text:Risa Suigya
—Streamer Coffee SHIBUYAで一番力を入れている、大事にしていることは何ですか?
西海岸です。まるでコーヒーショップに見えないようなカジュアルでストリートなcoffee shopになるように、空間造りにこだわっています。店の内装もシアトル風にするようにこだわっているんですよ。
今回の取材を通して、迫田店長のstreamer coffee対する志や思いを感じたと同時に、Streamer Coffee Companyならではのこだわりや雰囲気造りを知ることができた。
取材していて、私自身が感じたこととして、Streamer Coffee Company ならではの良さはやはり雰囲気とラテアートだと感じた。Streamerは一度そこに入るとしばらく長居してしまいたくなるような落ち着く空間だ。一度入ると「もう外にでたくない!」と思ってしまうくらいに(笑)また海外のお客様が多いことから、まるで、日本にいることを忘れてしまうような錯覚に陥ってしまう。海外のお客様が多いことから、グローバルな空間が広がっていて軽い海外旅行をしている気分になる。店員さんもマニュアルにそった対応ではない、いい意味でのフランクさ、フレンドリーさを持っているように感じる。
アメリカの雰囲気を感じるのは、店の内装のおかげだけでなく、スタッフさんや来店されるお客さまの影響は大きいのだろう。また、ここのラテアートは必見だ!「どうしたらこんな細かい芸術作品をミルクフォームにかけるのだろう!!」と思わず口に出してしまうような、まるで芸術作品のようだ。 都内にすんでいるのなら確実に行くべきカフェの一つだろう。
A 10 minute walk from Shibuya Station, this small cafe is nestled in a small residential street one would not expect to be on the the outskirts of somewhere like Shibuya Station. A stylish cafe reminiscent of the streets of america, the inside maintains a minimalistic open space. The Seattle inspired store has you settle down, and get stuck in its comfortable atmosphere.
-At Streamer Coffee Shibuya, what is the thing you are putting the most effort into, what is the most important thing you are doing.
Definitely Latte Art, our owner is a World Latte Art champion. Our Shibuya exclusive Military Latte is really good.
-What is your store`s concept?
West Coast. We don`t want to look like all the other coffee shops, so to achieve that casual street look we make sure to keep a minimalistic space. We try hard to maintain our Seattle style.
-What type of clientele do you receive?
We receive mostly foreign customers.
-Is there any moment at work that makes you really enjoy your job?
When I`m giving a customer one of my latte`s. The staff practice making latte art everyday, just for that moment. We have an open kitchen layout so that we can present our latte art on a stage to show the customers from start to finish. Like I said, our boss is a latte art champion so it really is the thing we put all of our strength into at this store.
-Is there anything that you really cherish at this store?
The staff at this store. The staff are the ones who make the store. For this store the,staff are number one. Our store really takes care of the staff. To put it into words, our staff cares about each other, we communicate with each other. Rather than being a manager who is above his staff, we all see eye to eye and work together.
-Is there anything you feel like you can do as a privately owned cafe, that you feel you would not be able to if you were in a large chain store?
Well, its not just the owner that makes the menu items but also the staff. The normal staff and part timers are able to share there opinions about the menu structure among other things. I don`t think you can do that in a normal chain store. Because of how special our store is, compared to a chain store, everyone is able to put their heart into even basic footwork.
Through this interview, I can feel (the manager) Sakoda`s hopes and aspirations for Streamer Coffee and at the same time I can understand the passion and atmosphere you can only expect from Streamer Coffee Company. During the interview, I really felt the strengths of Streamer Coffee company come from the atmosphere and the latte art. The space is so comfortable that after entering, you feel like you want to stay forever. You never want to leave! More over, there are lots of foreign customers to the point that you are illusioned to the point that you forget you are in Japan. The foreigner customer base creates such a global space to the point of feeling that you are traveling overseas. Aiding to the laid back concept, the staff does not seem to conform to a strict manual allowing them to really give a frank and friendly presence. All these elements, the staff, the customers, the scenery, come together to make an incredible American atmosphere. Finally the latte art is definitely worth seeing. You will be forced to think, “How are the staff able to create such incredible art out of milk foam!?” Its like a formal art production. If you live in the metropolitan area this is one cafe that you must go to.