Bilingual Culture Magazine

Anne Sofie Madsen 2016AW

text and photo:Makoto Kikuchi
Anne Sofie Madsen 2016AW review

  • anne
  • あんそふぃ
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  • anne sofie 3
  • アンソフィ1
  • JP
  • EN

Woolyマガジン最新号にて、独占インタビューを敢行したデンマーク出身の注目デザイナー、Anne Sofie Madsen。Wooly Magazine Vol.23では彼女のファッション観、そしてアジアに向けた市場拡大の戦略にフォーカスした。

席に座ってまだスポットライトが当たっていないランウェイをぼんやり眺めていると不意に、ああそうか、と合点がいく。彼らはFake Tokyo自慢のショップスタッフ達だ。渋谷ロフト付近の路地裏に位置するあのビルディングに、来日中の海外スターはこぞって集う。それをもてなすスタッフ達は言わばあの街のファッションアイコンだ。

つまるところ、DHL EXPORTED AWARDを受賞し、世界中の注目を一心に浴びるAnne Sofie Madsenを日本で青田買いしたのは、またもやFake Tokyoだったというわけである。MARQUES ALMEIDAもJACQUEMUSもそうだった。ここ数シーズンのMVPと言っていいブランド達を、ここ東京でいち早くインポートしたのはいつだってFake Tokyoだ。



分かっているのはどちらなのだろう。エース不在と言われる東京のファッションウィークに気鋭のデザイナーをインポートしてきたFake Tokyoか。それともVetements、J.W.Andersonから始まるここ数シーズンのファッションシーンに流れる気流に乗ったAnne Sofie Madsenか。
後に控えたインタビューで聞いた、小鳥のさえずりのように楽しげなAnneの声音と、立ち止まって談笑するFake Tokyoスタッフの爽快な笑顔は、そう物語っていた。

Anne Sofie Medsan is a designer from Denmark. We had an interview to her and it’s on our latest issue. In this article below, we’d like to report how her 2016 AW collection was at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Tokyo.

While I was guided to my seat, I was wondering “I had met this guy before.” When I was gazing at the empty runway, suddenly I got it. “Ah, they are all staffs of Fake Tokyo.” I thought. Fake Tokyo is the hottest shop is Shibuya. For superstars all over the world, it is quite popular and ordinary to visit the store during the stay in Japan. I think it is natural that those who entertain a lot of superstars would be fascinating people. And it’s true. The crews of Fake Tokyo must be fashion icons in that town, Shibuya.

What I mean is that Fake Tokyo has succeeded to import an upcoming brand again. Taking the example of Marques Almeida or Jacquemus, they had always chosen the best brands to please all customers. And I would like to say that they would continue winning the game of fashion industry. The show was amazing beyond description. That’s why I can assert that in such a way.

As for this collection, the designer said that she was inspired by the story of Elvis Presley. It is said that Elvis’s twin had passed away just after the twins was born. Such incompleteness was expressed in the mixed-up styles using various materials or something like that. In addition, the fact that Elvis is descended from Native Americans also caught her attention. Such elements can be seen in the fabrics or textiles. Considering such things, inspiration of her designs, nobody can deny what she said in our interview later; “Fashion is like a huge story.”

The crossing of masculinity and femininity, or casual and formal atmosphere/ mixing-up of various materials/ listless-like mode…every elements are gathered to make “current” mood in fashion scene.

After the show, someone (I think he was just an audience.) said to himself “They know it.” It’s not clear that the man meant which one knows it. Perhaps he meant Fake Tokyo, who succeeded to import upcoming brand or Anne Sofie Madsen, who is catching up the trend in this current fashion scene.

I don’t care about the answer. But there is just one thing I can say. It is that the strategy of marketing does not the matter for them. What makes they move is just the feeling of “It’s cool.” I felt so when I saw the Fake Tokyo’s staffs talking with friends and laughing after the show and when the interview to Anne was going on, listening to her birds-like voice.


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