draw a plain drawing that people will get tired when looking at.
—Do you have a policy when drawing?
When I listen to 80s and 90s music, I get a lot of inspiration. Music is a necessity when drawing. I often listen to debarge. Also some images appear when I dream so at times I draw them too. In every day life, my brain is mostly turned off, so I don’t get much inspirations but when I see beautiful packages or designs or art, my brain instantly turns on and I get inspirations then.
—Any favorite artists?
I love Robert Able, Ken Done and recently Elena Eper and Hattie Stewart.
—Which of your illustrations are you most attached to?
I feel attached to all of my illustrations so it is difficult to choose but I would say “midnight” which I drew last year. I was still drawing for a hobby back then, but I drew Michael Jackson whom I love so I remember that I drew it in more detail than any other.
—Any future plans or goals?
I would like to try anything. I’ve collaborated with sandroparis, afends, lazy oaf and many others for their 2015 SS, so I’m very excited for them to be released.
Yoko Honda
2013年9月にグラフィックデザイナー、イラストレーターとしてデビュー。80年代にインスピレーションを受けた絵を描き、これまでに、Kylie Minogueのkiss me once tourのvisual artに参加し、neo legend, afends, grain supplyとのコラボレーションを果たし今現在海外を中心に幅広く活動している。
In September 2013, she debuted as a graphic designer and illustrator. She was heavily inspired by the 80s and has participated in the visual arts of Kylie Minogue’s kiss me once tour, and has done collaborations with neo legend, afends, grain supply and many more. Currently she lives in Tokyo and is active all over the world.