Bilingual Culture Magazine

Ykiki Beat Live Report @Tokyo WWW

text:Gavin Gould-chidester
translation:Chihiro Sato
photo:Akiko Noguchi

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渋谷WWWで3月2日開催されたZINE ’WEARY’のリリースパーティ。4組のバンドがステージに立ち、リリースを祝った。その夜の幕を開けたのは以前Woolyでもインタビューをした5人組バンド”Ykiki Beat”。そんなスペシャルな夜に行われた彼らのライブレポートをお届けします!

メロウでいて柔らかい音を奏でる’Garden’でその夜は幕を開けた。彼らの音楽は観客の興奮を求めるというよりも会場を温めてくれる。目を閉じて音の波と振動に酔いしれたくなるようなボーカル秋山の声に会場は引き込まれる。2曲目の’Farewell Party’は1曲目の’Garden’と同じスタイルだが、しかし少し荘厳なトーン。野末によってリードされるシンセベースのポッピーなイントロ。秋山の呼びかけにより揺れるオーディエンス。英語のリリックがわからない人たちでさえもサウンドを通して、その音色によって曲のフィーリングをつかめる。

オープニングを終え、Ykiki Beatはようやく観客に挨拶をした。インディバンドのライブの良いところは、なんといっても親しみやすさだ。ボーカル秋山が話しかければ、会場はバンドとの繋がりを感じられる。会場の空気は温かく、ファンも近く感じる。フルアルバムができたらこんな感じだろうと垣間見せるように新曲のセットを演奏する。この夜の最も記憶に残る瞬間はギター嘉本がドラムスティックに持ち替え、ドラム関口と共に叩く、’the call’だった。

新曲を数曲披露したあと、紹介もなく彼らのヒットソング’Forever’が始まった。イントロから一気に会場の熱気が増したのがすぐにわかった。突っ立っていたオーディエンスすら体を揺らし始め、微笑みを浮かべながら踊り始めた。会場全体が最高の雰囲気に包まれ、その瞬間はリスナー一人一人の心に届くポップロックバンドとして Ykiki Beatの未来を表していた。

そのセットは’Dances’と、秋山からの言葉で閉められた。ポッピーでエキサイティングで、ショーの締めくくりに相応しい興奮を最後にもたらした。Ykiki Beatのライブにぜひ足を運び、彼らの音楽への愛と情熱に対する真摯な姿を目の当たりにして欲しい。Ykiki Beatはビッグになるためにここにいるわけではなく、彼らが全身全霊で打ち込むものを世界へと発信しているのだ。もしYkiki Beatのスタイルが好みでなくても彼らの作った曲は、音楽ファンなら聴かねば損。ネットで聴くのもありだが、彼らがステージで見せるものとはまったく違うものだ。最高のインディナイトをありがとう、Ykiki Beat。

March 3rd at www shibuya, new zine Weary held their release party. As part of a collaboration, 4 bands took the stage to help celebrate the release. The first to debut from the curtain was a band Wooly had the pleasure of interviewing previously, 5 piece band Ykiki Beat. We bring you a live report of that special night.

The night opened with the mellow, but still warm “Garden”. The band starts gently and melodically. They don’t seek to excite you, but warm you with their music. Nobuki’s voice draws you in; you don’t want to rock out, you want to close your eyes and rest on the waves and vibes that music brings. From a journey around the world, we see someone off. “Farewell Party” follows the same style as Garden but follows a somewhat more solemn tone. The synth based intro lead by Koki is poppy, but almost in a remorseful way. The audience sways with the call of Nobuki. Even for those in the audience that can’t understand English, the tone of the composition still makes one understand the feeling, just through sound.

Following their opening, Ykiki finally greets the crowd. The greatest thing about Indie shows is the feeling of comradely. When Nobuki talks to the audience, they feel involved. The air is warm and fans feel like a family. Like a gift for the family Ykiki plays a set of new songs giving a taste of what’s to come, and a taste of what a full album might feel like. The overall tone shows a direction towards experimentation. The most notable moment of the night comes from their second new song, in which guitarist Kohei drops the guitar, in favor of picking up drumsticks and joining Mizuki on the drums. The song is electrifying and shows a throwback to Ykiki’s predecessor, DYGL. Experimentation continues when we see bassist Yotaro losing bass for a synth, creating a song more akin to techno music than the normal rock sound Ykiki has brought so far. Neither experiment falls short however as the audience follows every decision, energized by the rising pace of the concert.

After the string of new songs, with no introduction Ykiki blazes into their most well known single, Forever. The audience has been with this band but the energy explodes just at the intro. Even the band seems to exude confidence and pumps up a level from an indie band, to a seasoned veteran that could sell out shows. The polish, refinement, and love in this song is extraordinarily apparent, and the audience who up until now were swaying, are bustling and dancing with grins on their faces. The entire house seems to be washed in a wave of good feelings. Its moments like this that shows Ykiki’s future, as a pop rock band that will be in the hearts of every music listener soon.

The set closes with one more new song and some nice words from the band. The song is poppy and exciting putting a well-deserved exclamation point at the end of the performance. If there is one thing I can take from listening to Ykiki live, it is that they are earnest in their love and passion for the music. They aren’t here to get famous, they are here to share something they put all their heart into to the world. Even if they aren’t your style of music, the amount of work they put into their music disserves admiration. You might listen to them online and feel like you have an understanding, but it does not come close to what they put out on stage.

Ykiki Beat
Nobuki Akiyama (Vo. Gt.)
Kohei Kamoto (Gt.)
Koki Nozue (Syn.)
Yotaro Kachi (Ba.)
Mizuki Sakiguchi (Dr.)


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