


text:Misa Inui
photo:Hattie Stewart
新時代のアーティストのHattie Stewartさんにインタビュー。独特なタッチで描く彼女の絵に迫る。
The new artist of the generation, Hattie Stewart and her the secrets behind her doodles.
世界中からや芸術界から影響を受けます。この数年でTumblrが大好きになり、仕事のためだけではなくインスピレーションのためにもよく見ています。 superhattiehattie.tumblr.comというインスピレーションブログがあって、無限にインスピレーションが湧きますし他の素晴らしいアーティストやその方の作品に出会わせてくれます。
バーでアルバイトをしている時に壁に飾ってあったLily Allenさんの写真に絵を描き始めたところから始まりました。とても面白いと思ったので自分の本棚にあるたくさんの雑誌に尊敬と皮肉を合わせて絵を描き始め今に至ります。
House of HollandとのコラボレーションはHenry (Holland)が私の仕事を理解してくれていて似たような感覚を持っている方なのでいつも一緒に仕事をするのが楽しいです。最近はKylie MinogueさんのKiss Me Onceのツアーに携わってDollhouseという八分間のメドレーを作りました。彼女のコンサートでその映像が流れるのを生で見たのが自分の仕事で一番興奮した瞬間の一つですね。
描いている絵によって、時々軽いスケッチを描きますがほぼ直感です。描き始める時にはどんな絵が完成するかが分からないのが逆に楽しいです。Doodle bombの表紙はキャラクターが頭の中にパッと出てきて紙に配置されていたのでそれから絵に取りかかり始めました。ラフスケッチを描くのはあまり得意じゃないかな。
とってもとっても素敵でした!それが第一印象かな。親友のBecky Sloan(Becky&Joe)ともっと色んな場所まで行こうと決め、京都と日光にも行きました。どこも素敵で違って少しだけど現代的な大都市や日本の伝統的な文化や自然に触れることが出来て本当によかったです!また日本に行ってじっくり観光したいです。
田名網敬一さんや横尾忠則さんの作品が大好きです。最近はYoko Hondaさん、そして外せないのは長い間大好きな草間弥生さん。
今のところはないですが、夢はたくさんあります!長い間コラボレーションしているLittle Sunny Biteとの仕事や他にもまだまだありますので期待して待っていて下さい!
ーWhere does the inspiration of your illustrations come from?
All over the place and from many different corners of the creative realm. In the last year or so I’ve fallen in love with Tumblr, not for my own work but as a tool for inspiration. I have an inspiration blog called superhattiehattie.tumblr.com, which is an endless source of inspiration for me and has introduced me not only to the work of other great artists but also the artists themselves.
ーWhen did you decide to become an illustrator?
Specifically I think on my foundation course. It was then that I realized that focusing on illustration which my my core love would still enable me to work in the other creative fields i was interested in – like fashion and photography.
ーWas it your childhood dream?
I had many dreams as a child but it took me a while to understand they could all be realized through illustration.
ーHow did you start illustrating on magazine covers?
I was working in a bar part time and there was an image of Lily Allen on the wall which I took down and started drawing over. I thought it created an interesting image so decided to apply it to the abundance of magazines on my shelf and the concept of homage and satire developed from there.
ーYou have done many illustrations for many magazines and fashion brands. Which collaboration or illustration was the most exciting or memorable?
I loved working with House Of Holland as Henry completely gets my work and has a similar tongue in cheek outlook to his designs so it’s always great fun to work with him! I recently also worked on Kylie Minogue’s Kiss Me Once tour and was able to create an 8 minute animation for her Dollhouse medley. Seeing it play live on stage during her concert was one of the biggest thrills i’ve had in my career so far.
ーThere is a lot of color in your illustrations but at the same time there are illustrations which are just black and white. How do you decide on the colors?
Totally dependent on the subject matter and my mood. I’ve always loved color but sometimes if it’s been color heavy for a long while I like to transition into black and white. Red can usually always be found in my work – warm colors I love.
ーWhat are your favorite colors?
Pink and red.
ーCan you describe your illustrations in a word?
ーWhat do you see as the most important aspect when drawing?
The freedom and escape from all around me, however brief.
ーDo you draw a draft before or do you draw directly by instinct?
Depending on the piece I sometimes draw a light sketch but it’s all always intuitive. Sometimes I don’t know how a piece will turn out when I put pen to paper but that’s the magic of it all. With the doodle bomb covers I tend to look at it briefly and suddenly in my mind the characters align themselves to the page and then I just get drawing. I prefer to avoid roughs – never been a fan of sketches.
ーYou recently visited Japan. What was your impression of Japan?
Intensely incredible! That was my first impression of Tokyo for sure. When I travelled there, my great buddy Becky Sloan (of super duo Becky&Joe) decided to explore a bit further and went to Kyoto and Nikko respectively. All incredible places and all so different but I loved being able to delve into (although far too briefly!) the modern metropolis, the cultural, natural and traditional aspects of Japan. I can’t wait to arrange another trip and explore it all in much more detail.
ーDo you have any favorite Japanese artists?
I love the work of Keiichi Tanaami and Tadanori Yokoo. I also have developed a recent obsession with Yoko Honda and who I have a long term love for, and of course, Yayoi Kusama.
ーDo you have any plans on working in Japan?
No plans just yet but a few dreams! I have a long term creative collaboration with the young brand Little Sunny Bite and few other little tricks up my sleeve but we’ll have to wait and see!
ーWhat are your future plans or goals?
To work with Beyonce and be able to continue doing what I love.
Hattie Stewart
Hattie Stewartはコルチェスター、エセックスを拠点に活動するロンドンのイラストレーター。彼女のユニークでふざけたスタイルが人気を集め、マーク・ジェイコブス、アディダスへのイラスト提供を始め、ロサンゼルス、ニューヨークベルリン、ロンドンで幅広く活動する。VOGUEやi-D,PLAYBOYなど数多くの雑誌の表紙、そしてTavi GevinsonのRookie MagazineやYearbookのイラストを手がけている。
Hattie Stewart is a young London based illustrator with a vibrant, cheeky style. A self – professed ‘professional doodler’ her unique and playful illustration extends itself through art and fashion having worked with designers such as House Of Holland, Marc By Marc Jacobs and Adidas as well as exhibiting in L.A, Miami, New York, Berlin and London. In recent years her notoriety has increased due to a project aptly titled ‘Doodle-Bombing’ where she draws over the covers of influential publications such as Interview, Vogue, i:D and Playboy who earlier this year featured her designs throughout their social media and print publication. Hattie is also a frequent contributor to Tavi Gevinson’s Rookie Magazine and subsequent Yearbooks as well as Nylon magazine. Hattie has previously collaborated with the artist Azealia Banks on a set of doodle bombed portraits and more recently with Roman Coppola and Old Navy which saw her work animated and brought to life for their recent Fall 13 campaign. Only three years out of university Hattie is looking forward to an even more exciting year ahead with a worldwide campaign with Pepsi and a few secret projects up her sleeve.