Bilingual Culture Magazine

Takuroku girls

Text/Translation:Natsuko Fukai
Photo:Risa yokogi


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もともと注目されていた宅録。しかしそれが日本でブームになったのはアメリカで大ブレイク中の宅録女子コンピューターマジックの音楽が2015年8月に放送された福山雅治主演するキューピーマヨネーズのコマーシャルにて採用されたことがきっかけである。そんな宅録女子を集めた「宅録“女子”EXPO2 」(2016年7月15日)@月見ル君思フは2016年2月に大好評であった「宅録EXPO」に引き続き行われた対バンライブだ。今の時代を颯爽と駆け抜けている若きアーティストMACHINA、ermhoi、Utae、Maika Loubteに「宅録」についてうかがった。



中学校2年生の頃にパソコンのボイスレコーダーで自分の声を多重録音したいって思ったのがきっかけですね。人に頼むと違う音楽になっちゃうんですよね。最近は宅録のイベントによく誘われるようになってきましたが、私はひっそりとやっていたい気質でもあるのでそういう面が注目されるといいなと思います。ニコニコ動画なんかでもボカ録で音楽作ってる人がたくさんいるのでオタクの文化として倦厭されがちな部分もありますがそれも含めてアート性の高い音楽であるということが広まって欲しいです。初音ミクが音楽作家の渋谷慶一朗さんなどとコラボレーションしたのは話題でしたよね。いわゆる “オタク文化”との境界線がなくなりつつあるのかもしれないですね。

Maika Loubte


Appel GirlとしてYouTubeに動画を公開し世界中を驚かせたYeo Hee(ヨヒ)のソロプロジェクト。iPhoneを駆使したレディー・ガガのカバー動画はあっという間に拡散。YouTuberの先駆けとなる。作詞作曲アレンジまで手がけた初のセルフ・プロデュース作品「Hear Me」をリリース後、ハンドメイドによるミュージックビデオ「I Am You」を公開。モデルとして、Mac Fanカバーガールやロッテ「キシリトールガム」CMに出演。花王ソフィーナ「プリマヴィスタ」CMソング(ユーリズミックスのカバー)を歌うなど活発に活動。音楽だけでなく映像も手掛けるニュータイプの宅録女子として話題に。

日本とアイルランドの血を持ち、これまで多ジャンルをクロスして聞いてきた音楽を独自な解釈によって電子音と声とウクレレ、時たまトランペットでアウトプットする。2015年First Album“Junior Refugee”をリリース。その後はツアー並みの回数でライブに参加し、ジャズ、ロック、実験、エレクトロ、と様々なシーンに登場する。東京ブランド、maison de Fのコレクション音楽を手掛け、現在は次回作を構想中。


Maika Loubte
日仏ハーフのSSW/トラックメーカー。平成生まれ。東京在住。幼少期から十代を日本・パリ・香港で過ごし、14歳で作詞/作曲、自宅でレコーディングを始める。2016年夏にリリースする『Le Zip』は、Mitch Nakano、Yukari Shinomiyaをはじめとした友人のクリエイターたちとのコラボレーションによる46ページPHOTO BOOK付のCD+BOOKとデジタルでのリリースが決定している。また、この作品のリリースパーティーは、09月09日に渋谷O-nest行われjan and naomi、DYGL、Sapphire Slows、Yuksen Buyers Houseの出演が決定している。有機的な歌声と独創的な電子サウンドからなるボーダレスなポップセンスが耳の早い音楽ファンからの注目を集めている。、Neat’s+AZUMA HITOMIらによるアナログシンセサイザーカルテット「Hello Wendy!」のメンバーとしても活躍中。

Takuroku (recording audio at home) was already in attention. However the trigger for Takutoku boom was after the popular American artist Computer Magic’s song was used for Kewpie Mayonnaise’s commercial by Fukuyama Masaharu on August 2015. “Takuroku Jyoshi EXPO2″ was a music even which took place on 15th of July 2016, after the great success of “Takuroku EXPO” on February 2016 at Tsukimiru Kimi Omofu. Wooly was able to interview about Takuroku to these young artists MACHINA, ermhoi, Utae and Maika Loubte, who are dashing through such time.

“I was arranging songs while I was a vocalist in Korea, but I started created songs since 20 years old and when I started my career in Japan, I started using instruments and writing songs. I feel that computer and Synthesizer has became a big part of me since 4 years ago, that it became an essential tool for me to express my colors. It might look lonely to be doing work alone, but I think it is something lovely. You are the only one able to fully express your own feeling. If Takuroku infiltrate, I feel that I can gain more response from people.”

I was influenced from the surrounding people who were creating through Takuroku and began working on music more seriously when a friend of mine gave me an audio interface. I feel that Takuroku allow more and more people to create music casually. Sometimes, I feel that using words are hard to describe how I feeling, or even doubt the existence of a word, but music allows me to express my inner feelings more smoothly; the non-verbal world has expanded.

started doing Takuroku in my 8th grade, recording my voice in the voice recorder on the computer. I feel that when someone else does the work for me, it doesn’t turn the way I want it to sound. Recently I received invitation to Takuroku events more frequently then before, but I am the type of person who want to create music quietly alone; I hope such aspect will also be in attention. There are many artists creating music using voice recording and later on uploading on niconico, so many people may consider it to be a part of the Otaku culture, but I hope people also understand the artistic aspect of Takuroku. The collaboration between Hatsune Miku and the musician Shibuya Keiichirou was on topic. Perhaps the boarder line between “Otaku Culture” is becoming hard to be distinguish.

Make Loubte
Since middle school, I have been creating songs using piano, and with the influence of the Beatles, I started to feel that I want to add other instruments and arrange the music. Unfortunately there weren’t anyone doing music, so I started recording by myself using family synthesizer. I learned how to use synthesizer by playing around with it. Now that technology is in advance, anyone is able to do Takuroku more frankly than ever.
However, I feel that Takuroku is a genre which exists but doesn’t. The pricess of Takuroku is the same, but the music created by it is diverse. That is why I feel happy and want to talk to the musician who creates the same type of music. I hope this scene becomes more in depth.

Perhaps self-produce is the new breath of air in the music industry. It is not rare for an artist to design their own jacket cover for CD and their promotion video. In such era, we cannot deny the fact that Takuroku artists are starting to stand out. The live took place at by gathering young female artist who are gaining popularity in the underground music scenes.

Half Japanese and Irland, she outputs her music using electronic sounds and vocal by personal interpretation of the various genres she has been listening to. After releasing her first album “Junior Refugee” in 2015, she has been participating in lives or various genres starting from Jazz, Rock and Elctro. Currently creating new song, after working on the music for the Tokyo brand maison de F collection.

Dream Pop Syndrome. She has been participating in various roles as a composer, model and radio personality, currently trying to find the ultimate form of “Takuroku Jyoshi” (Takuroku girl). Worked as a guest vocal and working on music video of electro jazz unit “UN.a”.

Make Loubte
Maika Loubté was born in Japan to French father and Japanese mother. She grew up in Japan, Paris and Hong Kong. Learning the piano since she was 5 years old,she started songwriting and home-recording through self-study at the age of 14.
Maika pursues her career in Tokyo as a singer and songwriter, making all of her music in her private studio. She seeks the new alternative pops of the next generation with her unique electronic sound and sweet singing voice. She also works as a composer, record producer, pianist, synthesizer player, and model. She has composed for movies, advertisements and collection movies for fashion brands. As a model, she has had numerous photo sessions, modeled in various fashion magazines and an advertisement for a major instrument company. So far, Maika has collaborated with artists such as Yuko Araki, jan (Great3・jan & naomi), Yuske Satou and Yumiko Ohno (Buffalo Daughter). She has participated as an engineer and arranger in the theater music project by Ohno, who remixed “Open Me.” Recently, she was featured in the album “5” by 80KIDZ. Her new album “Le Zip” will come out in summer 2016.


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